When submitting a pull request (PR), please use the following guidelines:
- Make sure your code respects existing formatting conventions. In general, follow the same coding style as the code that you are modifying.
- Do add/update documentation appropriately for the change you are making.
- If you are introducing a new feature you may want to first submit your idea for feedback to the Confluent mailing list.
- Non-trivial features should include unit tests covering the new functionality.
- Bugfixes should include a unit test or integration test reproducing the issue.
- Try to keep pull requests short and submit separate ones for unrelated features, but feel free to combine simple bugfixes/tests into one pull request.
- Keep the number of commits small and combine commits for related changes.
- Each commit should compile on its own and ideally pass tests.
- Keep formatting changes in separate commits to make code reviews easier and distinguish them from actual code changes.
- Fork the confluentinc/cp-docker-images repository into your GitHub account
- Clone your fork of the GitHub repository
$ git clone git@github.com:<username>/cp-docker-images.gitNote: replace <username> with your GitHub username.
- Add a remote to keep up with upstream changes
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/confluentinc/cp-docker-images.gitIf you already have a copy, fetch upstream changes
$ git fetch upstream
- Create a feature branch to work in
$ git checkout -b feature-xxx remotes/upstream/master
- Work in your feature branch
$ git commit -a
- Periodically rebase your changes
$ git pull --rebase
- When done, combine ("squash") related commits into a single one
$ git rebase -i upstream/masterThis will open your editor and allow you to re-order commits and merge them: - Re-order the lines to change commit order (to the extent possible without creating conflicts) - Prefix commits using s (squash) or f (fixup) to merge extraneous commits.
- Submit a pull-request
$ git push origin feature-xxxGo to your cp-docker-images fork main page
https://github.com/<username>/cp-docker-imagesIf you recently pushed your changes GitHub will automatically pop up a Compare & pull request button for any branches you recently pushed to. If you click that button it will automatically offer you to submit your pull-request to the confluentinc/cp-docker-images repository.
- Give your pull-request a meaningful title.
- In the description, explain your changes and the problem they are solving.
- Addressing code review comments
Repeat steps 5. through 7. to address any code review comments and rebase your changes if necessary.
Push your updated changes to update the pull request
$ git push origin [--force] feature-xxx--force may be necessary to overwrite your existing pull request in case your commit history was changed when performing the rebase.
Note: Be careful when using --force since you may lose data if you are not careful.
$ git push origin --force feature-xxx