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81 lines (74 loc) · 13.2 KB


Date # Title Solution Difficuly
1 7.30 290 Word Pattern Python Easy
2 8.3 347 Top K Frequent Python Medium
3 8.3 17 Letter Combination Python Medium
4 8.4 88 Merge Sorted Array Python Easy
5 8.4 249 Group Shifted Strings Python Medium
6 8.5 42 Trapping Rain Water Python Hard
7 8.6 311 Sparse Matrix Multiplication Python Medium
8 8.7 350 Intersection of Two Arrays Python Easy
9 8.8 65 Valid Number Python Hard
10 8.9 282 Expression Add operations Python Hard
11 8.9 339 Nested List Weight Sum Python Easy
12 8.10 528 Random Pick with Weight Python Medium
13 8.10 670 Maximum Swap Python Medium
14 8.11 938 Range Sum of BST Python Easy
15 8.12 1060 Missing Element in Sorted Array Python Medium
16 8.15 1026 Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor Python Medium
17 8.15 1428 Leftmost Column with at Least a One Python Medium
18 8.16 299 Bulls and Cows Python Easy
19 8.17 57 Insert Interval Python Hard
20 8.18 346 Moving Average from Data Stream Python Easy
21 8.19 337 House Robber III Python Medium
22 8.20 127 Word Ladder Python Medium
23 8.22 394 Decode String Python Medium
24 8.22 359 Logger Rate Limiter Python Easy
25 8.23 315 Count of Smaller Numbers After self Python Hard
26 8.26 224 Basic Calculator Python Hard
27 8.28 362 Design Hit Counter Python Medium
28 8.29 399 Evaluate Division Python Medium
29 8.30 690 Employee Importance Python Easy
30 8.31 727 Minimum Window Subsequence Python Hard
31 8.31 329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix Python Hard
Date # Title Solution Difficuly
32 9.1 752 Open the Lock Python Medium
33 9.1 729 My Calendar I Python Medium
34 9.2 833 Find and Replace in String Python Medium
35 9.2 809 Expressive Words Python Medium
36 9.3 846 Hand of Straights Python Medium
37 9.4 722 Remove Comments Python Medium
38 9.5 659 Split Arrays into Consectuive Subsequences Python Medium
39 9.5 946 validate Stack Sequences Python Medium
40 9.6 833 Backspace String Compare Python Easy
41 9.7 1031 Maximum Sum of Two NOn-Overlapping Subarrays Python Medium
42 9.8 652 Find Duplicate Subtrees Python Medium
43 9.9 951 Flip Equivalent Binary Tree Python Medium
44 9.9 1110 Delete Nodes and Return Forest Python Medium
45 9.12 221 Maximum Square Python Medium
46 9.12 877 Stone Game Python Medium
47 9.13 227 Basic Calculator II Python Medium
48 9.14 1140 Stone GameI I Python Medium
49 9.14 84 Largest rectangle in Histogram Python Hard
50 9.14 85 Maximal Rectangle Python Hard
51 9.14 1048 Longest String Chain Python Medium
52 9.14 1296 Divide Array in Sets in K Consectuive Numbers Python Medium
53 9.15 1423 Maximum Points You can Obtain from Cards Python Medium
54 9.17 239 Sliding Window Maximum Python Hard
55 9.19 1438 Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit Python Medium
56 9.19 1477 Find Two Non-overlapping Sub-arrays Each With Target Sum Python Medium
57 9.20 53 Maximum Subarray Python Easy
58 9.20 72 Edit Distance Python Hard
59 9.23 552 Student Attendance Record II Python Hard
60 9.23 792 Number of Matching Subsequences Python Medium
61 9.24 914 X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards Python Easy
62 9.25 1153 String Transforms Into Another String Python Hard
63 9.26 1146 Snapshot Array Python Medium
64 9.27 1376 Time Needed to Inform All Employees Python Medium
65 9.28 562 Longest Line of Consecutive One in Matrix Python Medium