More exhaustive list: Academic: see (papers are usually freely available on the author's website)
- [[ShmooCon]] - Washington, DC Got ShmooBalls to throw?
- [[BSidesSanFrancisco]] - San Francisco, CA
- [[RSA]] - San Francisco, CA
- [[BSidesRoc]] - Rochester, NY
- [[AppSecDC]] - Washington DC
- [[Infiltrate]] - Miami Beach, FL
- [[Notacon]] - Cleveland, OH
- [[ThotCon]] - Chicago, IL
- [[BSidesChicago]] - Chicago, IL
- [[Outerz0ne]] - Atlanta, GA
- [[LayerOne]] - Los Angeles, CA
- [[CarolinaCon]] - Raleigh, NC
- [[BSidesROC]] - Rochester, NY
- [[SummerCon]] - Variable Location, last 2 years have been in NY
- [[Hackademic]] - Newark, Delaware, New Con
- [[BSideDetroit]] - Detroit, Michigan, New Con 2nd year
- [[HOPE]] - New York City, NY
- [[Black Hat]] - Las Vegas, NV (Your Employer paying the bill, right?)
- [[BSidesLV]] - Las Vegas, NV
- [[DefCon]] - Las Vegas, NV
- [[ToorCamp]] - Washington State, Run by the same people as ToorCon, but on a slightly different locale
- [[Brucon]] - Ghent, Belgium
- [[DerbyCon]] - Louisville, KY
- [[ToorCon]] - San Diego, CA
- [[44Con]] - London, England
- [[SkyDogCon]] - Nashville, TN
- [[Hacker Halted]] - Miami, FL
- [[Hacklu]] - Luxembourg
- [[GrrCon]] - Grand Rapids, MI
- [[BsidesDC]] - Washington DC (2013)
- [[Hack3rcon]] - Charleston, WV
- [[AppSecUSA]] - Austin, TX
- [[BSidesDE]] - Wilmington, DE
- [[MDDFI]] - Largo, MD (
- [[C3]] - Berlin, Germany