Pull requests that update a dependency file
This PR should be reviewed ASAP.
This PR should be reviewed after all high and medium PRs.
This PR should be reviewed after all high priority PRs.
This PR has no priority - can be reviewed any time.
This issue is accepted as valid, but it's not being worked on yet.
This issue is considered resolved.
This issue is being worked on.
This issue is being triaged.
This issue is considered rejected. It will not be worked on.
This issue waits for feedback from author.
This issue reports a bug.
This PR contains changes to the build system (like Travis or publishing a package).
This PR contains changes that are not covered by other types (stylistic, dependency updates, etc).
This issue requests a change in documentation.
This PR contains new feature.
This PR contains fixes to existing features.
This issue reports a problem with performance.
This issue is a question.
This PR contains refactored existing features.
This PR contains new tests for existing functionality or fixes to existing tests.