Recently, various methods applied transformers to point clouds: PCT: Point Cloud Transformer (Meng-Hao Guo et al.), Point Transformer (Nico Engel et al.), Point Transformer (Hengshuang Zhao et al.). This repo is a pytorch implementation for these methods and aims to compare them under a fair setting. Currently, all three methods are implemented, while tuning their hyperparameters.
Download alignment ModelNet here and save in modelnet40_normal_resampled
Change which method to use in config/cls.yaml
and run
Using Adam with learning rate decay 0.3 for every 50 epochs, train for 200 epochs; data augmentation follows this repo. For Hengshuang and Nico, initial LR is 1e-3 (I would appreciate if someone could fine-tune these hyper-paramters); for Menghao, initial LR is 1e-4, as suggested by the author. ModelNet40 classification results (instance average) are listed below:
Model | Accuracy |
Hengshuang | 91.7 |
Menghao | 92.6 |
Nico | 85.5 |
Download alignment ShapeNet here and save in data/shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0_normal
Change which method to use in config/partseg.yaml
and run
Currently only Hengshuang's method is implemented.
Some code and training settings are borrowed from Code for PCT: Point Cloud Transformer (Meng-Hao Guo et al.) is adapted from the author's Jittor implementation