DSL Paradise is a compiler plugin for boilerplate-free implicit and scope injection based on a Scala language extension proposal, first introduced by @lihaoyi and @stanch. See corresponding discussion on scala-debate. Contextual abstractions for implicit context propagation are supported by the Dotty compiler as implicit function types.
// original syntax proposal for the Scala language extension
def f(a: (implicit Int) => String) = println(a(5))
// current syntax as implemented in the compiler plugin
def f(a: Int `implicit =>` String) = println(a(5))
def g(implicit x: Int) = x.toString
> f("Hi, " + g)
// desugaring
> f { implicit imparg$1 => "Hi, " + g }
Hi, 5
class Thingy {
val u = 6
val v = 7
// original syntax proposal for the Scala language extension
def f(a: (import Thingy) => Int) = println(a(new Thingy))
// current syntax as implemented in the compiler plugin
def f(a: Thingy `import =>` Int) = println(a(new Thingy))
> f(4 + u - v)
// desugaring
> f { imparg$1 => import imparg$1._; 4 + u - v }
object Thingy {
val u = 6
// no original syntax proposal for the Scala language extension
// current syntax as implemented in the compiler plugin
def f(a: Int `import` Thingy.type) = println(a)
> f(u + 1)
// desugaring
> f { import Thingy._; u + 1 }
Using a fresh name for each compiler-generated implicit argument prevents nesting of contexts due to ambiguous implicit values:
def withContext[T](f: Context[T] `implicit =>` Result) = ...
withContext[A] {
implicitly[Context[_]] // gets `Context[A]`
withContext[B] {
implicitly[Context[_]] // "ambiguous implicit values" for `Context[A]` and `Context[B]`
// desugaring
withContext[A] { implicit imparg$1 =>
implicitly[Context[_]] // gets `Context[A]`
withContext[B] { implicit imparg$2 =>
implicitly[Context[_]] // "ambiguous implicit values" for `Context[A]` and `Context[B]`
You can specify a fixed name to be used for the implicit argument to enable implicit argument resolution for nested contexts by shadowing the implicit argument of the outer context (of course, it may be a good idea to pick a name that is unlikely to conflict with other identifiers):
def withContext[T](f: Context[T] `implicit =>` Result `argument name` { type ctx }) = ...
withContext[A] {
implicitly[Context[_]] // gets `Context[A]`
withContext[B] {
implicitly[Context[_]] // gets `Context[B]`
// desugaring
withContext[A] { implicit ctx =>
implicitly[Context[_]] // gets `Context[A]`
withContext[B] { implicit ctx =>
implicitly[Context[_]] // gets `Context[B]`
Add the resolver for the DSL Paradise dependencies to your
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("stg-tud", "maven")
Enable the DSL Paradise compiler plugin in your
addCompilerPlugin("de.tuda.stg" % "dslparadise" % "0.2.0" cross CrossVersion.patch)
Add the library dependencies defining the DSL Paradise types to your
libraryDependencies += "de.tuda.stg" %% "dslparadise-types" % "0.2.0"
The latter only defines the types used by the plugin as follows:
package object dslparadise { type `implicit =>`[-T, +R] = T => R type `implicit import =>`[-T, +R] = T => R type `import =>`[-T, +R] = T => R type `import`[T, I] = T type `argument name`[T <: _ => _, N] = T }
Scope and implicit context injection provide a mechanism for reducing unnecessary boilerplate in a variety of contexts, including:
- Enums and Enum-like arguments
- Propagation of implicit context
- Tighter scoping of contextual identifiers
- Avoiding boilerplate
import java.util.regex.Pattern
val pattern = Pattern.compile(
The above snippet is taken from the java.util.regex
, but the API is similar to
what you see in many Scala libraries: you need to pass in some sort of flag to a
function, it doesn’t really matter what. In the above case, one question you may
ask is: Why do you need to prefix MULTILINE
? One alternative you have is to simply import everything into the
global namespace, as in:
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import Pattern._
val pattern = Pattern.compile(
Which solves the verbosity problem, but at the cost of namespace pollution: now
are sitting taking up room in the global
namespace, when you really only need them as an argument to Pattern.compile
This tension between clean-namespace-but-verbose and
dirty-namespace-but-convenient could be solved by Static Scope Injection, e.g.
if Pattern.compile
was defined as:
def compile(s: String, flags: Int `import` Pattern) = ...
You could then write:
import java.util.regex.Pattern
val pattern = Pattern.compile(
will then be brought into scope only in
the context of the compile
call, allowing you both clean namespaces and
minimal verbosity at the call-site.
A similar situation exists for Spray’s HTTP API:
This shows the problem taken to the extreme: why should I have to say that the
comes from StatusCodes
, when every StatusCode
comes from
? Again, you could simply import everything, but that would incur a
heavy tax of namespace pollution. with Scope Injection, you could write:
Without any of the names escaping their use-site and polluting the global namespace.
The propagation of implicit contexts into HoFs has always been a sticking point for many Scala libraries. Consider the Slick 2.0 API, which lets you pass a database session into a block of code either via an implicit parameter:
db.withSession { implicit session => query.list }
or via a DynamicVariable
db.withDynSession { query.list }
This is again a forced tradeoff of conciseness and correctness: clearly passing
a session using a DynamicVariable
(which is just a global mutable cell) is
more convenient, whereas passing around an implicit everywhere is just annoying
boilerplate. However, if you tried to do something clever with the dynamic
db.withDynSession { Future { query.list } }
It may fail, since the global mutable cell may have been modified before the
was run! Using an implicit session:
db.withSession { implicit session => Future { query.list } }
Works great, but is quite a mouthful to type and to read each time.
This is unfortunate, because you now have to make an annoying trade-off where there is no good answer:
- Either you go for the annoying-but-safe
scope - Or the convenient-but-dangerous dynamic scope
With Implicit Injection, you could define withSession
def withSession[T](thunk: Session `implicit =>` T)
Or equivalently using Scope Injection:
class ImplicitHolder {
implicit val session: Session = ...
def withSession[T](thunk: ImplicitHolder `import =>` T)
In which case you could write:
db.withSession { Future { query.list } }
And have it desugar to an implicit variable injection, providing both conciseness as well as proper/safe lexical scoping and solving the terrible dilemma we faced before!
Apart from Slick, other libraries like Scala-STM and Scala.Rx have a similar necessity of passing around an implicit context. They may have made different choices when faced with the dilemma above (Scala.Rx went with DynamicVariable, Scala-STM and Slick give a choice of dynamic or implicit) but all could have benefited from an Scope/Implicit Injection to provide an API that is both safe and concise.
import scala.async.Async.{async, await}
val future = async {
val f1 = async { ...; true }
val f2 = async { ...; 42 }
if (await(f1)) await(f2) else 0
Scala Async provides a macro-based DSL with two
main identifiers: async
and await
. await
is defined to be only meaningful
within the context of an async
block. However, as Scala-Async behaves today
is simply sitting in the global scope cluttering the namespace.
A few other possible usage patterns for Scala-Async are shown below:
import scala.async.Async.async
val future = async {
import scala.async.Async.await
val f1 = async { ...; true }
val f2 = async { ...; 42 }
if (await(f1)) await(f2) else 0
import scala.async.Async.async
val future = async { await =>
val f1 = async { ...; true }
val f2 = async { ...; 42 }
if (await(f1)) await(f2) else 0
import scala.async.Async.async
val future = async { ctx =>
import ctx._
val f1 = async { ...; true }
val f2 = async { ...; 42 }
if (await(f1)) await(f2) else 0
All of these solve the problem of await
being too broadly scoped, but at a
cost of boilerplate and inconvenience. Given that the inconvenience is felt at
every call-site, the Scala-Async developers have chosen to simply import await
globally, providing convenience at a cost of safety.
With Scope Injection, you could define async
object Holder {
val await = ???
macro def async[T](thunk: Holder `import =>` T): Future[T] = ???
Which would give you a call-site syntax:
import scala.async.Async.async
val future = async {
val f1 = async { ...; true }
val f2 = async { ...; 42 }
if (await(f1)) await(f2) else 0
Where await
is conveniently injected only into the scope in which it was
meaningful: inside the await { ... }
block. This allows both convenience as
well as safety and hygiene, which is the best of both worlds.
Another example of this kind of use case would be JScala, a Scala macro DSL which compiles the captured block to Javascript:
import org.jscala._
val main = javascript {
val u = new User("nau", 2)
val u1Json = eval("(" + inject(json) + ")").as[User] // read User from json string generated above
val t = new Greeter()
As you can see, in this case you have several magic identifiers that only have
meaning within the context of the javascript { ... }
block: eval
, inject
and others (e.g. window
) not shown in this snippet. Currently, these simply
exist as names imported into the top-level namespace, cluttering up the
namespace and potentially throwing a RuntimeException if accidentally used. With
Scope Injection, you could write the same code without the "import everything":
import org.jscala.javascript
val main = javascript {
val u = new User("nau", 2)
val u1Json = eval("(" + inject(json) + ")").as[User] // read User from json string generated above
val t = new Greeter()
and have eval
, inject
, window
and other only-makes-sense-within-block
variables be tightly (and automatically!) scoped to that block.
The last example would be Scalatags:
import scalatags.all._
"alert('Hello World')"
h1(id:="title", "This is a title"),
p("This is a big paragraph of text")
In this case, src
and id
represent HTML attributes that only make sense
within a Scalatags fragment. However, currently they are imported into the
global namespace, and Scalatags itself provides a variety of different
approaches to allow you to
customize exactly how much you wish to trade-off namespace-pollution for
use-site convenience, e.g. assigning tags and attributes to the *
rather than importing them all directly:
"alert('Hello World')"
*.h1(*.id:="title", "This is a title"),
*.p("This is a big paragraph of text")
This trades off some call-site convenience in exchange for not having all the HTML attributes sitting in your global namespace where you don’t want them.
However, if we made the various tags’ apply
methods take Scope Injection, we
could have a use-site syntax like:
import scalatags.tag
"alert('Hello World')"
h1(id:="title", "This is a title"),
p("This is a big paragraph of text")
Where apart from the initial tag
, nothing else is sitting uselessly in the
global namespace: All the tags (head
, script
, etc.) and the attributes
, id
) are brought into scope by the Scope Injection, allowing you to
have all the use-site convenience of the initial
dump-everything-in-the-global-namespace solution together with the clean
namespaces of the assign-it-to-a-variable approach.
An experimental library Scala.React has
a workflow DSL, where it passes around a self
param in order to give a handle
which the developer can use to call methods and control the execution of the
Events.loop[B] { self =>
val x = self.await(outer)
if (p isDefinedAt x) self << p(x)
With Scope Injection, these additional buttons could be simply included into the scope automatically:
Events.loop[B] {
val x = await(outer)
if (p isDefinedAt x) <<(p(x))
Making an API that looks a lot more fluent.