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Example 2: Football

Pseudo AST

Generated from using pseudo-python

That's a simple command line program that

  • accepts a filename and a team name specified by command args

  • shows a "usage" message if not enough command args are supplied

  • reads the file specified by the filename

  • parses the football results in it

  • calculates the points that the team has accumulated based on its results

It demonstrates

  • native standard library use: Pseudo uses the target language standard library string/list methods/functions

  • idiomatic code translation: e.g. in the C# version Pseudo analyzes the use of a tuple and generates and uses a class with suitable field names instead

  • I/O handling: Pseudo uses the target language standard library to do file I/O and print data

  • index/length of command args based on target language conventions, handy for little command line tools

    • js 2-based command args

      if (process.argv.length < 4) {`
      var results = load_results(process.argv[2]);
    • c# 0-based command args

      if (args.Length < 2)
      var results = LoadResults(args[0]);
    • python 1-based command args

      if len(sys.argv) < 3:
      results = load_results(sys.argv[1])

Commands: (assuming current)

  • python

    translate to py with

    # from python source
    > pseudo-python
    #or from ast
    > pseudo football.pseudo.yaml py

    and run with

    > python football.txt Liverpool
  • javascript

    translate to js with

    # from python source
    > pseudo-python football.js
    #or from ast
    > pseudo football.pseudo.yaml js

    and run with

    > node football.js football.txt Liverpool
  • ruby

    translate to ruby with

    # from python source
    > pseudo-python football.rb
    #or from ast
    > pseudo football.pseudo.yaml rb football.txt Liverpool

    and run with

    > ruby football.rb
  • c#

    translate to c# with

    # from python source
    > pseudo-python football.cs
    #or from ast
    > pseudo football.pseudo.yaml csharp

    and run with

    > mcs football.cs # or an equivalent command compiling cs files
    > ./football.exe football.txt Liverpool
  • go

    translate to go with

    # from python source
    > pseudo-python football.go
    #or from ast
    > pseudo football.pseudo.yaml go

    and run

    > go run football.go football.txt Liverpool