- Fixed vulnerability in Docker development image
- Upgraded Keycloak Python examples to python 3.7.2
- Documentation for manual upgrade Kubernetes from 1.13.0 to 1.13.1 link
- Kubernetes version 1.13.1 #178
- Docker version for RedHat to 18.06
- Workaround issue where Kubelet depends on kubernetes-cni 0.6.0 #177
- Fix Kafka url #183
- ZooKeeper distribution URL #147
- Kubernetes v1.13.0 installation
- Filebeat 6.5.4 installation
- RabbitMQ installation inside Kubernetes (clustered RabbitMQ) #17
- RabbitMQ installation outside of Kubernetes (VM) #17
- PostgreSQL installation with replication #16
- Authentication service installation (Keycloak) inside Kubernetes
- Automatic untainting Kubernetes Master when single Master deployed without Nodes #22
- Example applications added to /examples
- Keycloak authentication (dotnet, java, python, javascript) #19
- RabbitMQ/Kafka (dotnet) #50, #39
- Documentation updates
- Filebeat memory consumption when Elasticsearch does not accept data #61