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2209 lines (1809 loc) · 69.2 KB

File metadata and controls

2209 lines (1809 loc) · 69.2 KB

Introduced in

Administration removed associations

  • Removed calculationRule association in shippingMethodCriteria() in sw-settings-shipping-detail.
  • Removed conditions association in ruleFilterCriteria() and shippingRuleFilterCriteria() in sw-settings-shipping-price-matrix

Parameter names of some \Shopware\Core\Framework\Migration\MigrationStep changed

  • Parameter name column of \Shopware\Core\Framework\Migration\MigrationStep::dropColumnIfExists changed to columnName
  • Parameter name column of \Shopware\Core\Framework\Migration\MigrationStep::dropForeignKeyIfExists changed to foreignKeyName
  • Parameter name index of \Shopware\Core\Framework\Migration\MigrationStep::dropIndexIfExists changed to indexName

Removal of deprecated product review loading logic in Storefront

  • The service \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\Review\ProductReviewLoader was removed. Use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Review\AbstractProductReviewLoader instead.
  • The event \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\Review\ProductReviewsLoadedEvent was removed. Use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Review\Event\ProductReviewsLoadedEvent instead.
  • The hook \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\Review\ProductReviewsWidgetLoadedHook was removed. Use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Review\ProductReviewsWidgetLoadedHook instead.
  • The struct \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\Review\ReviewLoaderResult was removed. Use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Review\ProductReviewResult instead.

Native types for PHP class properties

All PHP class properties now have a native type. If you have extended classes with properties, which didn't have a native type before, make sure you now add them as well.

Storefront product box accessibility: Removed duplicate links around the product image in product cards

Affected template: Resources/views/storefront/component/product/card/box-standard.html.twig

The anchor link around the product image a.product-image-link is removed and replaced with the link of the product name a.product-name that now uses the stretched-link helper class:

<div class="card product-box box-standard">
    <div class="card-body">
        <div class="product-image-wrapper">
-            <a href="https://shopware.local/Example-Product/SW-01931a101dcc725aa3affc0ff408ee31">
                <img src="https://shopware.local/media/a3/22/75/1731309077/Example-Product_%283%29.webp?ts=1731309077" alt="Example-Product">
-            </a>

        <div class="product-info">
            <a href="https://shopware.local/Example-Product/SW-01931a101dcc725aa3affc0ff408ee31"
+               class="product-name stretched-link"> {# <------ stretched-link is used instead #}

Reduced data loaded in Store-API Register Route and Register related events

The customer entity does not have all associations loaded by default anymore. This change reduces the amount of data loaded in the Store-API Register Route and Register related events to improve the performance.

In the following event, the CustomerEntity has no association loaded anymore:

  • \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Event\CustomerRegisterEvent
  • \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Event\CustomerRegisterEvent
  • \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Event\CustomerLoginEvent
  • \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Event\DoubleOptInGuestOrderEvent
  • \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Event\CustomerDoubleOptInRegistrationEvent

Required foreign key in mapping definition for many-to-many associations

If the mapping definition of a many-to-many association does not contain foreign key fields, an exception will be thrown.

Introduced in

Vat Ids will be validated case sensitive

Vat Ids will now be checked for case sensitivity, which means that most Vat Ids will now have to be upper case, depending on their validation pattern. For customers without a company, this check will only be done on entry, so it is still possible to checkout with an existing lower case Vat Id. For customers with a company, this check will be done at checkout, so they will need to change their Vat Id to upper case.

Changed PromotionGatewayInterface

  • Changed the return type of the Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\Gateway\PromotionGatewayInterface from EntityCollection<PromotionEntity> to PromotionCollection

Deletes by filter over the Sync API

The sync API allows now to add a filter to the delete request to delete multiple entities at once. This is useful if you want to delete all entities that match a certain criteria:

    "action": "delete",
    "entity": "product",
    "payload": [],
    "filter": [
        "field": "name",
        "type": "equals",
        "value": "test"

Config keys changes:

Next configuration keys are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version:

  • shopware.cache.invalidation.delay_options.dsn
  • shopware.increment.<increment_name>.config.url
  • shopware.number_range.redis_url
  • shopware.number_range.config.dsn
  • shopware.cart.redis_url

To prepare for migration:

  1. For all different redis connections (different DSNs) that are used in the project, add a separate record in the config/packages/shopware.yaml file under the shopware section, as in upgrade section of this document.
  2. Replace deprecated dsn/url keys with corresponding connection names in the configuration files.
  • shopware.cache.invalidation.delay_options.dsn -> shopware.cache.invalidation.delay_options.connection
  • shopware.increment.<increment_name>.config.url -> shopware.increment.<increment_name>.config.connection
  • shopware.number_range.redis_url -> shopware.number_range.config.connection
  • shopware.number_range.config.dsn -> shopware.number_range.config.connection
  • shopware.cart.redis_url ->
  • ->
  • Removed \Core\Framework\Api\Controller\AuthController::authorize method (API route /api/oauth/authorize) without replacement.

Removal of obsolete method in DefinitionValidator

The method \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DefinitionValidator::getNotices was removed.

Introduced in

ThemeFileImporterInterface & ThemeFileImporter Removal

Both \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeFileImporterInterface & \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeFileImporter are removed without replacement. These classes are already not used as of v6.6.5.0 and therefore this extension point is removed with no planned replacement.

getBasePath & setBasePath methods and basePath property on StorefrontPluginConfiguration are removed. If you need to get the absolute path you should ask for a filesystem instance via \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeFilesystemResolver::getFilesystemForStorefrontConfig() passing in the config object. This filesystem instance can read files via a relative path and also return the absolute path of a file. Eg:

$fs = $this->themeFilesystemResolver->getFilesystemForStorefrontConfig($storefrontPluginConfig);
foreach($storefrontPluginConfig->getAssetPaths() as $relativePath) {
    $absolutePath = $fs->path('Resources', $relativePath);

\Shopware\Core\System\SystemConfig\Exception\ConfigurationNotFoundException is removed, if it was previously caught you should change your catch to \Shopware\Core\System\SystemConfig\SystemConfigException instead and inspect the code for \Shopware\Core\System\SystemConfig\SystemConfigException::CONFIG_NOT_FOUND.


We added a new optional parameter string $domainId to SitemapHandleFactoryInterface::create and SitemapHandleFactory::create. If you implement the SitemapHandleFactoryInterface or extend the SitemapHandleFactory class, you should properly handle the new parameter in your custom implementation.

Accessibility - Storefront base font-size

In regard to better readability the base font-size of the storefront is updated to the browser standard of 1rem (16px). Other text formatting is adjusted accordingly. The following variables and properties are changed:

  • $font-size-base changed from 0.875rem to 1rem.
  • $font-size-lg changed from 1rem to 1.125rem.
  • $font-size-sm changed from 0.75rem to 0.875rem.
  • $paragraph-margin-bottom changed from 1rem to 2rem.
  • line-height of .quantity-selector-group-input changed to 1rem.
  • font-size of .form-text changed from 0.875rem to $font-size-base.
  • font-size of .account-profile-change changed from $font-size-sm to $font-size-base.
  • font-size of .product-description changed from 0.875rem to $font-size-base.
  • line-height of .product-description changed from 1.125rem to $line-height-base.
  • height of .product-description changed from 3.375rem to 4.5rem.
  • line-height of .quantity-selector-group-input changed to 1rem.
  • font-size of .main-navigation-menu changed from $font-size-lg to $font-size-base.
  • font-size of .navigation-flyout-category-linkchanged from $font-size-lg to $font-size-base.

Change Storefront language and currency dropdown items to buttons

The .top-bar-list-item elements inside the "top-bar" dropdown menus will contain <button> elements instead of a hidden <input type="radio"> elements.

Affected templates:

  • Resources/views/storefront/layout/header/actions/language-widget.html.twig
  • Resources/views/storefront/layout/header/actions/currency-widget.html.twig


<ul class="top-bar-list dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end">
    <li class="top-bar-list-item">
        <label class="top-bar-list-label" for="top-bar-01918f15b7e2711083e85ec52ac29411">
            <input class="top-bar-list-radio" id="top-bar-01918f15b7e2711083e85ec52ac29411" value="01918f15b7e2711083e85ec52ac29411" name="currencyId" type="radio">
            £ GBP
    <li class="top-bar-list-item">
        <label class="top-bar-list-label" for="top-bar-01918f15b7e2711083e85ec52ac29411">
            <input class="top-bar-list-radio" id="top-bar-01918f15b7e2711083e85ec52ac29411" value="01918f15b7e2711083e85ec52ac29411" name="currencyId" type="radio">
            $ USD


<ul class="top-bar-list dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end">
    <li class="top-bar-list-item">
        <button class="dropdown-item" type="submit" name="currencyId" id="top-bar-01918f15b7e2711083e85ec52ac29411" value="01918f15b7e2711083e85ec52ac29411">
            <span aria-hidden="true" class="top-bar-list-item-currency-symbol">£</span>
    <li class="top-bar-list-item">
        <button class="dropdown-item" type="submit" name="currencyId" id="top-bar-01918f15b7e2711083e85ec52ac29411" value="01918f15b7e2711083e85ec52ac29411">
            <span aria-hidden="true" class="top-bar-list-item-currency-symbol">$</span>

If you are modifying the dropdown item, please adjust to the new HTML structure and consider the deprecation comments in the code. The example below shows currency-widget.html.twig. Inside language-widget.html.twig a similar structure can be found.


{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/layout/header/actions/currency-widget.html.twig' %}

{% block layout_header_actions_currency_widget_form_items_element_input %}
    <input type="radio">
    Special list-item override
{% endblock %}


{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/layout/header/actions/currency-widget.html.twig' %}

{# The block `layout_header_actions_currency_widget_form_items_element_input` does no longer exist, use upper block `layout_header_actions_currency_widget_form_items_element_label` insted. #}
{% block layout_header_actions_currency_widget_form_items_element_label %}
    <button class="dropdown-item">
        Special list-item override
{% endblock %}

Change Storefront order items and cart line-items from <div> to <ul> and <li>:

To improve the accessibility and semantics, several generic <div> elements that are representing lists are changed to actual <ul> and <li> elements. This effects the account order overview area as well as the cart line-item templates.

If you are adding custom line-item templates, please change the root element to an <li> element:


<div class="{{ lineItemClasses }}">
    <div class="row line-item-row">
        {# Line item content #}


<li class="{{ lineItemClasses }}">
    <div class="row line-item-row">
        {# Line item content #}

If you are looping over line-items manually in your template, please change the nearest parent element to an <ul>:


<div class="line-item-container-custom">
    {% for lineItem in lineItems %}
        {# Now renders `<li>` #}
        {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/line-item/line-item.html.twig' %}
    {% endfor %}


<ul class="line-item-container-custom list-unstyled">
    {% for lineItem in lineItems %}
        {# Now renders `<li>` #}
        {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/line-item/line-item.html.twig' %}
    {% endfor %}

List of affected templates:

Please consider the documented deprecations inside the templates and adjust modified HTML accordingly. The overall HTML tree structure and the Twig blocks are not affected by this change.

  • Account order overview
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/index.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-document-item.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-document.html.twig
  • Cart table header (Root element changed to <li>)
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/checkout/cart-header.html.twig
  • Line-items wrapper (List wrapper element changed to <ul>)
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/cart/index.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/confirm/index.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/finish/index.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/address/index.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-list.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/checkout/offcanvas-cart.html.twig
  • Line-items (Root element changed to <li>)
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/type/product.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/type/discount.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/type/generic.html.twig
    • src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/type/container.html.twig


We added a new optional parameter bool $useBatchImport to ImportExportFactory::create. If you extend the ImportExportFactory class, you should properly handle the new parameter in your custom implementation.

Changed thrown exceptions in TranslationsSerializer

  • Changed the InvalidArgumentException, which was thrown in TranslationsSerializer::serialize and TranslationsSerializer::deserialize when the given association field wasn't a TranslationsAssociationField, to the new ImportExportException::invalidInstanceType exception.

Deprecated ImportExport domain exception

  • Deprecated method \Shopware\Core\Content\ImportExport\ImportExportException::invalidInstanceType. Thrown exception will change from InvalidArgumentException to ImportExportException.

Custom field names and field set names

Custom field names and field set names will be validated to not contain hyphens or dots, they must be valid Twig variable names (

Introduced in

Storefront pagination is using anchor links instead of radio inputs

The storefront pagination component (Resources/views/storefront/component/pagination.html.twig) is no longer using radio inputs with styled labels. Anchor links are used instead. If you are modifying the <label> inside the pagination template, you need to change the markup to <a> instead. Please use one of the documented twig block alternatives inside pagination.html.twig. The hidden radio input will no longer be in the HTML. The current page value will be retrieved by the data-page attribute instead of the radio inputs value.


{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/component/pagination.html.twig '%}

{% block component_pagination_first_input %}
    <input type="radio"
           {% if currentPage == 1 %}disabled="disabled"{% endif %}
           id="p-first{{ paginationSuffix }}"
           class="d-none some-special-class"
{% endblock %}

{% block component_pagination_first_label %}
    <label class="page-link some-special-class" for="p-first{{ paginationSuffix }}">
        {# Using text instead of icon and add some special CSS class #}
{% endblock %}


{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/component/pagination.html.twig '%}

{# All information that was previously on the radio input, is now also on the anchor link. The id attribute is longer needed. The "disabled" state is now controlled via the parent `<li>` and tabindex. #}
{% block component_pagination_first_link_element %}
    <a href="{{ href ? '?p=1' ~ searchQuery : '#' }}" 
       class="page-link some-special-class"
       aria-label="{{ 'general.first'|trans|striptags }}" 
       {% if currentPage == 1 %} tabindex="-1" aria-disabled="true"{% endif %}>
        {# Using text instead of icon and add some special CSS class #}
{% endblock %}

Removal of deprecated properties of CustomerDeletedEvent

  • The deprecated properties customerId, customerNumber, customerEmail, customerFirstName, customerLastName, customerCompany and customerSalutationId of CustomerDeleteEvent will be removed and cannot be accessed anymore in a mail template when sending a mail via the Checkout > Customer > Deleted flow trigger.

Message queue size limit

Any message queue message bigger than 256KB will be now rejected by default. To reduce the size of your messages you should only store the ID of an entity in the message and fetch it later in the message handler. This can be disabled again with:

        enforce_message_size: false

Removal of deprecated exceptions

The following exceptions were removed:

  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Exception\UnsupportedEncoderInputException
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\CanNotFindParentStorageFieldException
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\InternalFieldAccessNotAllowedException
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\InvalidParentAssociationException
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\ParentFieldNotFoundException
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\PrimaryKeyNotProvidedException

Entity class throws different exceptions

The following methods of the \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity class are now throwing different exceptions:

  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity::__get now throws a \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DataAbstractionLayerException instead of a \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\InternalFieldAccessNotAllowedException.
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity::get now throws a \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DataAbstractionLayerException instead of a \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\InternalFieldAccessNotAllowedException.
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity::checkIfPropertyAccessIsAllowed now throws a \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\DataAbstractionLayerException instead of a \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\InternalFieldAccessNotAllowedException.
  • \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Entity::get now throws a \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\PropertyNotFoundException instead of a \InvalidArgumentException.

Introduced in

Payment: Reworked payment handlers

  • The payment handlers have been reworked to provide a more flexible and consistent way to handle payments.
  • The new AbstractPaymentHandler class should be used to implement payment handlers.
  • The following interfaces have been deprecated:
    • AsyncPaymentHandlerInterface
    • PreparedPaymentHandlerInterface
    • SyncPaymentHandlerInterface
    • RefundPaymentHandlerInterface
    • RecurringPaymentHandlerInterface
  • Synchronous and asynchronous payments have been merged to return an optional redirect response.

Payment: Capture step of prepared payments removed

  • The method capture has been removed from the PreparedPaymentHandler interface. This method is no longer being called for apps.
  • Use the pay method instead for capturing previously validated payments.

App System: Payment: payment states

  • For asynchronous payments, the default payment state unconfirmed was used for the pay call and paid for finalized. This is no longer the case. Payment states are no longer set by default.

App system: Payment: finalize step

  • The finalize step now transmits the queryParameters under the object key requestData as other payment calls

Customer: Default payment method removed

  • Removed default payment method from customer entity, since it was mostly overriden by old saved contexts
  • Logic is now more consistent to always be the last used payment method

Rule builder: Condition customerDefaultPaymentMethod removed

  • Removed condition customerDefaultPaymentMethod from rule builder, since customers do not have default payment methods anymore
  • Existing rules with this condition will be automatically migrated to the new condition paymentMethod, so the currently selected payment method

Flow builder: Trigger checkout.customer.changed-payment-method removed

  • Removed trigger checkout.customer.changed-payment-method from flow builder, since customers do not have default payment methods anymore
  • Existing flows will be automatically disabled with Shopware 6.7 and removed in a future, destructive migration

Removal of sw-dashboard-statistics and associated component sections and data sets

The component sw-dashboard-statistics (src/module/sw-dashboard/component/sw-dashboard-statistics) has been removed without replacement.

The associated component sections sw-chart-card__before and sw-chart-card__after were removed, too. Use sw-dashboard__before-content and sw-dashboard__after-content instead.


import { ui } from '@shopware-ag/meteor-admin-sdk';

    positionId: 'sw-chart-card__before',


import { ui } from '@shopware-ag/meteor-admin-sdk';

    positionId: 'sw-dashboard__before-content',

Additionally, the associated data sets sw-dashboard-detail__todayOrderData and sw-dashboard-detail__statisticDateRanges were removed. In both cases, use the Admin API instead.

Direct debit default payment: State change removed

  • The default payment method "Direct debit" will no longer automatically change the order state to "in progress". Use the flow builder instead, if you want the same behavior.

Introduced in

Removal of Storefront sw-skin-alert SCSS mixin

The mixin sw-skin-alert will be removed in v6.7.0. Instead of styling the alert manually with CSS selectors and the custom mixin sw-skin-alert, we modify the appearance inside the alert-* modifier classes directly with the Bootstrap CSS variables like it is documented:


@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
  .alert-#{$color} {
    @include sw-skin-alert($value, $white);


@each $state, $value in $theme-colors {
  .alert-#{$state} {
    --#{$prefix}alert-border-color: #{$value};
    --#{$prefix}alert-bg: #{$white};
    --#{$prefix}alert-color: #{$body-color};

Removal of Storefront alert class alert-has-icon styling

When rendering an alert using the include template Resources/views/storefront/utilities/alert.html.twig, the class alert-has-icon will be removed. Helper classes d-flex align-items-center will be used instead.

- <div class="alert alert-info alert-has-icon">
+ <div class="alert alert-info d-flex align-items-center">
    {% sw_icon 'info' %}
    <div class="alert-content-container">
        An important info

Removal of Storefront alert inner container alert-content

As of v6.7.0, the superfluous inner container alert-content will be removed to have lesser elements and be more aligned with Bootstraps alert structure. When rendering an alert using the include template Resources/views/storefront/utilities/alert.html.twig, the inner container alert-content will no longer be present in the HTML output.

The general usage of Resources/views/storefront/utilities/alert.html.twig and all include parameters remain the same.


<div role="alert" class="alert alert-info d-flex align-items-center">
    <span class="icon icon-info"><svg></svg></span>                                                    
    <div class="alert-content-container">
        <div class="alert-content">                                                    
            Your shopping cart is empty.


<div role="alert" class="alert alert-info d-flex align-items-center">
    <span class="icon icon-info"><svg></svg></span>                                                    
    <div class="alert-content-container">
        Your shopping cart is empty.

Removal of "sw-popover":

The old "sw-popover" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-floating-ui" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-floating-ui" component. This component is much different from the old "sw-popover" component, so the codemod will not be able to convert all occurrences. You will have to manually adjust some parts of your codebase. For this you can look at the Storybook documentation for the Meteor Component Library.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-popover" with "mt-floating-ui".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-popover" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-popover" with "mt-floating-ui"


<sw-popover />


<mt-floating-ui />

"mt-floating-ui" has no property "zIndex" anymore

The property "zIndex" is removed without a replacement.


<sw-popover :zIndex="myZIndex" />


<mt-floating-ui />

"mt-floating-ui" has no property "resizeWidth" anymore

The property "resizeWidth" is removed without a replacement.


<sw-popover :resizeWidth="myWidth" />


<mt-floating-ui />

"mt-floating-ui" has no property "popoverClass" anymore

The property "popoverClass" is removed without a replacement.


<sw-popover popoverClass="my-class" />


<mt-floating-ui />

"mt-floating-ui" is not open by default anymore

The "open" property is removed. You have to control the visibility of the popover by yourself with the property "isOpened".


<sw-popover />


<mt-floating-ui :isOpened="myVisibility" />

Removal of deprecations

  • Removed method ImportExportProfileEntity::getName() and ImportExportProfileEntity::setName(). Use getTechnicalName() and setTechnicalName() instead.
  • Removed profile attribute from ImportEntityCommand. Use --profile-technical-name instead.
  • Removed name field from ImportExportProfileEntity.

All Vuex stores will be transitioned to Pinia

  • All Shopware states will become Pinia Stores and will be available via Shopware.Store

Introduced in

onlyAvailable flag removed

  • The onlyAvailable flag in the Shopware\Core\Checkout\Gateway\SalesChannel\CheckoutGatewayRoute in the request will be removed in the next major version. The route will always filter the payment and shipping methods before calling the checkout gateway based on availability.

AbstractCartOrderRoute::order method signature change

  • The Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\SalesChannel\AbstractCartOrderRoute::order method will change its signature in the next major version. A new mandatory request parameter will be introduced.

Shopware config changes:


Replace the redis_url parameter in config/packages/shopware.yaml file:

        compress: false
        expire_days: 120
        redis_url: false # or 'redis://localhost'


        compress: false
        expire_days: 120
            type: "mysql" # or "redis"
            # config:
                # dsn: 'redis://localhost'


Replace the redis_url parameter in config/packages/shopware.yaml file:

        increment_storage: "SQL"
        redis_url: false # or 'redis://localhost'


        increment_storage: "mysql" # or "redis"
        # config:
            # dsn: 'redis://localhost'

Removal of deprecations

  • Removed constants Shopware\Core\Content\MailTemplate\Subscriber\MailSendSubscriberConfig::{ACTION_NAME,MAIL_CONFIG_EXTENSION} use Shopware\Core\Content\Flow\Dispatching\Action\SendMailAction::{ACTION_NAME,MAIL_CONFIG_EXTENSION} instead
  • Removed constant Shopware\Core\Content\MailTemplate\MailTemplateActions::MAIL_TEMPLATE_MAIL_SEND_ACTION use Shopware\Core\Content\Flow\Dispatching\Action\SendMailAction::ACTION_NAME instead
  • Removed class Shopware\Core\Content\MailTemplate\MailTemplateActions without replacement

Removal of "sw-tabs":

The old "sw-tabs" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-tabs" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-tabs" component. In this specific component it cannot convert anything correctly, because the new "mt-tabs" component has a different API. You have to manually check and solve every "TODO" comment created by the codemod.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-tabs" with "mt-tabs".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-tabs" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-tabs" with "mt-tabs"


<sw-tabs />


<mt-tabs />

"sw-tabs" wrong "default" slot usage will be replaced with "items" property

You need to replace the "default" slot with the "items" property. The "items" property is an array of objects which are used to render the tabs. Using the "sw-tabs-item" component is not needed anymore.


    <template #default="{ active }">
        <sw-tabs-item name="tab1">Tab 1</sw-tabs-item>
        <sw-tabs-item name="tab2">Tab 2</sw-tabs-item>


<mt-tabs :items="[
        'label': 'Tab 1',
        'name': 'tab1'
        'label': 'Tab 2',
        'name': 'tab2'

"sw-tabs" wrong "content" slot usage - content should be set manually outside the component

The content slot is not supported anymore. You need to set the content manually outside the component. You can use the "new-item-active" event to get the active item and set it to a variable. Then you can use this variable anywere in your template.


    <template #content="{ active }">
        The current active item is {{ active }}


<!-- setActiveItem need to be defined -->
<mt-tabs @new-item-active="setActiveItem"></mt-tabs>

The current active item is {{ activeItem }}

"sw-tabs" property "isVertical" was renamed to "vertical"


<sw-tabs is-vertical />


<mt-tabs vertical />

"sw-tabs" property "alignRight" was removed


<sw-tabs align-right />


<mt-tabs />

Removal of "sw-select-field":

The old "sw-select-field" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-select" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-select" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-select-field" with "mt-select".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-select-field" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-select-field" with "mt-select"


<sw-select-field />


<mt-select />

"sw-select-field" prop "value" was renamed to "modelValue"

Replace all occurrences of the prop "value" with "modelValue"


<sw-select-field :value="selectedValue" />


<mt-select :modelValue="selectedValue" />

"sw-select-field" the "v-model:value" was renamed to "v-model"

Replace all occurrences of the "v-model:value" directive with "v-model"


<sw-select-field v-model:value="selectedValue" />


<mt-select v-model="selectedValue" />

"sw-select-field" the prop "options" expect a different format

The prop "options" now expects an array of objects with the properties "label" and "value". The old format with "name" and "id" is not supported anymore.


<sw-select-field :options="[ { name: 'Option 1', id: 1 }, { name: 'Option 2', id: 2 } ]" />


<mt-select :options="[ { label: 'Option 1', value: 1 }, { label: 'Option 2', value: 2 } ]" />

"sw-select-field" the prop "aside" was removed

The prop "aside" was removed without replacement.


<sw-select-field :aside="true" />


<mt-select />

"sw-select-field" the default slot was removed

The default slot was removed. The options are now passed via the "options" prop.


    <option value="1">Option 1</option>
    <option value="2">Option 2</option>


<mt-select :options="[ { label: 'Option 1', value: 1 }, { label: 'Option 2', value: 2 } ]" />

"sw-select-field" the label slot was removed

The label slot was removed. The label is now passed via the "label" prop.


    <template #label>
        My Label


<mt-select label="My Label" />

"sw-select-field" the event "update:value" was renamed to "update:modelValue"

The event "update:value" was renamed to "update:modelValue"


<sw-select-field @update:value="onUpdateValue" />


<mt-select @update:modelValue="onUpdateValue" />

Removal of "sw-textarea-field":

The old "sw-textarea-field" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-textarea" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-textarea" component. In this specific component it cannot convert anything correctly, because the new "mt-textarea" component has a different API. You have to manually check and solve every "TODO" comment created by the codemod.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-textarea-field" with "mt-textarea".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-textarea-field" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-textarea-field" with "mt-textarea"


<sw-textarea-field />


<mt-textarea />

"sw-textarea-field" property "value" is replaced by "modelValue"

Replace all occurrences of the property "value" with "modelValue"


<sw-textarea-field :value="myValue" />


<mt-textarea :modelValue="myValue" />

"sw-textarea-field" binding "v-model:value" is replaced by "v-model"

Replace all occurrences of the binding "v-model:value" with "v-model"


<sw-textarea-field v-model:value="myValue" />


<mt-textarea v-model="myValue" />

"sw-textarea-field" slot "label" is replaced by property "label"

Replace all occurrences of the slot "label" with the property "label"


    <template #label>
        My Label


<mt-textarea label="My Label" />

"sw-textarea-field" event "update:value" is replaced by "update:modelValue"

Replace all occurrences of the event "update:value" with "update:modelValue"


<sw-textarea-field @update:value="onUpdateValue" />


<mt-textarea @update:modelValue="onUpdateValue" />

Removal of "sw-datepicker":

The old "sw-datepicker" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-datepicker" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-datepicker" component. In this specific component it cannot convert anything correctly, because the new "mt-datepicker" component has a different API. You have to manually check and solve every "TODO" comment created by the codemod.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-datepicker" with "mt-datepicker".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-datepicker" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-datepicker" with "mt-datepicker"


<sw-datepicker />


<mt-datepicker />

"sw-datepicker" property "value" is replaced by "modelValue"

Replace all occurrences of the property "value" with "modelValue"


<sw-datepicker :value="myValue" />


<mt-datepicker :modelValue="myValue" />

"sw-datepicker" binding "v-model:value" is replaced by "v-model"

Replace all occurrences of the binding "v-model:value" with "v-model"


<sw-datepicker v-model:value="myValue" />


<mt-datepicker v-model="myValue" />

"sw-datepicker" slot "label" is replaced by property "label"

Replace all occurrences of the slot "label" with the property "label"


    <template #label>
        My Label


<mt-datepicker label="My Label" />

"sw-datepicker" event "update:value" is replaced by "update:modelValue"

Replace all occurrences of the event "update:value" with "update:modelValue"


<sw-datepicker @update:value="onUpdateValue" />


<mt-datepicker @update:modelValue="onUpdateValue" />

Removal of "sw-password-field":

The old "sw-password-field" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-password-field" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-password-field" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-password-field" with "mt-password-field".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-password-field" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-password-field" with "mt-password-field"


<sw-password-field>Hello World</sw-password-field>


<mt-password-field>Hello World</mt-password-field>

"mt-password-field" has no property "value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "value" prop with "modelValue"


<sw-password-field value="Hello World" />


<mt-password-field modelValue="Hello World" />

"mt-password-field" v-model:value is deprecated

Replace all occurrences of the "v-model:value" directive with "v-model"


<sw-password-field v-model:value="myValue" />


<mt-password-field v-model="myValue" />

"mt-password-field" has no property "size" with value "medium" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "size" prop with "default"


<sw-password-field size="medium" />


<mt-password-field size="default" />

"mt-password-field" has no property "isInvalid" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "isInvalid" prop


<sw-password-field isInvalid />


<mt-password-field />

"mt-password-field" has no event "update:value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "update:value" event with "update:modelValue"


<sw-password-field @update:value="updateValue" />


<mt-password-field @update:modelValue="updateValue" />

"mt-password-field" has no event "base-field-mounted" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "base-field-mounted" event


<sw-password-field @base-field-mounted="onFieldMounted" />


<mt-password-field />

"mt-password-field" has no slot "label" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "label" slot. The slot content should be moved to the "label" prop. Only string values are supported. Other slot content is not supported anymore.


    <template #label>
        My Label


<mt-password-field label="My label">

"mt-password-field" has no slot "hint" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "hint" slot. The slot content should be moved to the "hint" prop. Only string values are supported. Other slot content is not supported


    <template #hint>
        My Hint


<mt-password-field hint="My hint">

Removal of "sw-colorpicker":

The old "sw-colorpicker" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-colorpicker" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-colorpicker" component. In this specific component it cannot convert anything correctly, because the new "mt-colorpicker" component has a different API. You have to manually check and solve every "TODO" comment created by the codemod.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-colorpicker" with "mt-colorpicker".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-colorpicker" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-colorpicker" with "mt-colorpicker"


<sw-colorpicker />


<mt-colorpicker />

"sw-colorpicker" property "value" is replaced by "modelValue"

Replace all occurrences of the property "value" with "modelValue"


<sw-colorpicker :value="myValue" />


<mt-colorpicker :modelValue="myValue" />

"sw-colorpicker" binding "v-model:value" is replaced by "v-model"

Replace all occurrences of the binding "v-model:value" with "v-model"


<sw-colorpicker v-model:value="myValue" />


<mt-colorpicker v-model="myValue" />

"sw-colorpicker" slot "label" is replaced by property "label"

Replace all occurrences of the slot "label" with the property "label"


    <template #label>
        My Label


<mt-colorpicker label="My Label" />

"sw-colorpicker" event "update:value" is replaced by "update:modelValue"

Replace all occurrences of the event "update:value" with "update:modelValue"


<sw-colorpicker @update:value="onUpdateValue" />


<mt-colorpicker @update:modelValue="onUpdateValue" />

Removal of "sw-external-link":

The old "sw-external-link" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-external-link" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-external-link" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-external-link" with "mt-external-link".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-external-link" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-external-link" with "mt-external-link"


<sw-external-link>Hello World</sw-external-link>


<mt-external-link>Hello World</mt-external-link>

"sw-external-link" property "icon" is removed

The "icon" property is removed from the "mt-external-link" component. There is no replacement for this property.


<sw-external-link icon="world">Hello World</sw-external-link>


<mt-external-link>Hello World</mt-external-link>

Removal of "sw-skeleton-bar":

The old "sw-skeleton-bar" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-skeleton-bar" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-skeleton-bar" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-skeleton-bar" with "mt-skeleton-bar".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-skeleton-bar" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-skeleton-bar" with "mt-skeleton-bar"


<sw-skeleton-bar>Hello World</sw-skeleton-bar>


<mt-skeleton-bar>Hello World</mt-skeleton-bar>

Removal of "sw-email-field":

The old "sw-email-field" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-email-field" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-email-field" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-email-field" with "mt-email-field".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-email-field" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-email-field" with "mt-email-field"


<sw-email-field>Hello World</sw-email-field>


<mt-email-field>Hello World</mt-email-field>

"mt-email-field" has no property "value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "value" prop with "modelValue"


<mt-email-field value="Hello World" />


<mt-email-field modelValue="Hello World" />

"mt-email-field" v-model:value is deprecated

Replace all occurrences of the "v-model:value" directive with "v-model"


<mt-email-field v-model:value="myValue" />


<mt-email-field v-model="myValue" />

"mt-email-field" has no property "size" with value "medium" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "size" prop with "default"


<mt-email-field size="medium" />


<mt-email-field size="default" />

"mt-email-field" has no property "isInvalid" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "isInvalid" prop


<mt-email-field isInvalid />


<mt-email-field />

"mt-email-field" has no property "aiBadge" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "aiBadge" prop


<mt-email-field aiBadge />


<mt-email-field />

"mt-email-field" has no event "update:value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "update:value" event with "update:modelValue"


<mt-email-field @update:value="updateValue" />


<mt-email-field @update:modelValue="updateValue" />

"mt-email-field" has no event "base-field-mounted" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "base-field-mounted" event


<mt-email-field @base-field-mounted="onFieldMounted" />


<mt-email-field />

"mt-email-field" has no slot "label" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "label" slot. The slot content should be moved to the "label" prop. Only string values are supported. Other slot content is not supported anymore.


    <template #label>
        My Label


<mt-email-field label="My label">

Removal of "sw-url-field":

The old "sw-url-field" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-url-field" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-url-field" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-url-field" with "mt-url-field".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-url-field" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-url-field" with "mt-url-field"


<sw-url-field />


<mt-url-field />

"mt-url-field" has no property "value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "value" prop with "modelValue"


<sw-url-field value="Hello World" />


<mt-url-field modelValue="Hello World" />

"mt-url-field" v-model:value is deprecated

Replace all occurrences of the "v-model:value" directive with "v-model"


<sw-url-field v-model:value="myValue" />


<mt-url-field v-model="myValue" />

"mt-url-field" has no event "update:value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "update:value" event with "update:modelValue"


<sw-url-field @update:value="updateValue" />


<mt-url-field @update:modelValue="updateValue" />

"mt-url-field" has no slot "label" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "label" slot. The slot content should be moved to the "label" prop. Only string values are supported. Other slot content is not supported anymore.


    <template #label>
        My Label


<mt-url-field label="My label">

"mt-url-field" has no slot "hint" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "hint" slot. There is no replacement for this slot.


    <template #hint>
        My Hint


<mt-url-field />

Removal of "sw-progress-bar":

The old "sw-progress-bar" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-progress-bar" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-progress-bar" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-progress-bar" with "mt-progress-bar".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-progress-bar" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-progress-bar" with "mt-progress-bar"


<sw-progress-bar />


<mt-progress-bar />

"mt-progress-bar" has no property "value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "value" prop with "modelValue"


<mt-progress-bar value="5" />


<mt-progress-bar modelValue="5" />

"mt-progress-bar" v-model:value is deprecated

Replace all occurrences of the "v-model:value" directive with "v-model"


<mt-progress-bar v-model:value="myValue" />


<mt-progress-bar v-model="myValue" />

"mt-progress-bar" has no event "update:value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "update:value" event with "update:modelValue"


<mt-progress-bar @update:value="updateValue" />


<mt-progress-bar @update:modelValue="updateValue" />

## Introduced in
## Removal of "sw-button":
The old "sw-button" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-button" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-button" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-button" with "mt-button".

Following changes are necessary:

### "sw-button" is removed
Replace all component names from "sw-button" with "mt-button"




"mt-button" has no value "ghost" in property "variant" anymore

Remove the property "variant". Use the property "ghost" instead.


<sw-button variant="ghost">Save</sw-button>


<mt-button ghost>Save</mt-button>

"mt-button" has no value "danger" in property "variant" anymore

Replace the value "danger" with "critical" in the property "variant".


<sw-button variant="danger">Delete</sw-button>


<mt-button variant="critical">Delete</mt-button>

"mt-button" has no value "ghost-danger" in property "variant" anymore

Replace the value "ghost-danger" with "critical" in the property "variant". Add the property "ghost".


<sw-button variant="ghost-danger">Delete</sw-button>


<mt-button variant="critical" ghost>Delete</mt-button>

"mt-button" has no value "contrast" in property "variant" anymore

Remove the value "contrast" from the property "variant". There is no replacement.

"mt-button" has no value "context" in property "variant" anymore

Remove the value "context" from the property "variant". There is no replacement.

"mt-button" has no property "router-link" anymore

Replace the property "router-link" with a "@click" event listener and a "this.$router.push()" method.


<sw-button router-link="sw.example.route">Go to example</sw-button>


<mt-button @click="this.$router.push('sw.example.route')">Go to example</mt-button>

Removal of deprecations

  • Removed service Shopware\Core\Content\MailTemplate\Service\AttachmentLoader without replacement.
  • Removed event Shopware\Core\Content\MailTemplate\Service\Event\AttachmentLoaderCriteriaEvent without replacement.

Removal of "sw-icon":

The old "sw-icon" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-icon" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-icon" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-icon" with "mt-icon".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-icon" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-icon" with "mt-icon"


<sw-icon name="regular-times-s" />


<mt-icon name="regular-times-s" />

"mt-icon" has no property "small" anymore

Replace the property "small" with "size" of value "16px" if used


<sw-icon name="regular-times-s" small />


<mt-icon name="regular-times-s" size="16px" />

"mt-icon" has no property "large" anymore

Replace the property "large" with "size" of value "32px" if used


<sw-icon name="regular-times-s" large />


<mt-icon name="regular-times-s" size="32px" />

"mt-icon" has different default sizes than "sw-icon"

If no property "size", "small" or "large" is used, you need to use the "size" prop with the value "24px" to avoid a different default size than with "sw-icon"


<sw-icon name="regular-times-s" />


<mt-icon name="regular-times-s" size="24px" />

Removal of "sw-card":

The old "sw-card" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-card" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-card" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-card" with "mt-card".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-card" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-card" with "mt-card"


<sw-card>Hello World</sw-card>


<mt-card>Hello World</mt-card>

"mt-card" has no property "aiBadge" anymore

Replace the property "aiBadge" by using the "sw-ai-copilot-badge" component directly inside the "title" slot


<mt-card aiBadge>Hello Wolrd</mt-card>


    <slot name="title"><sw-ai-copilot-badge /></slot>
    Hello World

"mt-card" has no property "contentPadding" anymore

The property "contentPadding" is removed without a replacement.


<mt-card contentPadding>Hello World</mt-card>


<mt-card>Hello World</mt-card>

Removal of deprecated exceptions

  • Removed Shopware\Core\System\Snippet\Exception\FilterNotFoundException. Use Shopware\Core\System\Snippet\SnippetException::filterNotFound instead.
  • Removed Shopware\Core\System\Snippet\Exception\InvalidSnippetFileException. Use Shopware\Core\System\Snippet\SnippetException::invalidSnippetFile instead.

Removal of "sw-text-field":

The old "sw-text-field" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-text-field" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-text-field" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-text-field" with "mt-text-field".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-text-field" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-text-field" with "mt-text-field"


<sw-text-field>Hello World</sw-text-field>


<mt-text-field>Hello World</mt-text-field>

"mt-text-field" has no property "value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "value" prop with "modelValue"


<mt-text-field value="Hello World" />


<mt-text-field modelValue="Hello World" />

"mt-text-field" v-model:value is deprecated

Replace all occurrences of the "v-model:value" directive with "v-model"


<mt-text-field v-model:value="myValue" />


<mt-text-field v-model="myValue" />

"mt-text-field" has no property "size" with value "medium" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "size" prop with "default"


<mt-text-field size="medium" />


<mt-text-field size="default" />

"mt-text-field" has no property "isInvalid" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "isInvalid" prop


<mt-text-field isInvalid />


<mt-text-field />

"mt-text-field" has no property "aiBadge" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "aiBadge" prop


<mt-text-field aiBadge />


<mt-text-field />

"mt-text-field" has no event "update:value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "update:value" event with "update:modelValue"


<mt-text-field @update:value="updateValue" />


<mt-text-field @update:modelValue="updateValue" />

"mt-text-field" has no event "base-field-mounted" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "base-field-mounted" event


<mt-text-field @base-field-mounted="onFieldMounted" />


<mt-text-field />

"mt-text-field" has no slot "label" anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "label" slot. The slot content should be moved to the "label" prop. Only string values are supported. Other slot content is not supported anymore.


    <template #label>
        My Label


<mt-text-field label="My label">

Removal of "sw-switch-field":

The old "sw-switch-field" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-switch" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-switch" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-switch-field" with "mt-switch".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-switch-field" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-switch-field" with "mt-switch".


<sw-switch-field>Hello World</sw-switch-field>


<mt-switch>Hello World</mt-switch>

"mt-switch" has no "noMarginTop" prop anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "noMarginTop" prop with "removeTopMargin".


<mt-switch noMarginTop />


<mt-switch removeTopMargin />

"mt-switch" has no "size" prop anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "size" prop.


<mt-switch size="small" />


<mt-switch />

"mt-switch" has no "id" prop anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "id" prop.


<mt-switch id="example-identifier" />


<mt-switch />

"mt-switch" has no "value" prop anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "value" prop with "checked".


<mt-switch value="true" />


<mt-switch checked="true" />

"mt-switch" has no "ghostValue" prop anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "ghostValue" prop.


<mt-switch ghostValue="true" />


<mt-switch />

"mt-switch" has no "padded" prop anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "padded" prop. Use CSS styling instead.


<mt-switch padded="true" />


<mt-switch />

"mt-switch" has no "partlyChecked" prop anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "partlyChecked" prop.


<mt-switch partlyChecked="true" />


<mt-switch />

"mt-switch" has no "label" slot anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "label" slot with the "label" prop.


    <template #label>


<mt-switch label="Foobar">

"mt-switch" has no "hint" slot anymore

Remove all occurrences of the "hint" slot.


    <template #hint>


    <!-- Slot "hint" was removed with no replacement. -->

Removal of "sw-number-field":

The old "sw-number-field" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-number-field" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-number-field" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-number-field" with "mt-number-field".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-number-field" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-number-field" with "mt-number-field"


<sw-number-field />


<mt-number-field />

"mt-number-field" has no property "value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "value" prop with "modelValue"


<mt-number-field :value="5" />


<mt-number-field :modelValue="5" />

"mt-number-field" v-model:value is deprecated

Replace all occurrences of the "v-model:value" directive with the combination of :modelValue and @change


<mt-number-field v-model:value="myValue" />


<mt-number-field :modelValue="myValue" @change="myValue = $event" />

"mt-number-field" label slot is deprecated

Replace all occurrences of the "label" slot with the "label" prop


    <template #label>
        My Label


<mt-number-field label="My Label" />

"mt-number-field" update:value event is deprecated

Replace all occurrences of the "update:value" event with the "change" event


<mt-number-field @update:value="updateValue" />


<mt-number-field @change="updateValue" />

Removal of "sw-loader":

The old "sw-loader" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-loader" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-loader" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-loader" with "mt-loader".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-loader" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-loader" with "mt-loader"


<sw-loader />


<mt-loader />

Removal of "sw-checkbox-field":

The old "sw-checkbox-field" component will be removed in the next major version. Please use the new "mt-checkbox" component instead.

We will provide you with a codemod (ESLint rule) to automatically convert your codebase to use the new "mt-checkbox" component.

If you don't want to use the codemod, you can manually replace all occurrences of "sw-checkbox-field" with "mt-checkbox".

Following changes are necessary:

"sw-checkbox-field" is removed

Replace all component names from "sw-checkbox-field" with "mt-checkbox"


<sw-checkbox-field />


<mt-checkbox />

"mt-checkbox" has no property "value" anymore

Replace all occurrences of the "value" prop with "checked"


<sw-checkbox-field :value="myValue" />


<mt-checkbox :checked="myValue" />

"mt-checkbox" has changed the v-model usage

Replace all occurrences of the "v-model" directive with "v-model:checked"


<sw-checkbox-field v-model="isCheckedValue" />


<mt-checkbox v-model:checked="isCheckedValue" />

"mt-checkbox" has changed the slot "label" usage

Replace all occurrences of the "label" slot with the "label" prop


    <template #label>
        Hello Shopware


<mt-checkbox label="Hello Shopware">

"mt-checkbox" has removed the slot "hint"

The "hint" slot was removed without replacement


    <template v-slot:hint>
        Hello Shopware

"mt-checkbox" has removed the property "id"

The "id" prop was removed without replacement


<sw-checkbox-field id="checkbox-id" />

"mt-checkbox" has removed the property "ghostValue"

The "ghostValue" prop was removed without replacement


<sw-checkbox-field ghostValue="yes" />

"mt-checkbox" has changed the property "partlyChecked"

Replace all occurrences of the "partlyChecked" prop with "partial"


<sw-checkbox-field partlyChecked />


<mt-checkbox partial />

"mt-checkbox" has removed the property "padded"

The "padded" prop was removed without replacement


<sw-checkbox-field padded />

"mt-checkbox" has changed the event "update:value"

Replace all occurrences of the "update:value" event with "update:checked"


<sw-checkbox-field @update:value="updateValue" />


<mt-checkbox @update:checked="updateValue" />

Introduced in


We added a new optional parameter bool $recursive to TreeUpdater::batchUpdate. If you extend the TreeUpdater class, you should properly handle the new parameter in your custom implementation.


class CustomTreeUpdater extends TreeUpdater
    public function batchUpdate(array $updateIds, string $entity, Context $context, bool $recursive = false): void
        parent::batchUpdate($updateIds, $entity, $context, $recursive);


\Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Command\CreateSchemaCommand will be removed. You can use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Command\CreateMigrationCommand instead.


\Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\SchemaGenerator will be removed. You can use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\MigrationQueryGenerator instead.

Replace isEmailUsed with isEmailAlreadyInUse:

  • Replace isEmailUsed with isEmailAlreadyInUse in sw-users-permission-user-detail.

Introduced in

Replace isEmailUsed with isEmailAlreadyInUse:

  • Replace isEmailUsed with isEmailAlreadyInUse in sw-users-permission-user-detail.

AccountService refactoring

The Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\AccountService::login method is removed. Use AccountService::loginByCredentials or AccountService::loginById instead.

Unused constant Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\CustomerException::CUSTOMER_IS_INACTIVE and unused method Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\CustomerException::inactiveCustomer are removed.

Deprecated comparison methods:

  • floatMatch and arrayMatch methods in src/Core/Framework/Rule/CustomFieldRule.php will be removed for Shopware

Introduced in

New technicalName property for payment and shipping methods

The technicalName property will be required for payment and shipping methods in the API. The technical_name column will be made non-nullable for the payment_method and shipping_method tables in the database.

Plugin developers will be required to supply a technicalName for their payment and shipping methods.

Merchants must review their custom created payment and shipping methods for the new technicalName property and update their methods through the administration accordingly.