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SLICOT Library Release Notes

Version v5.9

Version v5.9 of the SLICOT Library includes 11 new routines and 9 updated routines, in comparison to Version v5.8 of the library.

New Routines

AB13HD: Computes the L_infinity-norm of a standard or descriptor system using structure-preserving eigenvalue computations.

MA01DD: Computes an approximate symmetric chordal metric,

           d = min{ |a - b|, |1/a - 1/b| }

for two complex numbers a and b, given by real and imaginary parts.

MA01DZ: Computes an approximate symmetric chordal metric d for two, possibly infinite, complex numbers a and b, given by fractions with non-negative denominators.

MA02RD: Sorts the elements of a vector in increasing or decreasing order, and rearranges the elements of another vector using the same permutations.

MA02SD: Computes the smallest nonzero absolute value of the elements of a real matrix.

MB04RD: Reduces a real matrix pair (A,B) in generalized real Schur form to a block-diagonal form using well-conditioned non-orthogonal equivalence transformations. The condition numbers of the transformations used for reduction are roughly bounded by PMAX, where PMAX >= 1 is a given real value. The transformations are optionally postmultiplied in two given matrices X and Y. The generalized Schur form is optionally ordered, so that clustered eigenvalues are grouped in the same block.

MB04RS: Attempts to solve the generalized real Sylvester equation

           A * R - L * B = scale * C,                            (1)
           D * R - L * E = scale * F,

using Level 1 and Level 2 BLAS, but aborts the calculations when the absolute value of an element of R or L is greater than a given real number PMAX >= 1.

MB04RT: Attempts to solve the generalized real Sylvester equation (1) using Level 3 BLAS, but aborts the calculations when the absolute value of an element of R or L is greater than a given real number PMAX >= 1.

MB04RV: Attempts to solve the generalized complex Sylvester equation (1) using Level 1 and Level 2 BLAS, but aborts the calculations when the absolute value of an element of R or L is greater than a given real number PMAX >= 1.

MB04RW: Attempts to solve the generalized complex Sylvester equation (1) using Level 3 BLAS, but aborts the calculations when the absolute value of an element of R or L is greater than a given real number PMAX >= 1.

MB04RZ: Reduces a complex matrix pair (A,B) in generalized complex Schur form to a block-diagonal form using well-conditioned non-unitary equivalence transformations. The condition numbers of the transformations used for reduction are roughly bounded by PMAX, where PMAX >= 1 is a given real value. The transformations are optionally postmultiplied in two given matrices X and Y. The generalized Schur form is optionally ordered, so that clustered eigenvalues are grouped in the same block.

Updated Routines

AB13DX: Replaced CWORK and LCWORK by ZWORK and LZWORK, respectively, to agree to the SLICOT standards. Made several cosmetical changes.

AB13ID: Placed the lines defining the external subroutines after the lines defining the external functions, to agree to the SLICOT standard. Replaced TOLDEF by ZERO in the MB03OD call with LDWORK = -1. Changed the tests for checking if the estimated rank might be incorrect. The test for setting the value 1 to IWARN has been modified for better significance and IWARN parameter description has been updated. The submatrix R22 has also been set to zero. Used a safeguard against the huge workspace size returned by some implementations of the LAPACK routine ZGESVD. Made several cosmetical changes.

MA02JD: Placed the lines defining the external subroutines after the lines defining the external functions, to agree to the SLICOT standard.

MA02JZ: Placed the lines defining the external subroutines after the lines defining the external functions, to agree to the SLICOT standard.

MB02SZ: Replaced the references to the DCABS1 routine, which is not available in some BLAS implementations, to equivalent references to a locally defined statement functions.

MB4DLZ: Replaced the references to the DCABS1 routine, which is not available in some BLAS implementations, to equivalent references to a locally defined statement functions.

SB03OD: Inserted a call to DGERQF for computing the optimal workspace when TRANS = 'T'. Without this call, an error could appear when M > N.

SB03OZ: Inserted a call to ZGERQF for computing the optimal workspace when TRANS = 'C'. Without this call, an error could appear when M > N.

TG01JD: Replaced the argument ZERO of the TG01AD call in the line 385 by a value computed based on the norms of the system matrices.

Updated makefile

The files makefile and makefile_Unix in the src sub-directory have been updated to include the new routines.

New and Updated Documentation Files

Documentation files have been included for the new routines, and the existing documentation files have been updated when needed.

Version v5.8, Update 1

Updated Routines

MB01PD: Removed SAVE statement and variable FIRST to get a thread safe version.

MB03VY: Set A( ILO, ILO, J ) to 1 if IHI = ILO in the loop labelled 20.

MB04BD: Changed some part of finding the number of infinite eigenvalues (replaced DE(1,2) by DE(1,3) in the line 495, and replaced NINF = MAX( I, J ) by NINF = MAX( I, J )/2 in the line 513).

MB04BP: Changed some part of finding the number of infinite eigenvalues (replaced DE(1,2) by DE(1,3) in the line 509, and replaced NINF = MAX( I, J ) by NINF = MAX( I, J )/2 in the line 527). Called MB04BD internally, if on entry INFO = 0 or if INFO < 0 and M is sufficiently small (M <= NX, with parameter NX set to 250). Updated the documentation file, MB04BP.html.

Updated makefile

The files makefile in the examples and src sub-directories have been updated, by alphabetically ordering the names, and adding the missing ones.

New files

Added and makefile in the slicot directory for Windows platform with Intel Fortran compilers.

Added in slicot directory and makefile_Unix in slicot directory and subdirectories examples and src, for Unix-like platfoms with gfortran compiler.

Added the file Installation.txt in the slicot directory.

Version v5.8

Version v5.8 of the SLICOT Library includes 18 new routines and 14 routines with more or few changes in the operational part of the source code, in comparison to Version v5.7 of the library. Moreover, the (comment) lines referring to the version number have been removed in all routines, example programs, and documentation files.

New Routines

MA02AZ: (Conjugate) transposes all or part of a two-dimensional complex matrix.

MB01UY: Computes one of the matrix products T := alpha*op(T)*A, or T := alpha*A*op(T), where alpha is a scalar, A is an M-by-N matrix, T is a triangular matrix, and op(T) is either T or T' (the transpose of T). A block-row/column algorithm is used, if possible. The result overwrites the array T.

MB01UZ: Computes one of the matrix products T := alpha*op(T)*A, or T := alpha*A*op(T), where alpha is a scalar, A is an M-by-N complex matrix, T is a complex triangular matrix, and op(T) is T, or T' (the transpose of T), or conj(T') (the conjugate transpose of T). A block-row/column algorithm is used, if possible. The result overwrites the array T.

MB03RW: Solves the Sylvester equation -A*X + X*B = C, where A and B are complex M-by-M and N-by-N matrices, respectively, in Schur form. This routine is intended to be called only by SLICOT Library routine MB03RZ. For efficiency purposes, the computations are aborted when the absolute value of an element of X is greater than a given value PMAX.

MB03RZ: Reduces an upper triangular complex matrix A (Schur form) to a block-diagonal form using well-conditioned non-unitary similarity transformations. The condition numbers of the transformations used for reduction are roughly bounded by PMAX, where PMAX is a given value. The transformations are optionally postmultiplied in a given matrix X. The Schur form is optionally ordered, so that clustered eigenvalues are grouped in the same block.

MB03VW: Reduces the general product A(:,:,1)^S(1) * A(:,:,2)^S(2) * ... * A(:,:,K)^S(K) to upper Hessenberg-triangular form, where A is N-by-N-by-K and S is the signature array with values 1 or -1 (as exponents). The H-th matrix of A is reduced to upper Hessenberg form while the other matrices are triangularized. Optionally, all or part of the transformation matrices are accumulated or updated.

SB03OS: Solves for X = op(U)^H * op(U) either the stable non-negative definite continuous-time Lyapunov equation

                H                     2      H
           op(S) *X + X*op(S) = -scale *op(R) *op(R),

or the convergent non-negative definite discrete-time Lyapunov equation

                H                     2      H
           op(S) *X*op(S) - X = -scale *op(R) *op(R),

where op(K) = K or K^H (the conjugate transpose of the matrix K), S, R, and U are N-by-N upper triangular matrices, and scale is an output scale factor, set less than or equal to 1 to avoid overflow in X.

SB03OZ: Solves for X = op(U)^H * op(U) either the stable non-negative definite continuous-time Lyapunov equation

                H                     2      H
           op(A) *X + X*op(A) = -scale *op(B) *op(B),

or the convergent non-negative definite discrete-time Lyapunov equation

                H                     2      H
           op(A) *X*op(A) - X = -scale *op(B) *op(B),

where op(K) = K or K^H (the conjugate transpose of the matrix K), A is an N-by-N matrix, op(B) is an M-by-N matrix, U is an upper triangular matrix containing the Cholesky factor of the solution matrix X, and scale is an output scale factor, set less than or equal to 1 to avoid overflow in X.

SG03BR: Computes the parameters for the complex Givens rotation (c real, s complex) to annihilate the second element of a complex vector of length two. The first element of the rotated vector may be complex. This is a safer implementation of the previous SLICOT routine SG03BY. It is an adaptation for real double precision computations of the LAPACK routine ZLARTG.

SG03BS: Computes the Cholesky factor U of the matrix X, X = op(U)^H * op(U), which is the solution of the generalized d-stable discrete-time Lyapunov equation

            H            H                  2    H
           A  * X * A - E  * X * E = - SCALE  * B  * B,

or the conjugate transposed equation

                    H            H          2        H
           A * X * A  - E * X * E  = - SCALE  * B * B ,

respectively, where A, E, B, and U are complex N-by-N matrices, and SCALE is an output scale factor, set less than or equal to 1 to avoid overflow in X. The Cholesky factor U of the solution is computed without first finding X. The pencil A - lambda * E must be in complex generalized Schur form (A and E are upper triangular and the diagonal elements of E are non-negative real numbers). Moreover, it must be d-stable, i.e., the moduli of its eigenvalues must be less than one. B must be an upper triangular matrix with real non-negative entries on its main diagonal. The resulting matrix U is upper triangular. The entries on its main diagonal are non-negative.

SG03BT: Computes the Cholesky factor U of the matrix X, X = op(U)^H * op(U), which is the solution of the generalized c-stable continuous-time Lyapunov equation

            H            H                  2    H
           A  * X * E + E  * X * A = - SCALE  * B  * B,

or the conjugate transposed equation

                    H            H          2        H
           A * X * E  + E * X * A  = - SCALE  * B * B ,

respectively, where A, E, B, and U are complex N-by-N matrices, and SCALE is an output scale factor, set less than or equal to 1 to avoid overflow in X. The Cholesky factor U of the solution is computed without first finding X. The pencil A - lambda * E must be in complex generalized Schur form (A and E are upper triangular and the diagonal elements of E are non-negative real numbers). Moreover, it must be c-stable, i.e., its eigenvalues must have negative real parts. B must be an upper triangular matrix with real non-negative entries on its main diagonal. The resulting matrix U is upper triangular. The entries on its main diagonal are non-negative.

SG03BZ: Computes the Cholesky factor U of the matrix X, op(U)^H * op(U), which is the solution of either the generalized c-stable continuous-time Lyapunov equation

                H                    H                      2        H
           op(A)  * X * op(E) + op(E)  * X * op(A) = - SCALE  * op(B)  * op(B),

or the generalized d-stable discrete-time Lyapunov equation

                H                    H                      2        H
           op(A)  * X * op(A) - op(E)  * X * op(E) = - SCALE  * op(B)  * op(B),

without first finding X and without the need to form the matrix op(B)^H * op(B). op(K) is either K or K^H for K = A, B, E, U. A and E are N-by-N matrices, op(B) is an M-by-N matrix. The resulting matrix U is an N-by-N upper triangular matrix with non-negative entries on its main diagonal. SCALE is an output scale factor set to avoid overflow in U.

TG01KD, TG01KZ: Compute for a single-input single-output descriptor system, (A, E, B, C), with E upper triangular, a transformed system, (Q'*A*Z, Q'*E*Z, Q'*B, C*Z), via an orthogonal/unitary equivalence transformation, so that Q'*B has only the first element nonzero and Q'*E*Z remains upper triangular. TG01KZ is the complex version.

TG01OA, TG01OB: Compute for a single-input single-output descriptor system, (A, E, B, C), with E upper triangular, a transformed system, (Q'*A*Z, Q'*E*Z, Q'*B, C*Z), via an orthogonal/unitary equivalence transformation, so that Q'*B has only the first element nonzero and Q'*E*Z remains upper triangular. TG01OA is the real version and TG01OB is the complex version. A, B, C are stored in an array as the block elements (2,2), (2,1), and (1,2), respectively, and Q and Z are not accumulated. These are the main differences with SLICOT Library routines TG01KD and TG01KZ.

TG01OD, TG01OZ: Compute for a single-input single-output descriptor system, (A, E, B, C), with E nonsingular, a reduced system with a "sufficiently" large feedthrough variable, using TG01OA/TG01OB.

Updated Routines

AB13MD: Computed the correct upper bound on the structured singular value for a 1-by-1 real matrix and a real uncertainty. Replaced DFLOAT by DBLE in line 834 to avoid a trouble with an Apple Silicon compiler.

MA02EZ: A new option, SKEW = 'G', has been added that allows to suitably deal with the diagonal of a general square triangular matrix. This option is needed in the new routines MB01UZ, SG03BS, and SG03BT. Moreover, the internal loop index J has been modified from 2 to I or I+1, to reduce the number of cycles to the minimum values.

MB03RD: Replaced PMAX*PMAX by PMAX in the comments; the PMAX value agrees to the condition number for the optimally scaled transformations used.

MB04BD: Made a correction (in comments) of the indices of the 1-by-1 or 2-by-2 quadruple diagonal blocks stored in DWORK. Increased I2X2 by 1 if a 2x2 quadruple of diagonal blocks is found to have real eigenvalues (in order to check them externally). These are stored as 2x2 quadruple blocks in DWORK in that case. Made two corrections of the pointers to the locations in DWORK storing the quadruples with unreliable eigenvalues.

SB03OD: Many changes have been made to improve the routine, the main ones being summarized below:

  • Added code segments to control overflow. In essence, two scaling strategies are included. One strategy scales A and B if the maximum absolute value of their elements are outside a range [SMLNUM,BIGNUM], where SMLNUM = sqrt( SAFMIN )/EPS, BIGNUM = 1/SMLNUM, SAFMIN is the safe minimum, and EPS is the machine accuracy. The second strategy, invoked for continuous-time equations, scales A and B if the maximum absolute values of A and B differ too much, or their minimum (maximum) is too large (small, respectively); specifically, this scaling is performed if MN < MX*SMLNUM, or MX < SMLNUM, or MN > BIGNUM, where MN and MX are the minimum and maximum, respectively, of the maximum absolute values of A and B. Both strategies are effective and ensure the same accuracy of the results, but the second strategy reduces the number of instances when the output scaling factor, SCALE, is strictly smaller than 1. Scaling of B is done before computing its initial QR or RQ factorization if the maximum absolute value of its elements is greater than 1/SAFMIN; otherwise, it is done after QR/RQ factorization. The implementation checks out first the conditions for the second scaling strategy.
  • The auxiliary routine SB03OU is no longer called, and all its computations, and additional ones, are performed by SB03OD. Two QR or RQ factorizations for B and R*Q or Q'*R, respectively (where R is the triangular factor of the first factorization) are done only if M > 7*N/6; otherwise, a single QR or RQ factorization is used.
  • The new routine MB01UY is called by SB03OD to compute the product R*Q or Q*R, overwriting the array containing R; as large block-row or block-column operations as possible (depending on the workspace length) are used.
  • More BLAS 3 DGEMM operations are used when updating the given B as B*Q or Q'*B, using again as large block-row or block-column as possible. The previous version used BLAS 2 DGEMV calls if the workspace length was smaller than N*M.
  • The eigenvalues of A are computed even if A is given in the real Schur form, by calling the LAPACK routine DLANV2. This way, the stability of A can be checked out also for the option FACT = 'F'.
  • The case when Q is an identity matrix is detected, to avoid its use in multiplications.
  • The postponed scaling of transformed B is dealt with separately for the cases TRANS = 'N' and TRANS = 'T'.
  • The minimal workspace size has been reduced by min(N,M). The improvements allowed to reduce the computation times comparing to the previous version of this routine, sometimes by 10%, or even 20%. Many changes in the comments have also been performed.

SB03OT: Deleted the lines 509-512 involving a test of the variable TEMP (compared to SMIN), which proved to be unnecessary.

SB03OY: Replaced the definition of SMIN in the lines 211-212 by SMLNUM. The former definition set SMIN to a too large value for equations with elements of big magnitude, and the results were bad.

SG03BD: Many changes have been made to improve the routine, the main ones being summarized below:

  • Added code segments to control overflow. In essence, two scaling strategies are included. One strategy scales A, E, and B if the maximum absolute value of their elements are outside a range [SMLNUM,BIGNUM], where SMLNUM = sqrt( SAFMIN )/EPS, BIGNUM = 1/SMLNUM, SAFMIN is the safe minimum, and EPS is the machine accuracy. The second strategy scales A, E, and B if the maximum absolute values of A, E, and B differ too much, or if their minimum (maximum) is too large (small, respectively); specifically, this scaling is performed if MN < MX*SMLNUM, or MX < SMLNUM, or MN > BIGNUM, where MN and MX are the minimum and maximum, respectively, of the maximum absolute values of A, E, and B. Both strategies are effective and ensure the same accuracy of the results, but the second strategy reduces the number of instances when the output scaling factor, SCALE, is strictly smaller than 1. Scaling of B is done before computing its initial QR or RQ factorization if the maximum absolute value of its elements is greater than 1/SAFMIN; otherwise, it is done after QR/RQ factorization. The implementation checks out first the conditions for the second scaling strategy. The scaling factors of E may be set equal to those for A, to preserve stability in the discrete-time case.
  • Modified the sequences for the transformation of the right hand side, to use BLAS 3 DGEMM calls (possibly in a loop, if workspace is not large enough).
  • Used the new routine, MB01UY, for transforming the solution back by block-row or block-column operations. The result overwrites the array storing the upper triangular part of the reduced equation solution.
  • The call of DGGES in the sequence to find the optimal workspace is omitted if A and E are given in generalized Schur form.
  • Avoided the back transformation operations with the matrices Q and Z, if they are identity.
  • Made some additional comments on the output contents of A, E, Q, and Z arrays, as well as on the input contents of Q and Z arrays when FACT = 'F'.

SG03BU: Safer computation of the 1-by-1 diagonal blocks of the solution. Replaced loops of DSCAL calls by calls to the LAPACK routine DLASCL. Replaced the calls to BLAS 1 routine DROTG by calls to the safer LAPACK routine DLARTG.

SG03BV: Safer computation of the 1-by-1 diagonal blocks of the solution, to avoid overflows for badly scaled equations. Replaced loops of DSCAL calls by calls to the LAPACK routine DLASCL. Replaced the calls to BLAS 1 routine DROTG by calls to the safer LAPACK routine DLARTG.

SG03BW: Replaced the calls to the SLICOT routines MB02UV and MB02UU by calls to the equivalent LAPACK routines DGETC2 and DGESC2, respectively. Replaced loops of DSCAL calls by calls to the LAPACK routine DLASCL. Replaced some loops of assignment statements by calls to DCOPY.

SG03BX: The code has practically been rewritten. Although the source code of the new version is somewhat longer than of the previous version, the object code was reduced to about a half of the initial one.

  • Replaced all 2-by-2 local arrays by the needed scalars, and replaced the calls to the BLAS routines DGEMM and DGEMV involving these arrays by the necessary scalar operations, made in a compact manner. In particular, all rotations are applied directly, updating only the needed elements. When possible, two rotations are applied at once (from the left and right). Also, only the necessary elements of the matrices M1 and M2 of the reduced equations are now computed.
  • Replaced the calls to the SLICOT routine SG03BY by calls to the new, safer routine SG03BR.
  • Added a sequence of code to standardize the matrix E, i.e., to become diagonal with E(1,1) non-negative; then recomputed the shift.
  • Safer computation of the 1-by-1 diagonal blocks of the solution, to avoid overflows for badly scaled equations.
  • Used simpler formulas and computations when numerically appropriate, but more sophisticated ones are invoked when needed.
  • When E(1,1) is not very small for discrete-time equation, an alternative approach is employed for computing the trailing diagonal element of the solution; this approach factors a rank-one Hermitian matrix by solving a special symmetric eigenvalue problem. The eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1 is quickly found.

TB01MD, TB01ND: Moved the sequence for initializing U before the Quick Return section, to set U to identity also for the case M = 0 or P = 0, respectively.

TB01ND: Added the condition P <= N, since the observer Hessenberg form is not defined for P > N.

Version v5.7

This is the first version uploaded to GitHub under a BSD-3-Clause license.