- Added support for DMRG[IP], the inverse power iteration method applied to MPS wave functions.
- Added support for DMRG[FEAST] for large-scale excited-state DMRG calculations.
- Added support for vibrational Hamiltonian within the canonical quantization framework.
- Added support for excitonic and vibronic Hamiltonians.
- Fixed bug raising the "pre-existing term" message when constructing the MPO
- Enhancement of the overlap calculation in MPS-SI
- Added support for TD-DMRG with time-independent Hamiltonian
- Bugfix for compilation with BUILD_PREBO=OFF
- Added support for PreBO DMRG calculations
- Fixed overlap calculations in MPSSI
- Fixed number of sweeps for DMRGSCF excited states
- Got rid of boost::enable_if and boost::shared_ptr in favour of STL
- Small updates in the Fortran interface and for Mac OS X
- Fix for Fiedler ordering and excited states
- Faster parallel RDM evaluation
- Fixed some crashes for TDM evaluation
- Added several tests for RDMs
- Ability to read necessary parameters from checkpoint files