- Modified systemd::service::dropin to allow multiple drop in files per service as suggested in Issue 49 by cedef
- added ability to systemd::service to use OnFailure - thanks to TuningYourCode for this PR-65
- Added SuccessExitStatus and KillSignal to systemd::service - thanks to alquez for this PR-63
- added support for Debian 9 - thanks to cedef for this PR-60
- modified service template to be able to be used in systemd::service::dropin
- Issue 55 Restart default value conflicts with oneshot services, changed default value to undef
- Issue 54 Added exec systemctl daemon-reload because systemctl reload is a valid command and it may be confusing. systemctl reload will be removed in the 0.2.0 release
- execstart for systemd::service is no longer mandatory
- added dropinfile support using systemd::service::dropin - thanks to oOHenry for this PR-57
- for puppet4, changed include for contain as suggested by steveniemitz
- systemd::timer camelcase + nil values - thanks to cedef for this PR-47
- added Rubocop to enhance ruby files code quality - thanks to cedef for this PR-48
- added wait_time_on_startup to systemd::sysvwrapper
- added include to systemd::sysvwrapper
- make systemd::sysvwrapper more generic allowing init scripts outside /etc/init.d
- added ArchLinux support
- added systemd::timer - thanks to func0der for this PR-44, merged with some changes in PR-46
- added description to systemd::socket
- added KillMode to systemd::service
- added standard_error and standard_output variables to systemd::service (default to syslog, keeping compatibility)
- added ExecStartPost options to systemd::service
- allow multiple commands for ExecStart and ExecStop (based on PR-32)
- added minimal socket support
- acceptance testing skeleton
- Added StartLimitInterval and StartLimitBurst - thanks to steveniemitz for this PR
- Fixed UMask casing and removed redundant default - thanks to steveniemitz for this PR
- added to systemd::service
- environment_files - thanks to oOHenry for this PR
- umask
- nice
- oom_score_adjust
- added SLES12 support
- added to systemd::service:
- working_directory
- root_directory
- added to systemd::service:
- restart_sec
- private_tmp
- limit_nproc
- limit_nice
- enhanced restart validation
- added service variables:
- permissions_start_only
- execstartpre
- timeoutstartsec
- timeoutstopsec
- timeoutsec
- restart_prevent_exit_status
- limit_nofile
- runtime_directory
- runtime_directory_mode
- added service ordering variables:
- wants
- before
- after
- requires
- conflicts
- added wantedby and requiredby
- added env_vars - thanks to dzmitryv for this PR
- added options:
- after
- remain_after_exit
- type
- execreload
- added description
- added Ubuntu 16.04
- added eyp_systemd_available fact
- added configurable check time for sysv wrapper
- added sysvwrapper for sysv init scripts without PIDFILE
- pidfile for systemd::service
- support for Ubuntu 16.04 and Debian 8