Gradle plugin which helps to create, manage, and publish helm charts by integrating helm commands into your gradle build.
This plugin can be installed from the gradle plugin portal.
This plugin is under active development and subject to change. If you have any suggestions or requests, please feel free to create an issue or pull request.
The plugin adds two extension objects to the project which can be used to configure the plugin and the charts which it will manage:
helm {
install {
// allows configuration of various details of the helm installation managed
// by the plugin. The only option that is likely to require customisation
// is the helm version to use. Each version of the plugin will default to
// the newest version of helm available at the time.
version = 'v2.8.2'
repository {
// allows configuration of the repository to which the publish tasks will
// upload the packaged chart.
url ''
username 'myusername'
password 'isasecret'
authRealm 'repository authentication realm'
requestHeaders = [
['HeaderName:', 'header value'],
['OtherHeader:', 'other value']
clientConfigurator = { OkHttpClient.Builder builder ->
// Allows arbitrary configuration of the HTTP client
charts {
// The charts extension allows you to define an arbitrary number of charts
// which the plugin will manage. Each chart is defined in a block using the
// name of the chart; the generated task names depend on the chart name.
myFirstHelmChart {
// Within the chart block, a few options can be defined:
// If not set, the chart version defaults to the project version. Note
// that helm requires charts use symantic versioning, so if your project
// does not, you will have to define a version like this.
chartVersion '1.2.3'
// If not set, the app version defaults to the project version. Helm does
// not enforce any requirements on the app version
appVersion '1.2.3.down-with^semver'
// If not set, the chart directory defaults to
// 'src/helm/resources/${chartName}'. If the chart directory is outside of
// 'src/helm/resources' extra configuration will be required to have the
// chart files processed into the helm source set output directory.
chartDir 'src/helm/resources/my-first-chart'
// Each chart can include configuration which changes how the chart is
// validated by the lint command.
lint.values = ['valueKey':'some value']
lint.valuesFiles = ['lint-values.yaml']
Whenever the plugin is installed, the following tasks will be created.
Task Name | Description | Type |
helmVerifyArchitecture | Ensures that the build is running on a supported CPU architecture. | ad-hoc |
helmVerifyOperatingSystem | Ensures that the build is running on a supported Operating System. | ad-hoc |
helmVerifySupport | Depends to other verify tasks. | ad-hoc |
downloadHelm | Download the appropriate helm distribution for the current architecture and operating system. | ca.cutterslade.gradle.helm.DownloadTask |
installHelm | Install helm into the local installation directory. | ca.cutterslade.gradle.helm.InstallTask |
initializeHelm | Initialize the helm home directory. | ca.cutterslade.gradle.helm.InitializeTask |
For each chart configured in the build file, the plugin will create a set of tasks which operate on that chart. In the names used for the following tasks, the chart name will be munged to camel case.
Task Name Format | Description | Type |
ensureNo${chartName}Chart | Ensure that the defined chart does not exist, failing the build if the chart directory exists. | ca.cutterslade.gradle.helm.EnsureNoChartTask |
create${chartName}Chart | Create the configured chart using the 'helm create' command. | ca.cutterslade.gradle.helm.CreateChartTask |
lint${chartName}Chart | Validate the chart by executing the 'helm lint' command. | ca.cutterslade.gradle.helm.LintTask |
package${chartName}Chart | Package the chart by executing the 'helm package' command. | ca.cutterslade.gradle.helm.PackageTask |
publish${chartName}Chart | Publish the chart to the configured repository. | ca.cutterslade.gradle.helm.PublishTask |