The command line is split into multiple subcommands
: all the blockchain related tooling;wallet
: create, recover and manage wallets;transaction
: to build, review and sign transactions;debug
: extra handy toolings.
Within the global options, the more interesting ones are the
or the environment variableCARDANO_CLI_ROOT_DIR
. It sets the directory where all storage, configuration and keys are. The default is to use appropriate directory depending of the operating system you are using:- the XDG base directory and the XDG user directory specifications on Linux
- the Known Folder API on Windows
- the Standard Directories guidelines on macOS
is the command to force using or not colored output in the terminal. The default is to automatically detect if it is a user managed terminal or not.
run the command quietly, do not print anything to the command line output-v
set the verbosity mode, multiple occurrences means more verbosity-h
Prints help information-V
Prints version information
--color <COLOR>
enable output colors or not [default: auto] [possible values: auto, always, never]--root-dir <ROOT_DIR>
the project root direction [env: CARDANO_CLI_ROOT_DIR=] [default: ${HOME}/.local/share/cardano-cli]
This is the foundation on which the CLI is based on. You need to have a local
copy of the blockchain you are working with. You can have has many local copy of any
of the cardano blockchain (mainnet
, testnet
or staging
The storage of the blockchain has been done in an efficient way. Utilising less disk space than other of the cardano tooling yet.
To list all the local blockchain, simply use the following command:
cardano-cli blockchain list
hint: add --detailed
for more general information regarding the local blockchains
You can create as many local blockchains as you want (limited to space disk though) and because it is allowed to have 1 or more copy of mainnet you can use aliases to these blockchains.
cardano-cli blockchain new mainnet-copy-1
The blockchain won't sync just yet. Have a look at remote-fetch
or pull
To create a testnet or a staging, simply use the --template=testnet
or --template=staging
option when using the blockchain new
When you have created your first copy of a blockchain, you will find that there is no blocks in the blockchain just yet. This is because you need to fetch the blocks from other peers.
By default, we add the IOHK peers when utilising the blockchain new
command. But if you wish
to add more, you can add them with the following command:
cardano-cli blockchain remote-add my-remote-alias my.remote.cardano.blockchain.local:9912
To list all the available remotes of a given blockchain, simply use remote-ls
cardano-cli blockchain remote-ls testnet`
hint: try --detailed
for more details about the status of the remotes, and --complete
(necessitate network connection) for a comparative review of the local states and the remotes'.
And now, to fetch the block you can either use remote-sync
or pull
commands. The later
will also forward
the state of the local blockchain to the latest block within the remotes.
cardano-cli blockchain remote-fetch testnet
hint: for fast download try remove-fetch testnet hermes
Now that you have downloaded the block from the remotes. You need to chose which of the new block will be the next tip of your local copy.
cardano-cli blockchain forward testnet a928cb61b01...
Or you can let the CLI chose for you the next tip by ommiting the block hash parameter.
hint: use pull
command to combine remote-fetch
and forward
You can list all the blocks of a given blockchain with the following command:
cardano-cli blockchain log testnet
Or you can specify a blockhash to start listing the block of the blockchain from a given block instead of the local tip.
To get information about a given block in particular, simply use the cat
cardano-cli blockchain cat testnet 87283e69ae2a245ff40e405706ac8ba5806c79d1914c2799a29f287652c4e93c
here lies all the operation relating to wallet manegement. The wallet is independant from the blockchain itself. It contains only the cryptographic material of the wallet as well as some details and flavor of the wallet (derivation's scheme, HD scheme etc...). For security reason the cryptographic materials are stored encrypted. The password to store the cryptographic material is called a spending password. It is recommended to set one.
It is possible to create new wallet with the cardano-cli
. The command is create
and it takes the name of the wallet you want to create.
cardano-cli wallet create WalletName
You will be prompted to enter 2 kind of password:
- the first one is the password associated to the mnemonics of your wallet. Meaning that you will always need this secret associated to your mnemonics to recover the wallet.
- the second one is the spending password. More generally it is the password that we use to encrypt your private key in the persistent data of the wallet. This password does not affect the recovering of the wallet. If you loose it you can still recover your wallet with the mnemonics (and the mnemonics' password if any).
You can recover a wallet using the command recover
. By default it will recover
a wallet created via cardano-cli
. The command will ask you the mnemonic phrase
or you can have a more interactive experience with the --interactive
option where
the mnemonics will be asked one by one.
For various reasons the CLI does not allow to create Daedalus compatible wallet. But it is possible to recover a wallet created on the Daeaalus application.
cardano-cli wallet recover --daedalus-seed --derivation-scheme=v1 --mnemonics-length=12 --wallet-scheme=random_index_2levels MyDaedalusWallet
And that's it, you will your daedalus wallet recovered here. No need to transfer the funds to another address yet (and therefor save some transaction fees).
To recover an Icarus wallet, that's easy, only set the mnemonic length to 15.
By default Icarus wallets are using the same security settings as the cardano-cli
Reminder: icarus wallets do not use mnemonics password, leave it empty.
cardano-cli wallet recover --mnemonics-length=15 MyIcarusWallet
By default a wallet is created standalone (i.e. not linked to a specific blockchain). You need to attach the wallet to a blockchain.
cardano-cli wallet attach MyWallet BlockchainName
Now you can sync your wallet agains the blockchain (i.e. recovering the transaction
histories and the available funds (UTxOs)). The sync
command will analyse all the
blocks of the attached blockchain and will recover the owned addresses. The sync
will stop when the local tip of the blockchain will be reached. If you don't see
recent addresses or transaction, remember to use the blockchain pull
cardano-cli wallet sync MyWallet
Depending of the blockchain size, the density of the transactions and the hardware, this command may take some time.
Now you can list your wallet history, list the available funds or see a more general status of the wallet.
cardano-cli wallet statement MyWallet
cardano-cli wallet utxos MyWallet
cardano-cli wallet status MyWallet
provides a simple yet powerful transaction build engine.
The transaction command is detached from the wallet. The wallet is needed
only for one tiny part of the transaction creation (the signing part).
All the preparation or the sending of the transaction to the network
does not need a wallet. Actually it does not need wallets at all.
This model allows to build transation using funds from different wallets. You can then:
- split the bills (asks participants to commit funds to the transactions);
- allow your accountants to prepare the cheque for you to sign later;
- ...
When creating a new transaction, you need to specify the blockchain you will base your transaction upon. The command will return a unique transaction identifier (called a Staging Id).
STAGING_ID=$(cardano-cli transaction new staging)
Simply adds the addresses you want to send Ada and specify the amount to send (IN LOVELACE).
cardano-cli transaction add-output ${STAGING_ID} ${ADDRESS} ${VALUE}
this is the address that will be used to send the left over Ada when finalizing the transaction. We currently only support adding 1 change address. But this will change soon.
cardano-cli transaction add-change ${STAGING_ID} ${MY_CHANGE_ADDRESS}
There are 2 methods to add inputs to a given transaction, either add it manually:
# this command list all the available inputs for this wallet
cardano-cli wallet utxos ${MY_WALLET_ALIAS}
# then add you inputs as follow:
cardano-cli transaction ${STAGING_ID} ${TxId} ${Index}
or use the ready to use input select:
cardano-cli transation input-select ${STAGING_ID} ${WALLET_ALIAS1} ${WALLET_ALIAS2} # ...
This algorithm will select all the needed inputs from the given wallet(s).
There are 2 supported algorithms at the moment:
this algorithm will take the large inputs first. It is the default algorithm because it is the most likely to succeed to find enough inputs to make a transactions.--select-exact-inputs=MAX_EXTRA_FEES
this one tries to select only the required inputs accepting to lose up to the givenMAX_EXTRA_FEES
Finalizing the transaction does one useful action: it rebalance the outputs and the change address: all the left over ada will be refunded to the given change address.
cardano-cli transation finalize ${STAGING_ID}
Now the transaction is ready, you can sign it then send it:
cardano-cli transation sign ${STAGING_ID} ${MY_WALLET}
and to send it, nothing more easy
Be careful though: once it is committed to the blockchain the transaction is not reversible. Check the transaction status before sending it.
cardano-cli transation status ${STAGING_ID} ${MY_WALLET}
cardano-cli transation send ${STAGING_ID} staging
print the content of a block.
cardano-cli blockchain cat [FLAGS] <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> <HASH>
--no-parse don't parse the block, flush the bytes direct to the standard output (not subject to `--quiet' option)
--debug dump the block in debug format
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
<HASH> The block hash to open.
destroy the given blockchain, deleting all the blocks downloaded from the disk.
cardano-cli blockchain destroy <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME>
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
list local blockchains
cardano-cli blockchain list [FLAGS]
-l, --detailed display some information regarding the remotes
print the block, one by one, from the given blockhash or the tip of the blockchain.
cardano-cli blockchain log <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> [HASH]
ARGS: <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name The hash to start from (instead of the local blockchain's tip).
create a new local blockchain
cardano-cli blockchain new [OPTIONS] <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME>
--template <TEMPLATE> the template for the new blockchain [default: mainnet] [possible values: mainnet, staging, testnet]
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
handy command to remote-fetch
and forward
the local blockchain.
cardano-cli blockchain pull <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME>
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
Attach a remote node to the local blockchain, this will allow to sync the local blockchain with this remote node.
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
<BLOCKCHAIN_REMOTE_ALIAS> Alias given to a remote node.
<BLOCKCHAIN_REMOTE_ENDPOINT> Remote end point (IPv4 or IPv6 address or domain name. May include a port number. And a sub-route point in case of an http endpoint.
Fetch blocks from the remote nodes (optionally specified by the aliases).
cardano-cli blockchain remote-fetch <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> [BLOCKCHAIN_REMOTE_ALIAS]...
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
<BLOCKCHAIN_REMOTE_ALIAS>... Alias given to a remote node.
List all the remote nodes of the given blockchain
cardano-cli blockchain remote-ls [FLAGS] <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME>
--detailed print all local known information regarding the remotes
--complete print all local known information regarding the remotes as well as the details from the remote (needs a network connection)
--short print only the bare minimum information regarding the remotes (default)
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
Remove the given remote node from the local blockchain, we will no longer fetch blocks from this remote node.
cardano-cli blockchain remote-rm <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> <BLOCKCHAIN_REMOTE_ALIAS>
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
<BLOCKCHAIN_REMOTE_ALIAS> Alias given to a remote node.
print some details about the given blockchain
cardano-cli blockchain status <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME>
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
verify all blocks in the chain
cardano-cli blockchain verify <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME>
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
verify the specified block
cardano-cli blockchain verify-block <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> <HASH>
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
<HASH> The hash of the block to verify.
create a new address
cardano-cli wallet address [FLAGS] <WALLET_NAME> <ACCOUNT_INDEX> <ADDRESS_INDEX>
<WALLET_NAME> the wallet name
Attach the existing wallet to the existing local blockchain. Detach first to attach to an other blockchain.
cardano-cli wallet attach <WALLET_NAME> <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME>
ARGS: <WALLET_NAME> the wallet name <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> the blockchain name
create a new wallet
cardano-cli wallet create [OPTIONS] <WALLET_NAME>
--derivation-scheme <DERIVATION_SCHEME> derivation scheme [default: v2] [possible values: v1, v2]
--mnemonics-languages <MNEMONIC_LANGUAGES> the list of languages to display the mnemonic words of the wallet in. You can set multiple values using comma delimiter
(example: `--mnemonics-languages=english,french,italian'). [default: english] [possible values: chinese-simplified,
chinese-traditional, english, french, italian, japanese, korean, spanish]
--mnemonics-length <MNEMONIC_SIZE> The number of words to use for the wallet mnemonic (the more the more secure). [default: 24] [possible values: 12, 15,
18, 21, 24]
--wallet-scheme <WALLET_SCHEME> the scheme to organize accounts and addresses in a Wallet. [default: bip44] [possible values: bip44,
<WALLET_NAME> the wallet name
delete all data associated to the given wallet.
cardano-cli wallet destroy <WALLET_NAME>
<WALLET_NAME> the wallet name
detach the wallet from its associated blockchain
cardano-cli wallet detach <WALLET_NAME>
<WALLET_NAME> the wallet name
list all the wallets available
cardano-cli wallet list [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-l, --detailed display some metadata information of the wallet
--color <COLOR> enable output colors or not [default: auto] [possible values: auto, always, never]
print the wallet logs
cardano-cli wallet log <WALLET_NAME>
<WALLET_NAME> the wallet name
recover a wallet
cardano-cli wallet recover [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <WALLET_NAME>
--daedalus-seed To recover a wallet generated from daedalus
-i, --interactive use interactive mode for recovering the mnemonic words
--derivation-scheme <DERIVATION_SCHEME> derivation scheme [default: v2] [possible values: v1, v2]
--mnemonics-language <MNEMONIC_LANGUAGE> the language of the mnemonic words to recover the wallet from. [default: english] [possible values: chinese-simplified,
chinese-traditional, english, french, italian, japanese, korean, spanish]
--mnemonics-length <MNEMONIC_SIZE> The number of words to use for the wallet mnemonic (the more the more secure). [default: 24] [possible values: 12, 15, 18,
21, 24]
--wallet-scheme <WALLET_SCHEME> the scheme to organize accounts and addresses in a Wallet. [default: bip44] [possible values: bip44, random_index_2levels]
<WALLET_NAME> the wallet name
print the wallet statement
cardano-cli wallet statement <WALLET_NAME>
<WALLET_NAME> the wallet name
print some status information from the given wallet (funds, transactions...)
cardano-cli wallet status <WALLET_NAME>
ARGS: <WALLET_NAME> the wallet name
synchronize the wallet with the attached blockchain
cardano-cli wallet sync [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <WALLET_NAME>
--dry-run perform the sync without storing the updated states.
--to <HASH> sync the wallet up to the given hash (otherwise, sync up to local blockchain's tip).
<WALLET_NAME> the wallet name
print the wallet's available funds
cardano-cli wallet utxos <WALLET_NAME>
<WALLET_NAME> the wallet name
Add a change address to a transaction
cardano-cli transaction add-change <TRANSACTION_ID> <CHANGE_ADDRESS>
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
<CHANGE_ADDRESS> address to send the change to
Add an input to a transaction
cardano-cli transaction add-input <TRANSACTION_ID> [ARGS]
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
<TRANSACTION_TXID> A Transaction identifier in hexadecimal
<TRANSACTION_INDEX> The index of the unspent output in the transaction
<TRANSACTION_AMOUNT> The value in lovelace
Add an output to a transaction
cardano-cli transaction add-output <TRANSACTION_ID> [ARGS]
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
<TRANSACTION_ADDRESS> Address to send funds too
<TRANSACTION_AMOUNT> The value in lovelace
Destroy a staging transaction
cardano-cli transaction destroy <TRANSACTION_ID>
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
Export a staging transaction for transfer into a human readable format
cardano-cli transaction export <TRANSACTION_ID> [EXPORT_FILE]
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
<EXPORT_FILE> optional file to export the staging transaction to (default will display the export to stdout)
Finalize a staging transaction
cardano-cli transaction finalize <TRANSACTION_ID>
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
Import a human readable format transaction into a new staging transaction
cardano-cli transaction import [IMPORT_FILE]
<IMPORT_FILE> optional file to import the staging transaction from (default will read stdin)
Select input automatically using a wallet (or a set of wallets), and a input selection algorithm
cardano-cli transaction input-select [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <TRANSACTION_ID> <WALLET_NAME>...
--quiet run the command quietly, do not print anything to the command line output
--select-largest-first Order the input by size, take the largest ones first to build this transaction
--select-exact-inputs <MAX_EXTRA_FEES>
select the exact necessary amount to perform the transaction. The optional parameter takes the accepted loss
(in Lovelace, 1µ Ada).
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
<WALLET_NAME>... wallet name to use for the selection
List all staging transactions open
cardano-cli transaction list
Create a new empty staging transaction
cardano-cli transaction new <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME>
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> Transaction are linked to a blockchain to be valid
Remove a change address from a transaction
cardano-cli transaction rm-change <TRANSACTION_ID> <CHANGE_ADDRESS>
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
<CHANGE_ADDRESS> address to remove
Remove an input to a transaction
cardano-cli transaction rm-input <TRANSACTION_ID> [ARGS]
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
<TRANSACTION_TXID> A Transaction identifier in hexadecimal
<TRANSACTION_INDEX> The index of the unspent output in the transaction
Remove an output to a transaction
cardano-cli transaction rm-output <TRANSACTION_ID> [TRANSACTION_ADDRESS]
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
<TRANSACTION_ADDRESS> Address to send funds too
Send the transaction transaction to the blockchain
cardano-cli transaction send <TRANSACTION_ID> <BLOCKCHAIN_NAME>
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME> The blockchain the send the transaction too (will contact the peers of this blockchain)
Finalize a staging a transaction into a transaction ready to send to the blockchain network
cardano-cli transaction sign <TRANSACTION_ID>
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
Status of a staging transaction
cardano-cli transaction status <TRANSACTION_ID>
<TRANSACTION_ID> the transaction staging identifier
check if the given address (in base58) is valid and print information about it.
cardano-cli debug address <ADDRESS>
<ADDRESS> base58 encoded address