Releases: qoomon/maven-git-versioning-extension
Releases · qoomon/maven-git-versioning-extension
Hacky workaround for maven 3.6.2 regression
v4.5.1 version 4.5.1
Disable Extension
use cli option mvn -Dversioning.disable=true ...
or export VERSIONING_DISABLE=true; mvn ...
to disable versioning extension
Fix VERSIONING_GIT_TAG Environment Variable Behaviour
v4.4.5 fix: VERSIONING_GIT_TAG will simulate no branch
Stop Talking
suppress unnecessary logging of non updated properties
Properties Everywhere
New feature to adjust property values accordingly to current branch or tag
FIX: Endless loop in ModelProcessor#findMvnDir
Merge pull request #38 from dornwelt/master Endless loop in ModelProcessor#findMvnDir during build on the third level module in a multimodule project
Feat: Support for multi-module projects without parent POM
v4.2.0 feat: search in git directory hierarchy for .mvn
Fix: fix config handover to plugin
v4.1.1 fix: replace plugin config object with key value paris of strings due…
Feature: update pom
v4.1.0 feat: add option to update version tag within original pom file
Fix: Do not resolve variables in git versioned pom
v4.0.6 fix: do not resolve variables in pom file and consider pom modificati…