related to incoming ROM processing, matching and categorization and meta data
[button] input to emulator
isolated to iOS only (unless like tag is paired)
isolated to iPad only (unless like tag is paired)
isolated to iPhone X (unless paired)
isolated to iPhone only (unless like tag is paired)
Items related to localization
Related to the Metal GPU path in Provenance.
isolated to MFi controllers (unless paired)
general tasks, not necessarily code (docs, mgmt, etc…)
commit conflicts (entitlements, bundleIDs, app-groups, etc) to remove or clean up
outgoing from app (rumble, notifications, companion app, etc)
(probably deleting this once we have discussion platform)
needs someone to give it a go for QA report back
pending unanswered question
not enough detail, need more info to continue…
needs review for validity, aka TLDR;