4.3.20-beta.1 (2023-02-02)
- 判断包名都用package.json中的name (29e33df)
- 修复子package互相引用的时候,测试报错的问题 (55570a9)
- 修复组件编译模式无差别产生 sourcemap (06a444f)
- 子包路由解析问题 (37da1be)
- add comment (dbc311d)
- add prettier format to lint (d6f8261)
- add temp folder to exclude (2a38004)
- analyse entry (1f6e3f5)
- analyse output (39c6c0c)
- auth selected package (6987871)
- autofix package.version while betaBranch (596b803)
- babel-loader options (01ec7be)
- bug (c37b05b)
- bug (b65ab71)
- bug (3510f52)
- change file name (531c37e)
- change file name (c22ebb4)
- changelog (7e5dc39)
- changelog (9410a85)
- changelog (6de42f1)
- chunk css extract (55e47c8)
- circular detect exclude (7995320)
- comment react-loadable code (7264b29)
- correct module type (a088f61)
- correct module type (027bd79)
- dashboard client (8e99e98)
- dashboard type error (ee54ebc)
- debug (1f3eee1)
- define (9244124)
- deps analysis add react-router-dom (0148632)
- devServerConfig, localhost (f20bb53)
- devServerConfig, localhost (66c8dc8)
- doc devUrl (4c2ec7c)
- eslint (e592b8e)
- eslint no-shadow (4d0368c)
- excludeRootDepList (bc2eb53)
- execSync with reasonable args length (22342bb)
- file name to lower case (c97bded)
- fix publish error situation (03ff947)
- fix typescript compile error when import modules from src/ to run test case (7bef279)
- fix webpack server header for crosssite (1e090a4)
- force exit after publish (4ba8b4a)
- format (daceb3e)
- format (a52444e)
- get plugins (e86b825)
- jest moduleNameMapper (6afbdc3)
- lint abnormal exit (e5601bf)
- lock babel-runtime version (09b7794)
- modify error msg (13b05e0)
- move json file (414fb61)
- nested node_modules (8e79cce)
- npm publish (9815353)
- npm test support packages alias name (7bacda9)
- npmClient for publish (7fcb940)
- npx (18e799c)
- publish error (594cec5)
- publish error (d06c26e)
- publish error (c813439)
- publish error (f215748)
- publish maxbuffer length exceeded error (54e7197)
- rebase error (2fc0d6f)
- rebuild dll when extraVendors changed or project changed (45f2f36)
- rebuild dll when extraVendors changed or project changed (40a3c21)
- remove duplicate string literals (1ecaddc)
- remove resolve (a07431f)
- remove unused prettier from eslintrc (dcc71c6)
- replace with node-compatible fetch, fix lint glob pattern (044838b)
- rm global no-console (bc216db)
- temp file type error (b39284b)
- test (967f0e6)
- type (f67ca43)
- update (722c764)
- update fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin (0caed8e)
- use sync mode when process.stdio is connected to pipe (9eb7a50)
- version (fe2136b)
- WrapContent plugin (7dffb13)
- 合并scss和less编译 (75b3d53)
- 增加pri配置项,去除某些不必要发布的包配置 (adc2ea6)
- 增加pri配置项,去除某些不必要发布的包配置 (516279f)
- add disableDashboard config (6df480d)
- add esm5 field (8e20b94)
- add feat/speedMeasure (940e817)
- add path (7cc1705)
- add pri.devService.pipeConfig, all modify webpackDevServerConfig (7c607da)
- add readme copy logic (f25a27c)
- add readme copy logic (597da6a)
- addIgnoreDll (e8a673b)
- after test run (18aee53)
- deploy 4.2.5 (16a2024)
- devServer 支持ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin async 配置 (b7b2cd9)
- devserver support config wrapper (d879bc4)
- export create-entry (6aecc8a)
- extradll (4535505)
- extradll (8c9ed2d)
- improve dev performance (82cfad0)
- increase ts checker memory limit (3cbac4a)
- increase ts checker memory limit (4922c52)
- load plugins may take several seconds, so display a loading (7db3679)
- optional check type and circular dependency (4964fd0)
- production mode useHtmlTemplate (ef6c951)
- project support multiple entry (a57e664)
- publish .9 (88f3d60)
- remove node-sass (fba2433)
- run test support testRegex (3184685)
- support bundle dev dll (e533954)
- support customize jest config (fd1fd15)
- support devServer contentBase (63efe84)
- support disable html-webpack-plugin (fdd79a5)
- support disableDllWhenDev and disableDllWrapWhenDev configuration (cd31df7)
- support docs custom index.ejs index.tsx (653038b)
- support eslint in dev mode (45e3f0d)
- support max two level packages (19e89c1)
- support mode in webpack-dev-server (ab8d718)
- support no includeAll (5cd557e)
- support plugins folder (6a2e439)
- support three level packages (514fcee)
- support use plugin source (a95b49f)
- support webpack for component build (ff78bfe)
- update typescript and eslint (39a49ee)
- upgrade fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin (f4d82d0)
- upgrade prettier (3331d3d)
- pri: 修改编译scss和less代码 (1e587a1)
- pri: 优化函数 (299f196)
- pri: component构建添加less编译 (1901397)
- pri: fix (5ef7134)
- 分离 git 和 publish 流程 (872dbf4)
- 校验 tnpm 包发布权限 (3ca427b)
- add @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name (20a9c51)
- add babelPluginReactWrappedDisplayName (6dd820e)
- add changeLog to publish script (66526f7)
- add ensure files config (2e78cc5)
- add hotLoader option (52c8bdb)
- add hotLoader option (ceb6f48)
- add jest react babel support (949d38f)
- add project root id to pri config (ae38a55)
- add pub options (c357306)
- add publish error tip when package reference project content (20c13be)
- add sourceMap to pri docs css loader (e17add5)
- deploy 16 (c035022)
- deploy 3.3.28 (469fa9e)
- deploy 3.3.28-beta.8 (3970c26)
- deploy 3.3.28-beta.9 (0993f43)
- deploy 4.0.0 (ed80164)
- deploy 4.0.10 (93970bb)
- deploy 4.0.3 (2c38dd8)
- deploy 4.0.8 (a97852a)
- fix bug (5c6e107)
- fix bug (ecbe690)
- fix memo name (a5ea73d)
- remove ensure root package.json for extend type (0ad22e6)
- remove react-loadable instead of react.lazy (be8bcbd)
- rename rootId to projectRootId (f03aa40)
- revert webpack version (a022d94)
- support material component (caf27b3)
- support nested packages (d1029b9)
- support remote version (8712f28)
- support skiplint for test command (f251b22)
- update (e959701)
- update (bb4ea0b)
- update (b0c585b)
- update .vscode (4f48549)
- update deps (5678dcc)
- update docs (8118dc7)
- update docs (afa3110)
- update eslintrc (d949c81)
- update gitignore (6ac2310)
- update lock (ede0ce8)
- update lock (692edae)
- update lock (4efdb17)
- update type check (16353e1)
- upgrade eslint-plugin-react-hooks (5f5ae96)
- upgrade ts 3.8 (261bf1d)
- upgrade typescript 3.7.2 (200aff4)
- upgrade webpack (a9325a9)
3.3.28-beta.5 (2019-10-15)
- 开启 format.enable (e04d2e4)
- react-loadable import error (975aa23)
- react-loadable type error (e1baeab)
- replaced editor default formatter with prettier (9128db6)
- add type check to command lint (920088e)
3.3.28-beta.1 (2019-10-09)
- 修复 prettierrc 被删除的问题 (21c7a9f)
- packages 引用忽略 .DS_Store (079e682)
- remove prettierrc file from cleanUncessaryFields (eb93a64)
3.3.28-beta (2019-10-08)
- add incremental option to tsconfig (b4396db)
3.3.27-beta (2019-10-08)
- before action and after action (a23fd56)
- create-cli (2400197)
- dashboard (a9f1039)
- delete useless code (a379a79)
- ensure plugin entry (5e0341a)
- fix git push to git push origin branch name (7d940d5)
- fix git push to git push origin branch name (552d44e)
- fix nest depMonoPackages; (7bef5af)
- ignore built (b57403a)
- ignore files (55f4f7e)
- plugin entry from .tsx to .ts (8c9fe31)
- skiplint (72c5df1)
- static (69f2031)
- support component monorepo publish (17c8307)
- support custom out file name (4c887f3)
- sw (86c4a18)
- update parcel (bc7bfe5)
- webpack overlay (329079e)
- add dashboard (c768252)
- add new store (283d8e1)
- add prettierrc and remove prettier from eslint (693f484)
- add type-checker method (971f4a2)
- add webpack circular-dependency-plugin (ef30dcd)
- auto connect for layouts (c87b72d)
- auto connect markdown layout (a9232f5)
- fix chunk name (333bc3b)
- git add after lint fix (11b830c)
- lint on demand (5e8a1b0)
- lint only git diff file (c1c280d)
- new command - pri bundle (126da24)
- pri build -p "somePath" to rewrite publicPath (8162c09)
- pri test won't open url, console url text instead (1972adc)
- publish support async (b194d8f)
- remove unused variable (4f77056)
- restore lint (3bd37f6)
- support css bundle (8a78581)
- support deal with github-pages (6374621)
- support eslint ignore to eslint (5b3e466)
- update tsconfig (7cde871)
- use new mini css plugin (92aad3c)