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76 lines (51 loc) · 2.04 KB

File metadata and controls

76 lines (51 loc) · 2.04 KB

#About this project

This project is intended to demostrate the code skills for my job application.

##Step 1: Setup docker

  1. Create a new folder, then pull Laradock to this folder:
    git clone

  2. Start the container
    docker-compose up -d nginx mysql phpmyadmin redis workspace

##Step 2: Install laravel

  1. Back to the folder created in step 1.1, create another folder called www, and pull the content from my repo:
    git clone www

  2. Enter the workspace container by the following command:
    cd laradock; docker-compose exec workspace bash;

  3. Run the composer to install the packages:
    composer install

  4. Run the npm to install frontend packages:
    npm install

##Step 3: Database migration and server up

  1. Enter the mysql container by the following command:
    docker-compose exec mysql bash;

  2. Login through the following account and the password is secret:
    mysql -u default -p

  3. Run the following command to create schema for laravel instance:
    create database exercise;

  4. Go back to workspace container and run this command to execute laravel migration:
    php artisan migrate

  5. Start the server by the following command:
    php artisan serve

  6. You've done. Go to browser and enter the following URL to start


#Explaination ##Database I used Laravel migrate to create the table and data. The given CSV was placed into storage/app folder.

Files created/modified:

  • database/migrations/2020_02_04_034705_create_firstname_table.php
  • app/FirstName.php


Just type in a name then click the search, very simple.

Files created/modified:

  • app/Http/Controllers/SearchController.php
  • resources/js/components/Search.vue
  • routes/api.php
  • resources/views/app.blade.php


Upload a CSV file and output another file.

Files created/modified:

  • app/Http/Controllers/FileController.php
  • app/Http/Controllers/SearchController.php
  • resources/js/components/Search.vue
  • resources/js/components/Treatment.vue
  • routes/web.php