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Pygame Menu

Pygame Menu

Menu for pygame. Simple, lightweight and easy to use

@ppizarror License MIT Python 2.7+/3.5+ Pygame 1.9.4+

Python library that can create a simple menu for the pygame application. Supports:

  1. Textual menus
  2. Buttons
  3. Lists of values (selectors) that can trigger functions when pressing return or changing the value
  4. Input text
  5. Color input

NOTE: pygame-menu v2 will not provide new widgets or functionalities, consider upgrading to the latest version.

Table of Contents


Normal button menu

Textual menus

Mouse support

Different inputs


Pygame-menu can be installed via pip. Simply run:

pip install pygame-menu

Currently, Python 2.7+ and 3.4+ (3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7) are supported.


Import of this library is similar to pygame:

import pygameMenu

Library structure

Module Description
pygameMenu.config Default configuration of Menus
pygameMenu.controls Control definition, constants, etc. Events definition, constants, etc.
pygameMenu.font Menu font management
pygameMenu.locals Menu constants
pygameMenu.Menu Menu class
pygameMenu.sound Sound management
pygameMenu.TextMenu TextMenu class
pygameMenu.version Version of the library


Creating menus

  • Menu

    This class creates a menu.

    pygameMenu.Menu(surface, window_width, window_height, font, title, *args) # -> Menu object

    Parameters are the following:

    Param Description Type Default
    surface Pygame surface object Pygame Surface -
    window_width Window width size (px) int -
    window_height Window height size (px) int -
    font Font file dir str -
    title Title of the menu (main title) str -
    back_box Draw a back-box button on header bool True
    bgfun Background drawing function (only if menupause app) function None
    color_selected Color of selected item tuple MENU_SELECTEDCOLOR
    dopause Pause game bool True
    draw_region_x Drawing position of element inside menu (x-axis) as percentage int MENU_DRAW_X
    draw_region_y Drawing position of element inside menu (y-axis) as percentage int MENU_DRAW_Y
    draw_select Draw a rectangle around selected item (bool) bool MENU_SELECTED_DRAW
    enabled Menu is enabled by default or not bool True
    font_color Color of font tuple MENU_FONT_COLOR
    font_size Font size of menu widgets int MENU_FONT_SIZE
    font_size_title Font size of the title int MENU_FONT_SIZE_TITLE
    font_title Alternative font of the title str None
    fps Fps limit of the menu, 0: no limit int,float 0
    joystick_enabled Enable joystick support bool True
    menu_alpha Alpha of background (0=transparent, 100=opaque) int MENU_ALPHA
    menu_color Menu color tuple MENU_BGCOLOR
    menu_color_title Background color of title tuple MENU_TITLE_BG_COLOR
    menu_height Height of menu (px) int MENU_HEIGHT
    menu_width Width of menu (px) int MENU_WIDTH
    mouse_enabled Enable mouse support bool True
    mouse_visible Mouse visible or not, if not mouse_enabled wil be disabled True
    onclose Event that applies when closing menufunction PymenuAction None
    option_margin Margin of each element in menu (px) int MENU_OPTION_MARGIN
    option_shadow Indicate if a shadow is drawn on each option bool MENU_OPTION_SHADOW
    option_shadow_offset Offset of option text shadow int MENU_SHADOW_OFFSET
    option_shadow_position Position of shadow string MENU_SHADOW_POSITION
    rect_width Border width of rectangle around a selected item int MENU_SELECTED_WIDTH
    title_offsetx Offset x-position of title (px) int 0
    title_offsety Offset y-position of title (px) int 0
    widget_alignment Default widget alignment string locals.ALIGN_CENTER

    Check the possible values for the widget alignment and shadow position in configuration.

  • TextMenu

    This class creates a textual menu.

    pygameMenu.TextMenu(surface, window_width, window_height, font, title, *args) # -> TextMenu object

    This class inherits from Menu, so the parameters are the same, except for the following extra parameters:

    Param Description Type Default
    draw_text_region_x X-Axis drawing region of the text int TEXT_DRAW_X
    text_align Text default alignment string locals.ALIGN_LEFT
    text_color Text color tuple TEXT_FONT_COLOR
    text_fontsize Text font size int MENU_FONT_TEXT_SIZE
    text_margin Line margin int TEXT_MARGIN

Adding options and entries to menus

Menu and TextMenu have the next functions:

  • add_button(element_name, element, *args)

    Adds an option to the menu (buttons).

    Param Description Type Default
    element_name String on menu entry str Required
    element Menu object (Menu, function or Menu-Event) supported PymenuAction, function, Menu Required
    *args Additional arguments - -
    **kwargs Additional keyword-arguments - -

    Additional keyword arguments:

    Param Description Type Default
    align Button alignment str locals.ALIGN_CENTER
    font_size Font size widget (overrides Menu default) int Menu font_size default
    option_id Option identifier str ""

    Check possible alignment in configuration.


    def fun():
    help_menu = pygameMenu.TextMenu(surface, window...)
    help_menu.add_button('Simple button', fun, align=pygameMenu.locals.ALIGN_LEFT)
    help_menu.add_button('Return to Menu',

    Another example:

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(surface, window...)
    menu.add_button(timer_menu.get_title(), timer_menu)         # Adds timer submenu
    menu.add_button(help_menu.get_title(), help_menu)           # Adds help submenu
    menu.add_button(about_menu.get_title(), about_menu)         # Adds about submenu
    menu.add_button('Exit',        # Adds exit function
  • add_selector(title, values, selector_id, default, align, font_size, onchange, onreturn, **kwargs)

    Adds a selector to the menu: several options with values and two functions that are executed when the selector is changed left/right (onchange) or Return key is pressed on the element (onreturn).

    Param Description Type Default
    title String on menu entry str Required
    values Value list, list of tuples list Required
    selector_id Selector identification str ""
    default Default index of the displayed option int 0
    align Widget alignment str locals.ALIGN_CENTER
    font_size Font size widget (overrides Menu default) int Menu font_size default
    onchange Function that executes when change the value of selector function None
    onreturn Function that executes when pressing return button on selected item function None
    **kwargs Additional arguments - -

    Check possible alignment in configuration.


    def change_color_bg(value, c=None, **kwargs):
        Change background color.
        color, _ = value
        if c == (-1, -1, -1):  # If random color
            c = (randrange(0, 255), randrange(0, 255), randrange(0, 255))
        if kwargs['write_on_console']:
            print('New background color: {0} ({1},{2},{3})'.format(color, *c))
        COLOR_BACKGROUND[0] = c[0]
        COLOR_BACKGROUND[1] = c[1]
        COLOR_BACKGROUND[2] = c[2]
    def reset_timer():
        Reset timer function.
    timer_menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    # Add selector
    timer_menu.add_selector('Change bgcolor',
                            # Values of selector, call to change_color_bg
                            [('Random', (-1, -1, -1)),  # Random color
                             ('Default', (128, 0, 128)),
                             ('Black', (0, 0, 0)),
                             ('Blue', COLOR_BLUE)],
                            None, # onchange
                            change_color_bg, # onreturn
                            write_on_console=True # Optional change_color_bg param
    timer_menu.add_button('Reset timer', reset_timer)
    timer_menu.add_button('Return to Menu',
    timer_menu.add_button('Close Menu',
  • add_text_input(title, textinput_id, default, input_type, input_underline, maxchar, maxwidth, align, font_size, enable_copy_paste, enable_selection, password, onchange, onreturn, valid_chars, **kwargs)

    Adds a text input to menu: several options with values and two functions that execute when updating the text in the text entry and pressing the Return key on the element.

    Param Description Type Default
    title Label string on menu entry str Required
    textinput_id Text input identificator str ""
    default Default value to display str ""
    input_type Data type of the input str locals.INPUT_TEST
    input_underline Char underline of the input str ""
    maxchar Maximum length of string, if 0 there's no limit int 0
    maxwidth Maximum size of the text widget, if 0 there's no limit int 0
    align Text input alignment str locals.ALIGN_CENTER
    font_size Font size widget (overrides Menu default) int Menu font_size default
    enable_copy_paste Enables copy, paste and cut bool True
    enable_selection Enables text selection bool
    password Input is displayed as a password bool False
    onchange Function that executes when change the value of text input function None
    onreturn Function that executes when pressing return button function None
    valid_chars List of valid characters, if None all chars are valid list[str], None
    **kwargs Additional arguments - -

    Check possible alignment or data type in configuration.


    def check_name_test(value):
        This function tests the text input widget.
        :param value: The widget value
        :return: None
        print('User name: {0}'.format(value))
    settings_menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    # Add text input
    settings_menu.add_text_input('First name: ', default='John', onreturn=check_name_test)
    settings_menu.add_text_input('Last name: ', default='Rambo', maxchar=10)
    settings_menu.add_text_input('Some long text: ', maxwidth=15)
    settings_menu.add_button('Return to main menu',
  • add_color_input(title, color_type, color_id, default, input_separator, input_underline, align, font_size, onchange, onreturn, previsualization_width, **kwargs)

    Adds a color widget with RGB or Hex format. Includes a preview box that renders the given color.

    Param Description Type Default
    title Label string on menu entry str Required
    color_type Type of the color, can be "rgb" or "hex" str Required
    color_id Color input identificator str ""
    default Default value of the color str (hex), tuple (r,gb,) ""
    input_separator Character used to separate channels in RGB format str ","
    input_underline Char underline of the input str ""
    align Text input alignment str locals.ALIGN_CENTER
    font_size Font size widget (overrides Menu default) int Menu font_size default
    onchange Function that executes when change the value of text input function None
    onreturn Function that executes when pressing return button function None
    previsualization_width Width of the previsualization of the color, scale of the widget height int,float 3
    **kwargs Additional arguments - -

    Check possible alignment or data type in configuration.


    def check_color_value(value):
        This function tests the color input value.
        :param value: The widget value (tuple)
        :return: None
        print('New color: {0}'.format(color))
    settings_menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    settings_menu.add_color_input('Color RGB: ', color=type='rgb', default=(255, 0, 255), onreturn=check_color_value)
    settings_menu.add_color_input('Empty color in RGB: ', color_type='rgb', input_separator='-')
    settings_menu.add_color_input('Color in Hex: ', color_type='hex', default='#ffaa11')
  • add_line(text)

    Adds a new line on the TextMenu object.


    HELP = ['Press ESC to enable/disable Menu',
            'Press ENTER to access a Sub-Menu or use an option',
            'Press UP/DOWN to move through Menu',
            'Press LEFT/RIGHT to move through Selectors']
    menu_help = pygameMenu.TextMenu(...)
    for line in HELP:
        menu_help.add_line(line) # Add line
    menu_help.add_button('Return to Menu',
  • clear()

    Performs a full reset, and clears all the widgets.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
  • disable(closelocked)

    Disables Menu (doesn't check events and draw on the surface). If closelocked is True, all the locked submenus are closed too.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
  • draw()

    Draws Menu on surface.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
  • enable()

    Enables Menu (can check events and draw).

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
  • full_reset()

    Resets the menu back to the origin.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
  • get_fps()

    Gets the current frames per second of the Menu.

    fps = main_menu.get_fps() # -> 60.0
  • get_input_data(recursive=False, depth=0)

    Gets input data from a menu. The results are given as a dict object; the keys are the ID of each element. If recursive, the data will contain inputs from sub-menus; depth defines the depth of each input. It's used only as an informative value for now.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    menu.get_input_data() # -> {'id1': value, 'id2': value}
  • get_position()

    Returns the menu position as a tuple (x1, y1, x2, y2), where (x1, y1) is the top-left position and (x2, y2) is the bottom-right position.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    menu.get_position() # -> (50, 100, 500, 500)
  • get_title()

    Gets the title of the menu.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(..., title='Menu title', ...)
    menu.get_title() # -> 'Menu title'
  • get_widget(widget_id, recursive=False)

    Gets the widget object from its ID.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    menu.get_widget('id1') # -> <pygameMenu.widgets.textinput.TextInput object at 0x10ac2db38>
  • is_disabled()

    Checks if the menu is disabled.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    menu.is_disabled() # -> True
  • is_enabled()

    Checks if the menu is enabled.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    menu.is_enabled() # -> False
  • mainloop(events=None)

    Main loop of menu. In this function, the Menu can handle exceptions and draw. If parameter dopause is enabled, then Menu pauses the application and checks Events.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    # Main application
    while True:
        # Application events
        events = pygame.event.get()
        # Menu loop (If onpause is enabled then an infinite-loop is triggered on this line)
  • reset(total)

    Resets the menu (back) a certain number of times (total).

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    menu.reset(1) # Back
  • set_fps(fps, recursive=True)

    Sets the FPS limit of the menu. If recursive is True, the limit is applied to all submenus.

    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    menu.set_fps(30, True)
  • set_sound(sound, recursive=False)

    Adds a sound engine to the menu. If recursive, the sound is applied to all submenus.

    sound = pygameMenu.sound.Sound()
    menu = pygameMenu.Menu(...)
    menu.set_sound(sound, True)

Menu events

Event Description
BACK Go back on menu
CLOSE Close menu
DISABLE_CLOSE Disable close menu
EXIT Close application
RESET Reset menu

These events must be imported from


A basic sound engine can be created using the Sound class, imported from pygameMenu.sound. The sound engine can be customized by setting a sound file to several sounds defined by a type. For example, buttons or keys.

  • Sound

    This class creates a basic sound engine.

    pygameMenu.sound.Sound(uniquechannel, frequency, size, channels, buffer, devicename, allowedchanges)

    Parameters are the following:

    Param Description Type Default
    uniquechannel Force the channel to be unique, this is set at the moment of creation of the object bool True
    frequency Frequency of sounds int 22050
    size Size of sample int -16
    channels Number of channels by default int 2
    buffer Buffer size int 4096
    devicename Device name str ""
    allowedchanges Convert the samples at runtime int 0
  • get_channel()

    Gets the channel of the sound engine.

    sound = pygameMenu.sound.Sound(...)
    sound.get_channel() # -> <Channel object at 0x0000023AC8EA2CF0>
  • get_channel_info()

    Gets the current channel information of the sound engine.

    sound = pygameMenu.sound.Sound(...)
    sound.get_channel_info() # -> {'busy': 0, 'endevent': 0, 'queue': None, 'sound': None, 'volume': 1.0}
  • load_example_sounds(volume=0.5)

    Loads the example sounds provided by the package.

    sound = pygameMenu.sound.Sound(...)
  • pause()

    Pauses the current channel.

  • set_sound(sound, file, volume, loops, maxtime, fade_ms)

    Sets a sound file to a sound type.

    Param Description Type Default
    sound_type Sound type str -
    sound_file Sound file str -
    volume Volume of the sound float 0.5
    loops Number of loops of the sound int 0
    maxtime Max playing time of the sound int 0
    fade_ms Fading ms int 0

    Sound types are the following:

    Type Description
    SOUND_TYPE_CLOSE_MENU A menu is closed
    SOUND_TYPE_ERROR Generic error
    SOUND_TYPE_EVENT Generic event
    SOUND_TYPE_EVENT_ERROR Error generated by user
    SOUND_TYPE_KEY_ADDITION User type a key
    SOUND_TYPE_KEY_DELETION User deletes with a key
    SOUND_TYPE_OPEN_MENU A menu is opened
    sound = pygameMenu.sound.Sound()
    sound.set_sound(pygameMenu.sound.SOUND_TYPE_ERROR, None) # Disable a sound
    sound.set_sound(pygameMenu.sound.SOUND_TYPE_OPEN_MENU, 'C:/.../example.ogg')
  • stop()

    Stops the current channel.

  • unpause()

    Unpauses the current channel.

Configuration values

The different configuration values must be loaded from pygameMenu.locals.



Data type


Shadow position


Using fonts

This library also has some fonts to use. To load a font, run this code:

import pygameMenu

fontdir = pygameMenu.font.FONT_NAME
some_menu = pygameMenu.Menu(surface,

Available embedded fonts (FONT_NAME):

  • 8BIT

System fonts can also be used. The available system fonts can be listed using the following command in a python shell:

import pygame

Other configurations

The default parameters of Menu and TextMenu are stored in the following files:

File Description
pygameMenu.config Configure default parameter of Menu and TextMenu class
pygameMenu.controls Configure default key-events of Menus and widgets


To run the examples, simply execute these commands in a terminal:

py -m pygameMenu.examples.game_selector
py -m pygameMenu.examples.multi_input
py -m pygameMenu.examples.timer_clock

The examples can also be imported as follows:

from pygameMenu.examples.example import main


Pablo Pizarro R. | 2017 - 2020


Special greetings to:


This project is licensed under MIT

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