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# Slangs List
SLANGS = {'awsm':'awesome', "a/s/l":"age/sex/location", "a/s/l/p":"age, sex, location, picture", "a2d":"agree to disagree", "a2t":"addicted to texting", "a3":"anyplace, anywhere, anytime", "a7x":"avenged sevenfold", "aaf":"as a friend", "aaf":"always and forever", "aak":"asleep at keyboard", "aak":"alive and kicking", "aamof":"as a matter of fact", "aap":"always a pleasure", "aar":"at any rate", "aar8":"at any rate", "aarping":"elderly person complaining repeatedly", "aas":"alive and smiling", "aatk":"always at the keyboard", "aawc":"after awhile crocodile", "aayf":"as always, your friend", "abbrev":"abbreviation", "abcp":"a bad computer professional", "abd":"already been done", "abt":"about", "abt2":"about to", "ac":"air conditioning", "acc":"anyone can come", "acd":"alt-control-delete", "ace":"solo winner", "ack":"acknowledged", "ad":"attack damage", "adad":"another day another dollar", "adam":"all draft all mid", "adbb":"all done, bye-bye", "adc":"attack damage carry", "add":"address", "adds":"additional mobs", "addy":"address", "adih":"another day in hell", "adip":"another day in paradise", "adm":"ay dios mio", "admin":"administrator", "adn":"any day now", "adorbs":"adorable", "adpic":"always dependably politically incorrect", "ads":"aiming down sight", "ae":"area of effect", "aeap":"as early as possible", "af":"aggression factor", "afaiaa":"as far as i am aware", "afaiac":"as far as i am concerned", "afaic":"as far as i'm concerned", "afaics":"as far as i can see", "afaict":"as far as i can tell", "afaik":"as far as i know", "afair":"as far as i remember", "afap":"as fast as possible", "afayc":"as far as you're concerned", "afb":"away from brain", "afc":"american football conference", "afc":"away from computer", "afc":"away from controller", "afda":"a few days ago", "afdb":"a few days back", "afhv":"america's funniest home videos", "afi":"a fire inside", "afj":"april fools' joke", "afk":"away from keyboard", "afn":"all for now", "afpoe":"a fresh pair of eyes", "afro":"natural bush-like hairstyle", "afu":"all fucked up", "afv":"america's funniest videos", "afwiw":"anyway, for what it's worth", "aggro":"aggression", "agi":"agility", "agl":"angel", "ah":"at home", "ah":"auction house", "ahfy":"always here for you", "ai":"as if", "ai":"artificial intelligence", "ai":"all in", "aight":"alright", "aiic":"as if i care", "aim":"aol instant messenger", "aimb":"as i mentioned before", "aimbot":"automatic aiming bot", "aime":"as i mentioned earlier", "aimp":"always in my prayers", "aip":"agreement in principle", "aipf":"all in preflop", "airhead":"stupid", "aisb":"as i said before", "aise":"as i said earlier", "aisi":"as i see it", "aiui":"as i understand it", "aj":"absolute jerk", "ak":"ak-47", "aka":"also known as", "al":"american league", "alap":"as long as possible", "alap":"as late as possible", "alg":"ain't life grand", "alol":"actually laughing out loud", "alt":"a lot", "alt":"alternate character", "alw":"ain't life wonderful", "ama":"ask me anything", "amap":"as much as possible", "amazeballs":"amazing", "amazn":"amazing", "ambl":"all my boundless love", "ambw":"all my best wishes", "amf":"adios my friend", "amg":"ah my gosh", "aml":"all my love", "ammo":"ammunition", "amp":"to be loud and angry", "amp":"adventure multiplayer", "amped":"pumped up", "ams":"ask me something", "anfscd":"and now for something completely different", "anon":"anonymous", "antm":"america's next top model", "anuda":"another", "aoas":"all of a sudden", "aoc":"available on cell", "aoe":"area of effect", "aoi":"ass on ice", "aomm":"always on my mind", "aon":"all or nothing", "aon":"as of now", "aon":"apropos of nothing", "aota":"all of the above", "aoyp":"angel on your pillow", "ap":"ability power", "ap":"attached parenting", "ap":"attack power", "apac":"all praise and credit", "apc":"a perfect circle", "apm":"actions per minute", "app":"application", "app":"appreciate", "ar":"assault rifle", "aram":"all random all mid", "arp":"armor penetration", "arpen":"armor penetration", "asaic":"as soon as i can", "asaik":"as soon as i know", "asap":"as soon as possible", "asat":"as simple as that", "asayc":"as soon as you can", "asaygt":"as soon as you get this", "asl":"age, sex, location", "aslp":"age, sex, location, picture", "asp":"after show party", "asyc":"as soon as you can", "atb":"all the best", "atm":"at the moment", "atm":"automated teller machine", "atpm":"about to pee myself", "atsl":"along the same lines", "atst":"at the same time", "att":"all the time", "attaboy":"good job", "attagirl":"good job", "attn":"attention", "attny":"attorney", "attt":"ain't that the truth", "attwaction":"attraction to a twitter user", "attwicted":"addicted to twitter", "atw":"all the way", "atys":"anything you say", "aut":"are you there", "automagically":"magically automatic", "avc":"AVC", "awa":"as well as", "awc":"after awhile crocodile", "awesomesauce":"super awesome", "awhfy":"are we having fun yet?", "awks":"awkward", "awl":"always with love", "awltp":"avoiding work like the plague", "awol":"absent while online", "aws":"AWS", "a w s":"AWS", "awt":"at what time", "awty":"are we there yet?", "ayaotd":"are you afraid of the dark?", "aybabtu":"all your base are belong to us", "ayc":"are you coming?", "aydy":"are you done yet?", "ayec":"at your earliest convenience", "ayfr":"are you for real?", "ayft":"are you free today?", "ayk":"as you know", "aykm":"are you kidding me?", "ayor":"at your own risk", "aypi":"and your point is?", "ays":"are you serious?", "aysos":"are you stupid or something?", "ayt":"are you there?", "aytmtb":"and you're telling me this because", "ayw":"as you wish", "ayw":"as you were", "aywk":"as you well know", "azm":"awesome", "azn":"asian", "azz":"ass", "b":"be", "b&e":"breaking and entering", "b&f":"back and forth", "b&w":"black and white", "b-day":"birthday", "b/c":"because", "b/f":"boyfriend", "b/f":"brain fart", "b/r":"bathroom", "b/w":"between", "b1g1":"buy one, get one", "b2w":"back to work", "b4":"before", "b4n":"bye for now", "b4u":"before you", "b@u":"back at you", "ba":"bad ass", "ba":"bitch ass", "baa":"broad agency announcement", "babe":"attractive person", "bac":"bad ass chick", "bac":"back at computer", "bae":"babe", "bae":"before anyone else", "bae":"before anything else", "baf":"bring a friend", "bafo":"best and final offer", "bai":"bye", "baic":"boy am i confused", "bak":"back at keyboard", "baller":"cool person", "bam":"below average mentality", "bamf":"bad ass mother fucking", "bao":"be aware of", "barcraft":"bar gathering for starcraft", "basor":"breathing a sigh of relief", "bau":"business as usual", "bb":"bright blessings", "bb":"breaking bad", "bb":"big blind", "bb":"blessed be", "bb":"be back", "bb":"bye bye", "bb/100":"big bets per 100 hands", "bb4n":"bye bye for now", "bbb":"boring beyond belief", "bbfn":"bye-bye for now", "bbiab":"be back in a bit", "bbiaf":"be back in a few", "bbiam":"be back in a minute", "bbias":"be back in a second", "bbl":"be back later", "bbm":"brains by mattel", "bbml":"be back much later", "bbn":"bye bye now", "bbol":"be back on later", "bbq":"barbecue", "bbs":"bulletin board system", "bbs":"be back soon", "bbss":"be back soon sweetie", "bbt":"be back tomorrow", "bbw":"be back whenever", "bbw":"big beautiful women", "bbw":"big black women", "bbwl":"be back way later", "bc":"because", "bc":"be cool", "bc":"burning crusade", "bc":"back cover", "bcbg":"bon chic bon genre", "bcc":"blind carbon copy", "bcnu":"be seein' you", "bco":"big crush on", "bcos":"because", "bcoy":"big crush on you", "bcoz":"because", "bcz":"because", "bd":"blu-ray", "bd":"backdoor", "bd":"big deal", "bd":"birthday", "bday":"birthday", "bdu":"brain dead user", "beamer":"bmw vehicle", "beef":"bothering problem", "beemer":"bmw vehicle", "belf":"blood elf", "bennifer":"ben and jennifer", "bestie":"best friend", "bf":"boyfriend", "bf":"brain fart", "bf":"b.f. sword", "bf2":"battlefield 2", "bfaw":"best friend at work", "bfd":"big freakin' deal", "bff":"best friends forever", "bff4l":"best friends forever for life", "bffae":"best friends forever and ever", "bffe":"best friends forever", "bffl":"best friend for life", "bfflab":"best friend for life and beyond", "bffm":"best friends forevermore", "bffn":"best friend for now", "bfg":"big friggin' gun", "bfh":"bitch from hell", "bfk":"big fat kiss", "bfn":"bye for now", "bfn":"big fat negative", "bfp":"big fat positive", "bfr":"big freakin' rock", "bftd":"best friends till death", "bfu":"bezny franta uzivatel", "bfu":"brain free user", "bg":"battleground", "bg":"big grin", "bg":"bad game", "bg":"blood glucose", "bgf":"best guy friend", "bgr":"boy girl relationship", "bh":"better half", "bh":"bloody hell", "bh@":"be home at", "bhl8":"be home late", "bhs":"be home soon", "bi5":"back in five", "biab":"back in a bit", "biam":"back in a minute", "bibi":"bye bye", "bic":"butt in chair", "biffles":"best friends for life", "bil":"brother-in-law", "bil":"boss is listening", "bimbo":"dumb and attractive female", "bin":"buy it now", "bio":"bathroom", "bio":"bring it on", "bio":"biological units", "bioball":"biological unit group", "biome":"minecraft region", "bion":"believe it or not", "bioya":"blow it out your ass", "bis":"best in slot", "bisly":"but i still love you", "bitmt":"but in the meantime", "bits":"back in the saddle", "biz":"business", "bk":"back", "bk":"burger king", "bka":"better known as", "bl":"buddy list", "bl":"belly laughing", "blinkie":"coupon dispenser machine", "blizz":"blizzard", "blops":"black ops", "bltn":"better late than never", "bluf":"bottom line up front", "blvmot":"believe me on that", "bm":"bad manner", "bm":"bite me", "bma":"best mates always", "bmbo":"blow my brains out", "bme":"based on my experience", "bmgwl":"busting my gut with laughter", "bmw":"boy meets world", "bmw":"bayerische motoren werke", "bn":"bad news", "bnib":"brand new in box", "bno":"boys night out", "bnr":"but not really", "bo":"body odor", "bo":"build order", "bo":"back off", "bo3":"best of three", "bo5":"best of five", "boc":"butt on chair", "bod":"body", "boe":"bind on equip", "bogo":"buy one, get one", "bohica":"bend over here it comes again", "bol":"be on later", "boo":"term of endearment", "boomkin":"moonkin druid", "booms":"bored out of my skull", "boomstick":"doom shotgun", "boosting":"unfair level boosting", "bootsie":"boring person", "bootylicious":"attractive female's rear", "booyah":"hooray", "booze":"alcohol", "bop":"bind on pickup", "bos":"brat over shoulder", "botb":"back of the book", "botd":"benefit of the doubt", "bout":"about", "boyds":"back off you dipstick", "bp":"blue pilling", "br":"blu-ray", "br":"bank roll", "br":"bathroom", "br":"best regards", "br":"buyer's remorse", "brah":"bro", "brangelina":"brad and angelina", "brb":"bathroom break", "brb":"be right back", "brbrb":"bathroom, be right back", "brbs":"be right back soon", "brd":"bored", "brez":"battle resurrection", "brh":"be right here", "bridezilla":"godzilla bride", "brillz":"brilliant", "bro":"brother", "bro":"be right over", "brolling":"james bond trolling", "bromance":"a non-sexual friendship between two or more males", "brony":"male viewer of my little pony", "broseph":"male friend", "brotastic":"great male bonding time", "brrrb":"be rrright back", "brt":"be right there", "bs":"blood sugar", "bs":"bull suck", "bsb":"backstreet boys", "bsod":"blue screen of death", "bst":"but seriously though", "bstd":"busted", "bsts":"better safe than sorry", "bt":"bittorrent", "bt":"bad taste", "bt":"bluetooth", "bta":"but then again", "btaim":"be that as it may", "btchf":"bye, take care, have fun", "btd":"bored to death", "btdt":"been there, done that", "btho":"back the heck off", "bthrm":"bathroom", "bthu":"back the heck up", "btk":"back to keyboard", "btm":"bite me", "btn":"better than nothing", "btobs":"be there or be square", "btsoom":"beats the shizzle out of me", "btw":"by the way", "btwitiailwu":"by the way, i think i am in love with you", "btwitiailwy":"by the way, i think i am in love with you", "btwitiilwy":"by the way, i think i'm in love with you", "btwitily":"by the way, i think i love you", "btwn":"between", "btyc":"better than you can", "bu&i":"between you and i", "bubi":"goodbye", "buck":"dollar", "budder":"gold", "buf":"big ugly fellow", "buf":"big, ugly, fat", "buff":"strengthen", "buhbye":"bye", "bump":"forum post message bump", "bunnies":"first-person shooter jumping", "bup":"backup plan", "butterface":"unattractive female face", "bw":"best wishes", "bw":"be well", "bwbr":"brunette with blonde roots", "bwdik":"but what do i know", "bwg":"big wide grin", "bwl":"bursting with laughter", "bwq":"buzzword quotient", "bwthdik":"but what the heck do i know", "bwtm":"but wait, there's more", "byh":"bless your heart", "byki":"before you know it", "bykt":"but you knew that", "byob":"bring your own beer", "byod":"bring your own device", "byodkm":"bring your own display, keyboard, and mouse", "bytm":"better you than me", "bz":"busy", "c":"see", "c&g":"chuckle and grin", "c-p":"sleepy", "c/o":"care of", "c/p":"crossposting", "c/s":"change subject", "c2c":"cam to cam", "c4n":"ciao for now", "c9":"parent in room", "cab":"taxi", "cac":"cool as a cucumber", "cad":"control-alt-delete", "camping":"holding position", "cas":"clothing acquisition syndrome", "cata":"cataclysm", "cb":"chris brown", "cbf":"can't be bothered", "cc":"command center", "cc":"credit card", "cc":"crowd control", "cc":"i understand", "cc":"carbon copy", "ccg":"collectible card game", "ccr":"creedence clearwater revival", "cd":"cooldown", "cd9":"parents are watching", "cd99":"parents are no longer watching", "cdiwy":"couldn't do it without you", "cdr":"cooldown reduction", "ceebs":"can't be bothered", "cf":"cluster fuck", "cf":"coffee freak", "cfs":"care for a secret?", "cfv":"call for votes", "cg":"computer graphics", "cgm":"continuous glucose monitoring", "cgms":"continuous glucose monitoring system", "char":"character", "chargelot":"charge zealot", "cheerio":"goodbye", "cheesy":"corny", "chibi":"miniature character", "chillax":"chill and relax", "chingo":"chat lingo", "chirp":"diss", "chiver":"male who likes thechive", "chivette":"female who likes thechive", "chk":"check", "chln":"chilling", "choob":"skilled player who intentionally plays badly", "chrismukkah":"christmas and hanukkah", "chu":"you", "churrin":"children", "chx":"chickens", "cia":"see ya", "cicu":"can i see you?", "cicyh":"can i copy your homework", "cicyhw":"can i copy your homework", "cid":"consider it done", "cil":"check in later", "cip":"customer initiated payment", "cip":"cell it please", "cis":"consumer information service", "cld":"could", "clk":"click", "clm":"career limiting move", "clowning":"joking", "cm":"call me", "cmb":"call me back", "cme":"checking my e-mail", "cmfwic":"chief mo fo of who's in charge", "cmiiw":"correct me if i'm wrong", "cmon":"come on", "cmp":"creative multiplayer", "cms":"content management system", "cnp":"continued next post", "cnrhkyitf":"chuck norris roundhouse kick you in the face", "coa":"course of action", "cob":"close of business", "coc":"code of conduct", "cod":"call of duty", "col":"crying out loud", "combo":"combination", "comp":"computer", "convo":"conversation", "coo":"cool", "cos":"child over shoulder", "cp":"club penguin", "cpe":"coolest person ever", "cqc":"close quarters combat", "cracka":"white person", "cray":"crazy", "crb":"come right back", "crbt":"crying real big tears", "crd":"caucasian rhythm disorder", "cre8":"create", "crew":"group of friends", "crib":"house", "crimbo":"christmas", "crit":"critical strike", "crn":"chuckling right now", "crs":"can't remember stuff", "crt":"cathode ray tube", "crtla":"can't remember the three letter acronym", "crz":"crazy", "cs":"creep score", "cs":"chatslang.com", "cs":"caesarean section", "csb":"cool story, bro", "csg":"chuckle snicker grin", "csl":"can't stop laughing", "css":"cascading style sheet", "ctc":"call the cell", "ctf":"capture the flag", "ctfu":"cracking the fuck up", "cthu":"cracking the heck up", "ctm":"complete the monument", "ctm":"chuckle to myself", "ctn":"can't talk now", "cto":"check this out", "ctr":"center", "ctrn":"can't talk right now", "cts":"change the subject", "cu":"see you", "cu2":"see you too", "cu2mr":"see you tomorrow", "cu46":"see you for sex", "cu@":"see you around", "cub":"call you back", "cud":"could", "cul":"call you later", "cul":"see you later", "cul":"catch you later", "cul8r":"call you later", "cul8r":"see you later", "cul8rm8":"see you later m8", "cula":"see you later alligator", "cuol":"see you online", "cus":"see you soon", "cushty":"cool", "cuz":"because", "cwot":"complete waste of time", "cwyl":"chat with you later", "cx":"correction", "cya":"see ya", "cyal8r":"see you later", "cyb":"call you back", "cydi":"can ya dig it", "cye":"check your e-mail", "cyf":"check your facebook", "cyfb":"check your facebook", "cyl":"catch ya later", "cym":"check your myspace", "cyo":"see you online", "cyoa":"cover your own ass", "cyr":"call your", "cyt":"see you tomorrow", "cyww2by":"see ya, wouldn't want to be ya", "cz":"because", "d/c":"disconnected", "d/c":"don't care", "d/l":"download", "d/s":"dominant/submissive", "d3":"diablo 3", "d8":"date", "da":"dumb ass", "da":"the", "dah":"dumb ass hole", "dal":"dalaran", "daq":"dumb asked question", "dar":"daily afternoon randomness", "dashie":"rainbow dash", "dat":"that", "dbag":"douchebag", "dbd":"don't be dumb", "dbeyr":"don't believe everything you read", "dbg":"don't be gay", "dbm":"deadly boss mods", "dbmn":"don't bug me now", "dbs":"dad behind shoulder", "dbts":"don't believe that stuff", "dbts":"don't believe their suck", "dc":"disconnect", "dc":"daycare", "dced":"disconnected", "dd":"dear daughter", "ddg":"drop dead gorgeous", "ddsos":"different day, same old stuff", "de":"disenchant", "deagle":"desert eagle", "debuff":"weakening effect", "dece":"decent", "ded":"dead", "deeps":"damage per second", "deets":"details", "def":"definitely", "def":"defense", "degt":"don't even go there", "delish":"delicious", "dept":"department", "der":"duh", "derp":"expression of stupidity", "detweet":"to delete a tweet", "dewd":"dude", "df":"dear fiance", "dfg":"deathfire grasp", "dfl":"dead freaking last", "dftba":"don't forget to be awesome", "dga":"digital guardian angel", "dga":"don't go anywhere", "dgara":"don't give a rat's ass", "dh":"dear hubby", "dh":"dear husband", "dhtc":"don't hit the cell", "dhyb":"don't hold your breath", "diaf":"die in a fire", "dibs":"rights to something", "dig":"like", "digits":"phone number", "diik":"darned if i know", "diku":"do i know you?", "diky":"do i know you?", "dil":"daughter-in-law", "dilligaf":"do i look like i give a flip?", "dilligaff":"does it look like i give a flying flip?", "ding":"level up", "dink":"double income no kids", "dip":"idiot", "dip":"leave", "dis":"disrespect", "dis":"this", "disc":"discipline", "diss":"disrespect", "distol":"did i say that out loud?", "ditg":"down in the gutter", "ditto":"same", "diva":"rude woman", "diy":"do it yourself", "dk":"don't know", "dkdc":"don't know, don't care", "dkp":"dragon kill points", "dl":"down low", "dl":"download", "dl":"doing laundry", "dlc":"downloadable content", "dlm":"don't leave me", "dlo":"down low", "dltbbb":"don't let the bed bugs bite", "dltcu":"don't let them catch you", "dltm":"don't lie to me", "dm":"direct message", "dm":"death match", "dm":"do me", "dmb":"dave matthews band", "dmg":"damage", "dmi":"don't mention it", "dmnds":"doesn't make no dang sense", "dmy":"don't mess yourself", "dnbl8":"do not be late", "dnd":"do not disturb", "dnftt":"do not feed the trolls", "dno":"don't know", "dnt":"don't", "doa":"dead on arrival", "doc":"drug of choice", "doge":"dog", "dogface":"ugly", "dom":"dirty old man", "dom":"dominate", "dome":"head", "domed":"headshotted", "don":"double or nothing", "doo":"dude", "doo":"excrement from a human or an animal", "doo-doo":"child term for human or animal excrement", "dood":"dude", "dos":"dad over shoulder", "dot":"damage over time", "dota":"defense of the ancients", "douche":"douchebag", "douchebag":"arrogant jerk", "doucheling":"partial douchebag", "dough":"money", "dougie":"dance move", "dp":"dear partner", "dps":"damage per second", "dq":"disqualify", "dqmot":"don't quote me on this", "dqotd":"dumb question of the day", "dqydj":"don't quit your day job", "drc":"don't really care", "drk":"don't really know", "drm":"digital rights management", "ds":"dear son", "dsi":"don't sweat it", "dsr":"detailed seller rating", "dstr8":"dang straight", "dt":"dang typos", "dt":"dark templar", "dt":"dream theater", "dtf":"down to fuck", "dtr":"define the relationship", "dtrt":"do the right thing", "du":"don't understand", "du":"darn you", "duckroll":"to mislead someone", "duh":"overly obvious", "duk":"didn't you know?", "dulm":"do you love me", "dunking":"owning enemy player", "dunno":"i don't know", "dur":"do you remember", "dur":"stupidly obvious", "duut":"do you understand that?", "dw":"don't worry", "dw":"dear wife", "dwb":"don't write back", "dwbh":"don't worry, be happy", "dweet":"drunk tweet", "dwhtgtta":"do we have to go through this again", "dwisnwid":"do what i say, not what i do", "dwl":"dying with laughter", "dwt":"driving while texting", "dwts":"dancing with the stars", "dx":"driving", "dyd":"don't you dare", "dyfi":"did you find it", "dyhab":"do you have a boyfriend?", "dyhag":"do you have a girlfriend?", "dyjhiw":"don't you just hate it when", "dyk":"did you know", "dylm":"do you like me", "dylm":"do you love me", "dym":"did you mean", "dytth":"did you talk to him?", "dytth":"did you talk to her?", "e-ok":"electronically ok", "e1":"everyone", "e2eg":"ear to ear grin", "ea":"electronic arts", "ea":"each", "eak":"eating at keyboard", "eavestweeting":"eavesdropping on twitter conversations", "ec2":"EC2", "effin":"fucking", "eg":"evil grin", "eg":"for example", "ei":"eat it", "eie":"enough is enough", "elo":"electric light orchestra", "elo":"elo rating system", "em":"e-mail", "ema":"e-mail address", "emc2":"genius", "emi":"excuse my ignorance", "eml":"email me later", "emo":"emotional", "emsg":"e-mail message", "endie":"enderman", "engrish":"bad asian to english translation", "enuf":"enough", "eod":"end of discussion", "eof":"end of file", "eol":"end of lecture", "eol":"end of line", "eol":"end of life", "eom":"end of message", "eor":"end of rant", "eot":"end of thread", "epm":"effective actions per minute", "epo":"erythropoietin", "ermahgerd":"oh my gosh", "errz":"errors", "esad":"eat suck and die", "esl":"electronic sports league", "esports":"electronic sports", "essench":"essential", "eta":"estimated time of arrival", "eta":"edited to add", "etd":"estimated time of departure", "euc":"excellent used condition", "eva":"ever", "every1":"everyone", "evs":"whatever", "exp":"experience", "eyc":"excited yet calm", "ez":"easy", "ezpz":"easy peasy", "ezy":"easy", "f":"female", "f/f":"face to face", "f11":"finger eleven", "f2f":"face to face", "f2p":"free to play", "f2t":"free to talk", "f9":"fine", "fab":"fabulous", "facepalm":"to place the palm of your hand on your face", "facestalking":"looking through someone's pictures on facebook", "faf":"funny as fluff", "fah":"funny as heck", "fail":"failure", "fanboy":"big fan", "fantabulous":"better than fantastic or fabulous", "faq":"frequently asked questions", "fav":"favorite", "fave":"favorite", "favs":"favorites", "fawc":"for anyone who cares", "fb":"facebook", "fb":"feedback", "fbc":"facebook chat", "fbf":"facebook friend", "fbm":"fine by me", "fbo":"facebook official", "fbow":"for better or worse", "fbtw":"fine, be that way", "fc":"fingers crossed", "fcfs":"first-come, first-served", "fcol":"for crying out loud", "fe":"finger eleven", "feds":"federal agents", "fella":"fellow person", "ff":"flying fadoodle", "ff":"fast forward", "ff":"faerie fire", "ff":"focus 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"gma":"grandma", "gmab":"give me a break", "gmafb":"give me a friggin' break", "gmta":"great minds think alike", "gmv":"got my vote", "gn":"goodnight", "gn":"get naked", "gne1":"good night everyone", "gnight":"good night", "gnite":"goodnight", "gno":"girls night out", "gnoc":"get naked on camera", "gnr":"guns n' roses", "gnst":"good night, sleep tight", "gogo":"go now", "gok":"god only knows", "gol":"groaning out loud", "gol":"giggle out loud", "gomb":"get off my back", "goml":"get on my level", "gonna":"going to", "goon":"idiot", "gorge":"gorgeous", "gosu":"highly skilled", "gotcha":"i get you", "goty":"game of the year", "gow":"gears of war", "gow2":"gears of war 2", "gowi":"get on with it", "gowm":"go out with me", "gp":"go private", "gpa":"grandpa", "gpa":"grade point average", "gpoy":"gratuitous picture of yourself", "gpoyw":"gratuitous picture of yourself wednesday", "gps":"god's positioning system", "gps":"global positioning system", "gpw":"global password", "gr":"gotta run", 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"metagame":"outside game preparation and strategies", "mf":"mother fucker", "mfb":"mother fucking bitch", "mgb":"may god bless", "mgmt":"management", "mhm":"mm-hmm", "mhoty":"my hat's off to you", "mi":"marching illini", "mia":"missing in action", "mib":"mint in box", "mib":"men in black", "mibg":"mental image be gone", "micro":"unit micromanagement skill", "mid":"middle lane", "mid":"middle", "mil":"mother-in-law", "mimas":"may i make a suggestion", "min":"minute", "mins":"minutes", "mips":"millions of instructions per second", "mir":"mail-in rebate", "mirl":"meet in real life", "mishu":"miss you", "mistweet":"tweet mistake", "mk":"okay", "mka":"make additions", "mkay":"ok", "mlb":"major league baseball", "mlg":"major league gaming", "mlia":"my life is average", "mlp":"my little pony", "mm":"merry meet", "mm":"music monday", "mm":"missing my", "mm":"make me", "mma":"meet me at", "mma":"mixed martial arts", "mmamp":"meet me at my place", "mmb":"message me back", "mmbbg":"massively 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barbeque", "omgys":"oh my gosh you suck", "omh":"oh my heavens!", "omj":"oh my jonas", "oml":"oh my l...", "omm":"on my mind", "omohod":"one minute, one hour, one day", "omw":"on my way", "onco":"or nearest cash offer", "oneshot":"one shot completion", "onl":"online", "onna":"oh no, not again", "ono":"or nearest offer", "onoz":"oh no", "onyd":"oh no you didn't", "oo":"on order", "oo":"over and out", "oo":"openoffice", "ooak":"one of a kind", "ooc":"out of character", "ooh":"out of here", "oom":"out of mana", "oomf":"great strain", "oomf":"one of my followers", "ooo":"out of office", "oop":"out of print", "oop":"out of pocket", "oot":"out of town", "oot":"out of topic", "ootb":"out of the box", "ootd":"outfit of the day", "ooyfm":"out of your freaking mind", "op":"overpowered", "op":"original poster", "op":"operator", "opa":"greek exclamation", "opi":"overpaid idiot", "opk":"ovulation predictor kit", "opm":"other people's money", "orly":"oh really", "orp":"original retail price", 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"phobar":"photoshopped beyond all recognition", "pibkac":"problem is between keyboard and chair", "pic":"picture", "pimp":"peeing in my pants (laughing)", "pio":"pass it on", "piog":"posted in other groups", "pir":"parent in room", "pir":"people in room", "pita":"pain in the ass", "pix":"pictures", "pj":"pearl jam", "pjdwys":"personal joke, don't worry yourself", "pjs":"pajamas", "pk":"player kill", "pkmn":"pokmon", "pl":"pinkliner", "pl":"pig latin", "pl":"punch line", "pl":"playlist", "pl&":"planned", "pl0x":"please", "pl8":"plate", "pld":"played", "plj":"peace, love, joy", "plmk":"please let me know", "plos":"parents looking over shoulder", "plox":"please", "pls":"please", "plz":"please", "plzrd":"please read", "pm":"private message", "pm":"postmeridian", "pm5k":"powerman 5000", "pmd":"pokmon mystery dungeon", "pmfji":"pardon me for jumping in", "pmji":"pardon my jumping in", "pmki":"pretty much killin' it", "pmp":"peed my pants", "pmpl":"piss my pants laughing", "pmsl":"piss myself 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"puks":"pick up the kids", "pusimp":"put yourself in my position", "puter":"computer", "pvc":"player versus computer", "pve":"player versus environment", "pvp":"player versus player", "pvp":"protoss versus protoss", "pvt":"protoss versus terran", "pvt":"private", "pvz":"protoss versus zerg", "pw":"password", "pwn":"own", "pwn2own":"pwn to own contest", "pwn3d":"owned", "pwnage":"ownage", "pwnd":"owned", "pwned":"owned", "pwnt":"owned", "pwof":"putting wood on the fire", "pwt":"poor white trash", "pyhooya":"pull your head out of your ass", "pysimp":"put yourself in my place", "pyt":"pretty young thing", "q4u":"question for you", "qfe":"question for everyone", "qfe":"quoted for emphasis", "qft":"quoted for truth", "qq":"quick question", "qqn":"looking", "qrg":"quick reference guide", "qt":"cutie", "qtpi":"cutie pie", "abbreviation":"meaning", "r":"are", "r8":"rate", "rad":"radical", "ragequit":"angrily exiting", "rak":"random act of kindness", "rake":"poker site commission", "ratm":"rage 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"sooi":"stay out of it", "sop":"standard operating procedure", "sorta":"sort of", "sos":"someone over shoulder", "sos":"save our souls", "sos":"same old stuff", "sos":"someone special", "sosg":"someone over shoulder gone", "soso":"same old, same old", "sota":"state of the art", "sotu":"state of the union", "sow":"speaking of which", "soz":"i'm sorry", "sp":"spelling", "sp":"spell power", "spd":"sensory processing disorder", "spd":"symphysis pubis dysfunction", "spd":"spinning piledriver", "spec":"specialization", "speedling":"zergling with metabolic boost", "spim":"im spam", "spit":"freestyle rap", "spit":"flirt", "spk":"speak", "spkr":"speaker", "spleef":"minecraft multiplayer game", "sppu":"sold pending pickup", "spros":"stop, parents reading over shoulder", "spst":"same place, same time", "squidward":"villager", "sro":"standing room only", "srry":"sorry", "srs":"serious", "srsly":"seriously", "sry":"sorry", "ss":"screenshot", "ssa":"same sex attraction", "ssd":"solid state drive", "ssdd":"same stuff, different day", "ssia":"subject says it all", "ssl":"secure sockets layer", "ssp":"survival single player", "st2m":"stop talking to me", "stache":"mustache", "stahp":"stop", "star":"stop, think, act, review", "stats":"statistics", "stby":"sucks to be you", "stfd":"sit the fuck down", "stfd":"shut the front door", "stfu":"shut the fuck up", "stfw":"search the flippin' web", "sthu":"shut the heck up", "stlsdr":"still too long, still didn't read", "stms":"sick to my stomach", "stoked":"excited", "stp":"stone temple pilots", "stpd":"stupid", "str":"strength", "str8":"straight", "stt":"single table tournament", "stth":"speak to the hand", "sttw":"sabrina the teenage witch", "stud":"attractive male", "stud":"highly skilled individual", "stw":"search the web", "su":"shut up", "suafu":"situation unchanged, all fouled up", "subs":"subwoofers", "suf":"shut your face", "sum1":"someone", "sup":"what's up", "supes":"super", "susfu":"situation unchanged, still fouled up", 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"t4lmk":"thanks for letting me know", "t4p":"thanks for posting", "t4t":"thanks for trade", "ta":"thanks again", "ta":"teaching assistant", "taahm":"two and a half men", "tab":"talking about", "tac":"that ain't cool", "tacky":"bad taste", "tada":"announcement", "tafn":"that's all for now", "tank":"strong character", "tanstaafl":"there ain't no such thing as a free lunch", "tard":"retard", "tarfu":"things are really foobarred up", "tarfu":"things are really fouled up", "tat":"this and that", "tat":"tattoo", "tau":"thinking about you", "tawog":"the amazing world of gumball", "tay":"thinking about you", "tb":"terabyte", "tba":"to be announced", "tbc":"to be continued", "tbcl":"to be continued later", "tbd":"to be determined", "tbe":"to be edited", "tbf":"to be frank", "tbf":"to be fair", "tbfu":"too bad for you", "tbh":"to be honest", "tbqh":"to be quite honest", "tbr":"to be released", "tbr":"to be read", "tbr":"to be resolved", "tbr":"to be revised", "tbt":"throwback thursday", "tbt":"truth be told", "tbtg":"thanks be to god", "tby":"teacher behind you", "tc":"take care", "tcb":"taking care of business", "tccic":"take care 'cause i care", "tcfn":"take care for now", "tcg":"trading card game", "tco":"taken care of", "tcob":"takin' care of business", "tcood":"taking clothes out of dryer", "tcwb":"take care, write back", "td":"touchdown", "tdl":"the do lab", "tdm":"team death match", "tdswjs":"the daily show with jon stewart", "tdtm":"talk dirty to me", "tebowing":"to get in a position of praying with one knee on the ground", "tech":"technology", "teemo":"teenage emo", "teemo":"the swift scout", "teh":"the", "tel":"telephone", "teme":"tell me", "terribad":"terrible bad", "tf":"twisted fate", "tf2":"team fortress 2", "tfb":"too freakin' bad", "tff":"too freakin' funny", "tff":"twitter follower-friend", "tfk":"thousand foot krutch", "tflmk":"thanks for letting me know", "tfta":"thanks for the add", "tfti":"thanks for the information", "tg":"thank goodness", "tgff":"thank god for friday", "tgif":"thank goodness it's friday", "th":"tears of happiness", "thang":"thing", "thanksgivukkah":"thanksgiving and hanukkah", "thanq":"thank you", "thar":"there", "thkq":"thank you", "thnq":"thank you", "tho":"though", "thru":"through", "tht":"that", "thth":"too hot to handle", "thx":"thanks", "tia":"thanks in advance", "tic":"tongue in cheek", "til":"today i learned", "tilted":"aggravated", "tips":"to improve professional service", "tisnf":"that is so not fair", "tisu":"this is so unfair", "titf":"that is too funny", "tix":"tickets", "tji":"try joining in", "tka":"totally kick ass", "tl":"tell", "tla":"three letter acronym", "tlc":"tender love and care", "tldr":"too long, didn't read", "tlk":"talk", "tlkin":"talking", "tlking":"talking", "tltr":"too long to read", "tm":"trademark", "tm":"trouble maker", "tm":"tickle me", "tm":"tell me", "tma":"take my advice", "tmai":"tell me about it", "tmb":"tag me back", "tmb":"text me back", "tmdf":"to my dearest 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"ttyiab":"talk to you in a bit", "ttyiam":"talk to you in a minute", "ttyl":"talk to you later", "ttylmf":"talk to you later, my friend", "ttylxox":"talk to you later, hugs and kisses", "ttyn":"talk to you never", "ttyootd":"talk to you one of these days", "ttys":"talk to you soon", "ttyt":"talk to you tomorrow", "ttyvs":"talk to you very soon", "ttyw":"talk to you whenever", "tu":"thank you", "tude":"attitude", "tui":"turning you in", "turf":"neighborhood", "turtling":"playing defensively", "tut":"totally unique thought", "tvp":"terran versus protoss", "tvt":"terran versus terran", "tvz":"terran versus zerg", "twaddict":"twitter addict", "twd":"the walking dead", "twds":"towards", "tweavesdropping":"eavesdropping on twitter", "tweeple":"twitter people", "tweeps":"twitter peeps", "tweetsult":"insulting tweet", "twerk":"hip-gyrating dance move", "twerking":"shaking hips in a bouncing motion", "twewbie":"twitter newbie", "twhs":"that's what he said", "twimc":"to whom it may concern", "twink":"powerful low-level character", "twis":"that's what i said", "twit":"that's what i thought", "twitch":"video game streaming website", "twma":"till we meet again", "tws":"this website sucks", "twsi":"that was so ironic", "twss":"that's what she said", "twti":"that was totally ironic", "tx":"thanks", "txt":"text", "txtin":"texting", "ty":"thank you", "tyfa":"thank you for asking", "tyl":"thank you lord", "tym":"thank you much", "tyt":"take your time", "tyvm":"thank you very much", "u":"you", "u-ok":"you ok?", "u/l":"upload", "u2":"you too", "u2u":"up to you", "uber":"the best", "uce":"unsolicited commercial e-mail", "udfi":"you don't fit in", "ug2bk":"you got to be kidding", "ugh":"disgusted", "ui":"user interface", "ukwis":"you know what i'm saying", "ul":"unlucky", "ul":"upload", "ulkgr8":"you look great", "ulpp":"unluckiest person on the planet", "ult":"ultimate ability", "unadr":"you need a doctor", "undies":"underwear", "unfriend":"remove facebook friend", "uno":"you know", "uok":"you ok?", "uome":"you owe me", "ups":"jumping ability", "ur":"you are", "ur":"your", "ur2m":"you are too much", "ura":"you're a", "ura*":"you are a star", "urab":"you are a bitch", "ural":"you are a loser", "uraqt":"you are a cutie", "urc":"you are caught", "ure":"you're", "urgr8":"you are great", "url":"uniform resource locator", "urp":"vomit", "urs4e":"yours forever", "ursktm":"you are so kind to me", "urtb":"you are the best", "urw":"you're welcome", "usa":"united states of america", "usad":"you're such a dork", "usb":"you sexy bitch", "ut":"you there?", "utg":"under the gun", "uw":"you're welcome", "ux":"user interface", "uy":"up yours", "vacay":"vacation", "vbg":"very big grin", "vbs":"very big smile", "vc":"voice chat", "ve":"very emotional", "veg":"do nothing", "veggies":"vegetables", "vet":"veterinarian", "vet":"veteran", "vfx":"visual effects", "vg":"video game", "vg":"very good", "vgc":"very good condition", "vibe":"atmosphere", "vid":"video", "vip":"very important 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"weva":"whatever", "wewt":"woot", "wfm":"works for me", "wg":"wintergrasp", "wha":"what", "whaling":"acting like a breaching whale", "whatevs":"whatever", "whew":"expression of relief", "whip":"vehicle", "whipped":"tired", "whiz":"smart person", "whoa":"expression of surprise", "whomp":"low hitting sound", "wht":"what", "whu":"warcraft hunters union", "whybad":"where have you been all day", "whybatt":"where have you been all this time", "wicked":"very cool", "wiifm":"what's in it for me?", "wipe":"total death", "witr":"who's in the room", "witww":"what in the wide world", "wiyp":"what is your problem", "wk":"week", "wkd":"wicked", "wknd":"weekend", "wl":"whatta loser", "wld":"would", "wlk":"walk", "wlol":"whip laugh out loud", "wlyk":"will let you know", "wmao":"working my ass off", "wmb":"write me back", "wn":"why not", "wnditwb":"we never did it this way before", "woa":"work of art", "woah":"expression of surprise", "wohm":"working outside home mom", "wol":"wings of liberty", "wombat":"waste of money, brains, and talent", "wonky":"weird", "woot":"waste of our time", "wos":"wife over shoulder", "wot":"waste of time", "wot":"what", "wotd":"workout of the day", "wotlk":"wrath of the lich king", "wow":"world of warcraft", "wowzer":"wow", "wowzerz":"wow", "woz":"worry", "wp":"wordpress", "wp":"well played", "wp":"wrong person", "wpm":"words per minute", "wpt":"world poker tour", "wr":"win ratio", "wrisit":"where is it", "wrt":"with regard to", "wrt":"with respect to", "wru":"where are you", "wru@":"where are you at?", "wrud":"what are you doing", "wrudoin":"what are you doing?", "wsop":"world series of poker", "wsp":"whisper", "wt":"what the", "wta":"women tell all", "wta":"winner takes all", "wtb":"want to buy", "wtbh":"what the bloody hell", "wtc":"what the crap", "wtf":"what the fuck", "wtfay":"where the fuck are you?", "wtfe":"what the frick ever", "wtfnf":"what the fucking fuck", "wtfo":"what the fuck; over", "wtfru":"where the fuck are you?", "wtg":"way to 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"wya":"where you at?", "wyb":"watch your back", "wyb":"when you buy", "wyd":"who's your daddy?", "wyd":"what you doing?", "wygowm":"will you go out with me", "wymm":"will you marry me?", "wysiwyg":"what you see is what you get", "wywh":"wish you were here", "w^":"what's up", "x":"kiss", "xb":"xbox", "xbf":"ex-boyfriend", "xbl":"xbox live", "xc":"cross country", "xd":"laughing out loud", "xdd":"laughing especially hard", "xep":"except", "xfer":"transfer", "xgf":"ex-girlfriend", "xit":"exit", "xitb4ili":"exit before i lose it", "xlnt":"excellent", "xmute":"transmute", "xo":"kiss and hug", "xox":"kiss, hug, kiss", "xoxo":"hugs and kisses", "xp":"experience", "xt":"cross training", "xtl":"cross the line", "xx":"kisses", "xyz":"examine your zipper", "y":"why", "y/r":"yeah right", "y2k":"you're too kind", "ya":"you", "ya":"yes", "yaa":"yet another acronym", "yaba":"yet another bloody acronym", "yada":"blah blah", "yall":"you all", "yarr":"angry pirate sound", "yatb":"you are the best", "yayo":"cocaine", "ybs":"you'll be sorry", "ybysa":"you bet your sweet ass", "yccoi":"you can count on it", "yd":"ya dig?", "yd":"yes dear", "ydg":"ya dig", "ydi":"you deserved it", "yeap":"yes", "yep":"yes", "yepperz":"yes", "yer":"your", "yesh":"yes", "yf":"you fail", "yg2bj":"you've got to be joking", "ygg":"you go girl", "ygm":"you've got mail", "ygti":"you get the idea", "yhbt":"you have been trolled", "yhm":"you have mail", "yhs":"your hand sucks", "yim":"yahoo! instant messenger", "yk":"you're kidding", "ykhii":"you know how it is", "yki":"you know it", "ykw":"you know what", "ym":"your mom", "ymbj":"you must be joking", "ymmd":"you made my day", "ymmv":"your mileage may vary", "ymsf":"your momma's so fat", "yo":"hi", "yolo":"you only live once", "yomank":"you owe me a new keyboard", "yoow":"you're out of work", "yoyo":"you're on your own", "ypml":"you're pulling my leg", "yr":"yeah, right", "yr":"your", "yrag":"you are a geek", "yrg":"you are good", "yrl":"you are lame", "yrp":"europe", "yrs":"years", "ys":"you suck", "ys":"yours sincerely", "ysj":"you're so jealin", "yst":"you still there", "ysw":"yeah sure whatever", "yt":"you there?", "yt?":"you there?", "ytd":"year-to-date", "ytf":"why the fuck", "yup":"yes", "yupz":"ok", "yvw":"you're very welcome", "yw":"you're welcome", "ywa":"you're welcome anyway", "ywia":"you're welcome in advance", "yyss":"yeah yeah, sure sure", "yyssw":"yeah yeah, sure sure, whatever", "z":"zero", "zing":"owned", "zomfg":"oh my freakin' gosh!", "zomg":"oh my gosh!", "zoning":"constraining enemy positions", "zvp":"zerg versus protoss", "zvt":"zerg versus terran", "zvz":"zerg versus zerg", "zzz":"sleeping"}