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File metadata and controls

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Document: "resources"

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Deployment information.

azure_deployment_extended {
  api_version => "api_version",
  deployment_name => "deployment_name",
  location => "location (optional)",
  parameters => "parameters",
  properties => $azure_deployment_properties_extended
  resource_group_name => "resource_group_name",
  subscription_id => "subscription_id",
Name Type Required Description
api_version String true The API version to use for this operation.
deployment_name String true The name of the deployment.
location String false the location of the deployment.
parameters Hash true Additional parameters supplied to the operation.
properties DeploymentPropertiesExtended false Deployment properties.
resource_group_name String true The name of the resource group to deploy the resources to. The name is case insensitive. The resource group must already exist.
subscription_id String true The ID of the target subscription.


Deployment properties with additional details.

$azure_deployment_properties_extended = {
  debugSetting => $azure_debug_setting
  dependencies => $azure_dependency
  mode => "mode (optional)",
  onErrorDeployment => $azure_on_error_deployment_extended
  outputs => "outputs (optional)",
  parameters => "parameters (optional)",
  parametersLink => $azure_parameters_link
  providers => $azure_provider
  template => "template (optional)",
  templateLink => $azure_template_link
Name Type Required Description
debugSetting DebugSetting false The debug setting of the deployment.
dependencies Dependency false The list of deployment dependencies.
mode String false The deployment mode. Possible values are Incremental and Complete.
onErrorDeployment OnErrorDeploymentExtended false The deployment on error behavior.
outputs Hash false Key/value pairs that represent deployment output.
parameters Hash false Deployment parameters. Use only one of Parameters or ParametersLink.
parametersLink ParametersLink false The URI referencing the parameters. Use only one of Parameters or ParametersLink.
providers Provider false The list of resource providers needed for the deployment.
template Hash false The template content. Use only one of Template or TemplateLink.
templateLink TemplateLink false The URI referencing the template. Use only one of Template or TemplateLink.


The debug setting.

$azure_debug_setting = {
  detailLevel => "detailLevel (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
detailLevel String false Specifies the type of information to log for debugging. The permitted values are none, requestContent, responseContent, or both requestContent and responseContent separated by a comma. The default is none. When setting this value, carefully consider the type of information you are passing in during deployment. By logging information about the request or response, you could potentially expose sensitive data that is retrieved through the deployment operations.


Deployment dependency information.

$azure_dependency = {
  dependsOn => $azure_basic_dependency
  id => "id (optional)",
  resourceName => "resourceName (optional)",
  resourceType => "resourceType (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
dependsOn BasicDependency false The list of dependencies.
id String false The ID of the dependency.
resourceName String false The dependency resource name.
resourceType String false The dependency resource type.


Deployment dependency information.

$azure_basic_dependency = {
  id => "id (optional)",
  resourceName => "resourceName (optional)",
  resourceType => "resourceType (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
id String false The ID of the dependency.
resourceName String false The dependency resource name.
resourceType String false The dependency resource type.


Deployment on error behavior with additional details.

$azure_on_error_deployment_extended = {
  deploymentName => "deploymentName (optional)",
  type => "type (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
deploymentName String false The deployment to be used on error case.
type String false The deployment on error behavior type. Possible values are LastSuccessful and SpecificDeployment.


Entity representing the reference to the deployment parameters.

$azure_parameters_link = {
  contentVersion => "contentVersion (optional)",
  uri => "uri",
Name Type Required Description
contentVersion String false If included, must match the ContentVersion in the template.
uri String true The URI of the parameters file.


Resource provider information.

$azure_provider = {
  namespace => "namespace (optional)",
  resourceTypes => $azure_provider_resource_type
Name Type Required Description
namespace String false The namespace of the resource provider.
resourceTypes ProviderResourceType false The collection of provider resource types.


Resource type managed by the resource provider.

$azure_provider_resource_type = {
  aliases => $azure_alias_type
  apiVersions => "apiVersions (optional)",
  capabilities => "capabilities (optional)",
  locations => "locations (optional)",
  properties => "properties (optional)",
  resourceType => "resourceType (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
aliases AliasType false The aliases that are supported by this resource type.
apiVersions Array false The API version.
capabilities String false The additional capabilities offered by this resource type.
locations Array false The collection of locations where this resource type can be created.
properties Hash false The properties.
resourceType String false The resource type.


The alias type.

$azure_alias_type = {
  name => "name (optional)",
  paths => $azure_alias_path_type
Name Type Required Description
name String false The alias name.
paths AliasPathType false The paths for an alias.


The type of the paths for alias.

$azure_alias_path_type = {
  apiVersions => "apiVersions (optional)",
  path => "path (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
apiVersions Array false The API versions.
path String false The path of an alias.


Entity representing the reference to the template.

$azure_template_link = {
  contentVersion => "contentVersion (optional)",
  uri => "uri",
Name Type Required Description
contentVersion String false If included, must match the ContentVersion in the template.
uri String true The URI of the template to deploy.

CRUD operations

Here is a list of endpoints that we use to create, read, update and delete the DeploymentExtended

Operation Path Verb Description OperationID
Create /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourcegroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/%{deployment_name} Put You can provide the template and parameters directly in the request or link to JSON files. Deployments_CreateOrUpdate
List - list all ``
List - get one /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourcegroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/%{deployment_name} Get Gets a deployment. Deployments_Get
List - get list using params /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourcegroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/ Get Get all the deployments for a resource group. Deployments_ListByResourceGroup
Update /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourcegroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/%{deployment_name} Put You can provide the template and parameters directly in the request or link to JSON files. Deployments_CreateOrUpdate
Delete /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourcegroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Resources/deployments/%{deployment_name} Delete A template deployment that is currently running cannot be deleted. Deleting a template deployment removes the associated deployment operations. Deleting a template deployment does not affect the state of the resource group. This is an asynchronous operation that returns a status of 202 until the template deployment is successfully deleted. The Location response header contains the URI that is used to obtain the status of the process. While the process is running, a call to the URI in the Location header returns a status of 202. When the process finishes, the URI in the Location header returns a status of 204 on success. If the asynchronous request failed, the URI in the Location header returns an error-level status code. Deployments_Delete