15 | 15 |
16 | 16 | it "should default to iptables provider if /sbin/iptables[-save] exists" do
17 | 17 | # Stub lookup for /sbin/iptables & /sbin/iptables-save
18 |
| - exists.any_instance.stubs(:which).with("iptables"). |
19 |
| - returns "/sbin/iptables" |
20 |
| - exists.any_instance.stubs(:which).with("iptables-save"). |
21 |
| - returns "/sbin/iptables-save" |
| 18 | + allow(exists).to receive(:which).with("iptables"). |
| 19 | + and_return "/sbin/iptables" |
| 20 | + allow(exists).to receive(:which).with("iptables-save"). |
| 21 | + and_return "/sbin/iptables-save" |
22 | 22 |
23 | 23 | # Every other command should return false so we don't pick up any
24 | 24 | # other providers
25 |
| - exists.any_instance.stubs(:which).with() { |value| |
| 25 | + allow(exists).to receive(:which).with() { |value| |
26 | 26 | ! ["iptables","iptables-save"].include?(value)
27 |
| - }.returns false |
| 27 | + }.and_return false |
28 | 28 |
29 | 29 | # Create a resource instance and make sure the provider is iptables
30 | 30 | resource = Puppet::Type.type(:firewall).new({
31 | 31 | :name => '000 test foo',
32 | 32 | })
33 |
| - resource.provider.class.to_s.should == "Puppet::Type::Firewall::ProviderIptables" |
| 33 | + expect(resource.provider.class.to_s).to eq("Puppet::Type::Firewall::ProviderIptables") |
34 | 34 | end
35 | 35 | end
36 | 36 |
45 | 45 |
46 | 46 | before :each do
47 | 47 | Puppet::Type::Firewall.stubs(:defaultprovider).returns provider
48 |
| - provider.stubs(:command).with(:iptables_save).returns "/sbin/iptables-save" |
| 48 | + allow(provider).to receive(:command).with(:iptables_save).and_return "/sbin/iptables-save" |
49 | 49 |
50 | 50 | # Stub iptables version
51 |
| - Facter.fact(:iptables_version).stubs(:value).returns("1.4.2") |
| 51 | + allow(Facter.fact(:iptables_version)).to receive(:value).and_return("1.4.2") |
52 | 52 |
53 |
| - Puppet::Util::Execution.stubs(:execute).returns "" |
54 |
| - Puppet::Util.stubs(:which).with("iptables-save"). |
55 |
| - returns "/sbin/iptables-save" |
| 53 | + allow(Puppet::Util::Execution).to receive(:execute).and_return "" |
| 54 | + allow(Puppet::Util).to receive(:which).with("iptables-save"). |
| 55 | + and_return "/sbin/iptables-save" |
56 | 56 | end
57 | 57 |
58 | 58 | it 'should be able to get a list of existing rules' do
59 | 59 | provider.instances.each do |rule|
60 |
| - rule.should be_instance_of(provider) |
61 |
| - rule.properties[:provider].to_s.should == provider.name.to_s |
| 60 | + expect(rule).to be_instance_of(provider) |
| 61 | + expect(rule.properties[:provider].to_s).to eq(provider.name.to_s) |
62 | 62 | end
63 | 63 | end
64 | 64 |
65 | 65 | it 'should ignore lines with fatal errors' do
66 |
| - Puppet::Util::Execution.stubs(:execute).with(['/sbin/iptables-save']). |
67 |
| - returns("FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.18-028stab095.1/modules.dep: No such file or directory") |
| 66 | + allow(Puppet::Util::Execution).to receive(:execute).with(['/sbin/iptables-save']). |
| 67 | + and_return("FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.18-028stab095.1/modules.dep: No such file or directory") |
68 | 68 |
69 |
| - provider.instances.length.should == 0 |
| 69 | + expect(provider.instances.length).to be_zero |
70 | 70 | end
71 | 71 |
72 | 72 | # Load in ruby hash for test fixtures.
80 | 80 | # If this option is enabled, make sure the parameters exactly match
81 | 81 | if data[:compare_all] then
82 | 82 | it "the parameter hash keys should be the same as returned by rules_to_hash" do
83 |
| - resource.keys.should =~ data[:params].keys |
| 83 | + expect(resource.keys).to match_array(data[:params].keys) |
84 | 84 | end
85 | 85 | end
86 | 86 |
89 | 89 | it "the parameter '#{param_name.to_s}' should match #{param_value.inspect}" do
90 | 90 | # booleans get cludged to string "true"
91 | 91 | if param_value == true then
92 |
| - resource[param_name].should == "true" |
| 92 | + expect(resource[param_name]).to be_true |
93 | 93 | else
94 |
| - resource[param_name].should == data[:params][param_name] |
| 94 | + expect(resource[param_name]).to eq(data[:params][param_name]) |
95 | 95 | end
96 | 96 | end
97 | 97 | end
107 | 107 | let(:instance) { provider.new(resource) }
108 | 108 |
109 | 109 | it 'general_args should be valid' do
110 |
| - instance.general_args.flatten.should == data[:args] |
| 110 | + expect(instance.general_args.flatten).to eq(data[:args]) |
111 | 111 | end
112 | 112 | end
113 | 113 | end
121 | 121 | let(:instance) { provider.new(resource) }
122 | 122 |
123 | 123 | it 'rule name contains a MD5 sum of the line' do
124 |
| - resource[:name].should == "9000 #{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(resource[:line])}" |
| 124 | + expect(resource[:name]).to eq("9000 #{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(resource[:line])}") |
125 | 125 | end
126 | 126 | end
127 | 127 |
128 | 128 | describe 'when creating resources' do
129 | 129 | let(:instance) { provider.new(resource) }
130 | 130 |
131 | 131 | it 'insert_args should be an array' do
132 |
| - instance.insert_args.class.should == Array |
| 132 | + expect(instance.insert_args.class).to eq(Array) |
133 | 133 | end
134 | 134 | end
135 | 135 |
136 | 136 | describe 'when modifying resources' do
137 | 137 | let(:instance) { provider.new(resource) }
138 | 138 |
139 | 139 | it 'update_args should be an array' do
140 |
| - instance.update_args.class.should == Array |
| 140 | + expect(instance.update_args.class).to eq(Array) |
141 | 141 | end
142 | 142 | end
143 | 143 |
153 | 153 | end
154 | 154 |
155 | 155 | it 'delete_args is an array' do
156 |
| - instance.delete_args.class.should == Array |
| 156 | + expect(instance.delete_args.class).to eq(Array) |
157 | 157 | end
158 | 158 |
159 | 159 | it 'delete_args is the same as the rule string when joined' do
160 |
| - instance.delete_args.join(' ').should == sample_rule.gsub(/\-A/, |
161 |
| - '-t filter -D') |
| 160 | + expect(instance.delete_args.join(' ')).to eq(sample_rule.gsub(/\-A/, |
| 161 | + '-t filter -D')) |
162 | 162 | end
163 | 163 | end
164 | 164 | end
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