0.1.0+3 Migrates from SingletonFlutterWindow to PlatformDispatcher API. 0.1.0+2 Updates code to fix strict-cast violations. 0.1.0+1 Fixes lint warnings. 0.1.0 Migrates to null safety. BREAKING CHANGES: Required parameters are non-nullable. 0.0.7+1 Updates text theme parameters to avoid deprecation issues. 0.0.7 Updates BlinkTraceEvents to match with changes in Chromium v89+ 0.0.6 Update implementation of _RecordingWidgetsBinding to match the new Binding API 0.0.5 Updated dependencies to allow broader versions for upstream packages. 0.0.4 Updated dependencies to allow broader versions for upstream packages. 0.0.3 Fixed benchmarks failing due to trace format change for begin frame. 0.0.2 Improve console messages. 0.0.1 - Initial release. Provide a benchmark server (host-side) and a benchmark client (browser-side).