This document provides a high-level overview of the ProjectX architecture, a full-stack event-driven application using Temporal workflows and React.
graph TB
subgraph Frontend
Web[Web App - React/React Query]
subgraph Backend
Auth[Auth Service]
Order[Order Service]
Product[Product Service]
Temporal[Temporal Server]
Email[Email Service]
Payment[Payment Service]
Web --> Auth
Web --> Order
Web --> Product
Auth --> DB
Order --> DB
Product --> DB
Order --> Temporal
Order --> Payment
Order --> Email
Auth --> Email
Payment --> Stripe[Stripe API]
Email --> SendGrid[SendGrid API]
participant C as Client
participant A as Auth Service
participant E as Email Service
participant O as Order Service
C->>A: POST /login (email)
A->>E: Send verification code
E-->>C: Email with code
C->>A: POST /verify-code
A-->>C: JWT Token
C->>O: Request with JWT
Note over O: Validate JWT
O-->>C: Protected Resource
participant C as Client
participant O as Order Service
participant T as Temporal
participant S as Stripe
participant E as Email Service
C->>O: Create Order
O->>T: Start Payment Workflow
T->>S: Create Payment Intent
S-->>T: Payment Intent Created
T->>C: Return Client Secret
C->>S: Complete Payment
S->>O: Webhook: Payment Success
O->>T: Signal Payment Status
T->>E: Send Confirmation Email
E-->>C: Email Sent
- JWT-based authentication
- User management
- Session handling
- Public endpoints:
: Email-based login/verify-code
: Verify login code/health
: Service health check
- Order management
- Payment processing
- Webhook handling
- Temporal workflow orchestration
- Public endpoints:
: Service health check
- Protected endpoints (require JWT):
: Create and manage orders/order/:referenceId
: Get order status
- Product catalog management
- Inventory tracking
- Product search and filtering
- Public endpoints:
: Service health check
- Protected endpoints (require JWT):
: List and manage products/products/:id
: Get product details
: Core utilities and configurations- Authentication middleware
- Health checks
- Common security setup
: Database access and models@projectx/email
: Email service integration@projectx/payment
: Payment provider integration@projectx/workflows
: Temporal workflow definitions
flowchart LR
subgraph User Flow
Login --> CreateOrder
CreateOrder --> ProcessPayment
ProcessPayment --> SendEmail
subgraph System Flow
A[Auth Service] --> D[(Database)]
O[Order Service] --> D
P[Product Service] --> D
O --> T[Temporal]
T --> P[Payment Service]
T --> E[Email Service]
flowchart TB
subgraph Authentication
Login[Login Request]
Verify[Verify Code]
JWT[JWT Token]
subgraph Authorization
Guard[JWT Guard]
Public[Public Endpoints]
Protected[Protected Endpoints]
Login --> Verify
Verify --> JWT
JWT --> Guard
Guard --> Protected
Public --> Response[Response]
Protected --> Response
- Frontend: React, React Query, TailwindCSS
- Backend: NestJS, TypeScript
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Workflow Engine: Temporal
- Payment Processing: Stripe
- Email Service: SendGrid
- Development Tools: Docker, Nx Monorepo
Each service requires specific environment variables:
: Service port (default: 8081)JWT_SECRET
: Secret for JWT signingSENDGRID_API_KEY
: For email notifications
: Service port (default: 8082)JWT_SECRET
: Same secret as Auth serviceSTRIPE_SECRET_KEY
: Stripe webhook signing secretSENDGRID_API_KEY
: For email notifications
: Service port (default: 8083)JWT_SECRET
: Same secret as Auth service
Both services implement health checks that monitor:
- Database connectivity
- Memory usage (heap and RSS)
- External service dependencies