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Deploy this example with Pulumi Deploy this example with Pulumi

Voting App Using Redis and Flask

A simple voting app that uses Redis for a data store and a Python Flask app for the frontend. The example has been ported from

The example shows how easy it is to deploy containers into production and to connect them to one another. Since the example defines a custom container, Pulumi does the following:

  • Builds the Docker image
  • Provisions AWS Container Registry (ECR) instance
  • Pushes the image to the ECR instance
  • Creates a new ECS task definition, pointing to the ECR image definition


To use this example, make sure Docker is installed and running.

Deploying and running the program

Configure the deployment

Note: some values in this example will be different from run to run. These values are indicated with ***.

  1. Login via pulumi login.

  2. Create a new stack:

    $ pulumi stack init voting-app-testing
  3. Set AWS as the provider:

    $ pulumi config set cloud:provider aws
  4. Configure Pulumi to use AWS Fargate, which is currently only available in us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-2, and eu-west-1:

    $ pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2
    $ pulumi config set cloud-aws:useFargate true
  5. Set a value for the Redis password. The value can be an encrypted secret, specified with the --secret flag. If this flag is not provided, the value will be saved as plaintext in Pulumi.testing.yaml (since testing is the current stack name).

    $ pulumi config set --secret redisPassword S3cr37Password

Install dependencies

  1. Restore NPM modules via npm install or yarn install.

Preview and deploy

  1. Ensure the Docker daemon is running on your machine, then preview and deploy the program with pulumi up. The program deploys 24 resources and takes about 10 minutes to complete.

  2. View the stack output properties via pulumi stack output. The stack output property frontendUrl is the URL and port of the deployed app:

    $ pulumi stack output frontendURL
  3. In a browser, navigate to the URL for frontendURL. You should see the voting app webpage.

Voting app screenshot

Delete resources

When you're done, run pulumi destroy to delete the program's resources:

$ pulumi destroy
This will permanently destroy all resources in the 'testing' stack!
Please confirm that this is what you'd like to do by typing ("testing"): testing

About the code

At the start of the program, the following lines retrieve the value for the Redis password by reading a configuration value. This is the same value that was set above with the command pulumi config set redisPassword <value>:

let config = new pulumi.Config();
let redisPassword = config.require("redisPassword");

In the program, the value can be used like any other variable.


The program provisions two top-level resources with the following commands:

let redisCache = new cloud.Service("voting-app-cache", ... )
let frontend = new cloud.Service("voting-app-frontend", ... )

The definition of redisCache uses the image property of cloud.Service to point to an existing Docker image. In this case, this is the image redis at tag alpine on Docker Hub. The redisPassword variable is passed to the startup command for this image.

The definition of frontend is more interesting, as it uses build property of cloud.Service to point to a folder with a Dockerfile, which in this case is a Python Flask app. Pulumi automatically invokes docker build for you and pushes the container to ECR.

So that the frontend container can connect to redisCache, the environment variables REDIS, REDIS_PORT are defined. Using the redisCache.endpoints property, it's easy to declare the connection between the two containers.

The Flask app uses these environment variables to connect to the Redis cache container. See the following in frontend/app/

redis_server =   os.environ['REDIS']
redis_port =     os.environ['REDIS_PORT']
redis_password = os.environ['REDIS_PWD']