Contributions to Primo are very welcome. You can start by submitting a PR to address any of the open issues, but for the sake of keeping the codebase simple and aligned towards the project's mission, we ask that you first start a discussion before attempting to contribute any new features. You can do this by starting a discussion in the Forum, Github Discussions, or the Discord. Or, if you'd like to contribute to the project but don't know where to start, feel free to fill out the contributor form.
- Clone the main Primo repo
git clone
- Clone the builder repo
git clone
- Link the builder to Primo
cd builder
npm link
npm install
npm run package-watch
- Run Primo
cd ../primo
npm install
npm link @primocms/builder
npm run dev
- Open your browser to http://localhost:5173
If you have any issues setting this up, it's probably not just you, so feel free to pop into any of the discussion spaces linked above for some help.