- GitHub Page
- GitHub Actions Workflows
- Write the structure web page based on React
- Store data using json
- data/components.json
- details data based on repo name
- data/repos/libqeep.json
- GitHub Actions workflows will using curl to trigger the workflow in this repo to add the data
- If the repo does not exists,
- It will be added to components.json with parent component name Others
- Later, user can modify the components.json to move it to the proper parent component
- Create a new json file named reponame.json to store the raw data
- It will be added to components.json with parent component name Others
- If the repo does not exists,
- Request details
- run_name
- run_number
- url
- time
- user
- status
- isqa
- test_results
- s3_urls
- branch
- Write the json file inside the repos
- Pass the url to artifact and other parameters to the Workflows in CICD_Dashboard
- In CICD_Dashboard:
- Download the artifact
- Read the content
- Write into the json files
- Commit