"Turn on the lights for 5 minutes when there is motion during the night."
This function sends out a HTTP request to turn on a device, and a message to Azure Service Bus to turn off the device after a certain amount of time.
Function Name: TurnOnDevice
Trigger: HTTP Request
This function uses the following environment variables:
- ServiceBusConnectionString. An Azure Service Bus must be created with a queue named "turn-off-device" in order to schedule the triggers for turning off the device.
- HomeCoordinates. Latitude and longitude coordinates used for determining whether it is day or night when the function is triggered (based on the sunrise/sunset time). They should be in the format of
. For example, the coordinates for New York City islat=40.7128&lng=-74.0060
. - [DEVICE_NAME]On. URL for turning on a device, where [DEVICE_NAME] is the name of the device.
- [DEVICE_NAME]Off. URL for turning off a device, where [DEVICE_NAME] is the name of the device.
This function accepts both GET and POST requests, and the following parameters as query string in GET request or JSON body in POST request.
- device: the name of the device to be turned on, e.g. "FrontDoorLights".
- duration: the minimum duration in seconds for the device to be turned on.
- condition: either "day" or "night", indicates whether the device should be turned on during day or night only.
- sender: an identifier for the trigger. This is for logging purpose only.
- skip: Indicate whether to skip turning on the device. Set skip to a value if you would like to schedule turning off the device only.
The following example assumes:
- "FrontDoorLights" as device name
are configured as environment variables containing the URLs for turing on and off "FrontDoorLights"HomeCoordinates
is configured as environment variables containing the coordinates of a desired location (e.g. home).
Visiting this URL will turn on "FrontDoorLights" for 1 minutes after sunset:
When the duration
parameter is specified in the HTTP request, the device will be scheduled to turned off after the duration. This is achieved by sending a JSON serialized dictionary to the Azure Service Bus queue. The dictionary contains two keys, sender and device, which are the same as the ones in the HTTP request.
See also: Turn off Device