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ptittof57 edited this page Aug 15, 2015 · 5 revisions
<title>SA1110: OpeningParenthesisMustBeOnDeclarationLine</title> <script src="script/helpstudio.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="script/StandardText.js" type="text/jscript"></script>
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Readability Rules


The opening parenthesis or bracket in a call to a C# method or indexer, or the declaration of a method or indexer, is not placed on the same line as the method or indexer name.

Rule Description

A violation of this rule occurs when the opening bracket of a method or indexer call or declaration is not placed on the same line as the method or indexer. The following examples show correct placement of the opening bracket:

public string JoinName(string first, string last)


return JoinStrings(

first, last);


public int this[int x]


get { return this.items[x]; }


How to Fix Violations

To fix a violation of this rule, ensure that the opening bracket is placed on the same line as the name of the method or indexer.

How to Suppress Violations

[SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.ReadabilityRules", "SA1110:OpeningParenthesisMustBeOnDeclarationLine", Justification = "Reviewed.")]
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