- .github - folder for configuring anything related to GitHub. For example how issues and pull requests are looking like or CI processes setup (automatic tests, style checks). Currently, we have
- .gitignore - git-specific file that tells which files to ignore when tracking/pushing/commiting code (those files will not be tracked by git)
- .pylintrc - standard style checks configuration file. Content of file is self-explanatory. During automatic style checks CI processes are referring to this file to get guidelines.
- .travis.yml - for internal repositories we use Travis - CI framework. This is similar framework to GitHub Actions which are described in CI workflows.
- CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md - one of the standard recommendations for open source repositories, including those on GitHub. Name speaks for itself.
- CONTRIBUTING.md - one of the standard recommendations for GitHub repositories. Contributing guidelines for developers.
- ecosystem.json - Qiskit Ecosystem config file needed for adding the project to the Qiskit Ecosystem and see the project on the Qiskit website.
- LICENSE.txt - one of the standard requirements for an open source project. There are different types of licenses for software. Most popular open-source licenses.
- README.md - main readme for repository.
- docs - documentation for repository.
- pyproject.toml - file that contains the build system requirements for your python project.
- setup.py - exists for compatibility with legacy tools. This is the main configuration file for all Python projects.
- tests - folder where all project tests are located. It is a good practice to cover your project with tests to ensure correctness of implementation.
- tox.ini - configuration file for tox framework that aims to automate and standardize testing in Python. Eases the packaging, testing and release process of Python software.