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Build from source

Vladimir Stepanenko edited this page Jun 25, 2021 · 5 revisions

Build bob from source

You'll need to install the rust tools. Bob requires nightly rust channel.

Then clone repository:

git clone

Build bob with cargo:

cargo build --release

Executables will be stored in target/release directory.

You can also build bob with musl C standart library.

Firstly you need to add musl component:

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Then build bob with cargo:

cargo build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Executables will be stored in target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release directory.

Build docker image

Bob have docker images based on ubuntu and alpine docker images. Dockerfiles for these images can be found in dockerfiles directory.

You can build bob image based on ubuntu using this command from root of the repository:

docker build . -f dockerfiles/ubuntu/Dockerfile -t bob

And bob image based on alpine:

docker build . -f dockerfiles/alpine/Dockerfile -t bob

If build failed due to incompatible compiler version as shown below

Installed version: 1.49.0 (2020-10-16)
Minimum required:  1.54.0-nightly (2021-05-18)

You can specify newer version of compiler by adding --build-arg RUST_TC_VER={NEWER_VERSION} to build command.

For example:

docker build . -f dockerfiles/alpine/Dockerfile -t bob \
    --build-arg RUST_TC_VER=nightly-2021-05-19

Docker-compose examples

If you want to test your cluster configuration then you can run bob with docker-compose. Some examples of bob cluster built with docker-compose presented in compose_examples directory.

You can build cluster with one node:

cd compose_examples/one_node
docker-compose build

And two nodes:

cd compose_examples/two_nodes
docker-compose build

Also you can specify newer version of compiler by adding --build-arg RUST_TC_VER={NEWER_VERSION} to build command.

For example:

docker-compose build \
    --build-arg RUST_TC_VER=nightly-2021-05-19
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