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296 lines (293 loc) · 8.17 KB


Atomize aliases are short names for each css rule

Table of short names

Css rule Alias
align-content ac
align-items ai
align-self asf
all a
animation anim
animation-delay animdel
animation-direction animdir
animation-duration animdur
animation-fill-mode animfm
animation-iteration-count animic
animation-name animn
animation-play-state animps
animation-timing-function animtf
appearance ap
backface-visibility bfv
background bg
background-attachment bga
background-blend-mode bgbm
background-break bgbk
background-clip bgcp
background-color bgc
background-image bgi
background-origin bgo
background-position bgp
background-position-x bgpx
background-position-y bgpy
background-repeat bgr
background-size bgsz
border bd
border-bottom bdb
border-bottom-color bdbc
border-bottom-image bdbi
border-bottom-left-image bdbli
border-bottom-left-radius bdblrs
border-bottom-right-image bdbri
border-bottom-right-radius bdbrrs
border-bottom-style bdbs
border-bottom-width bdbw
border-break bdbk
border-collapse bdcl
border-corner-image bdci
border-color bdc
border-fit bdf
border-image bdi
border-image-outset bdio
border-image-repeat bdir
border-image-slice bdisl
border-image-source bdiso
border-image-width bdiw
border-left bdl
border-left-color bdlc
border-left-image bdli
border-left-style bdls
border-left-width bdlw
border-length bdlen
border-radius bdrs
border-right bdr
border-right-color bdrc
border-right-image bdri
border-right-style bdrst
border-right-width bdrw
border-spacing bdsp
border-style bds
border-top bdt
border-top-color bdtc
border-top-image bdti
border-top-left-image bdtli
border-top-left-radius bdtlrs
border-top-right-image bdtri
border-top-right-radius bdtrrs
border-top-style bdts
border-top-width bdtw
border-width bdw
bottom b
box-decoration-break bxdb
box-shadow bxsh
box-sizing bxsz
break-after none
break-before none
break-inside none
caption-side cps
caret-color none
clear cl
clip cp
color c
column-count colmc
column-fill colmf
column-gap colmg
column-rule colmr
column-rule-color colmrc
column-rule-style colmrs
column-rule-width colmrw
column-span colms
column-width colmw
columns colm
content cnt
counter-increment coi
counter-reset cor
cursor cur
direction none
display d
empty-cells ec
fill fil
filter f
flex fx
flex-basis fxb
flex-direction fxd
flex-flow fxf
flex-grow fxg
flex-shrink fxs
flex-wrap fxw
float fl
font none
font-display fd
font-effect fef
font-emphasize fem
font-emphasize-position femp
font-emphasize-style fems
font-family ff
font-feature-settings ffs
font-kerning fk
font-size fz
font-size-adjust fsza
font-smoothing fsm
font-stretch fst
font-style fs
font-variant fv
font-variant-caps fvc
font-variant-east-asian fvea
font-variant-ligatures fvl
font-variant-numeric fvn
font-variant-position fvp
font-variation-settings fvs
font-weight fw
gap g
grid gd
grid-area gda
grid-auto-columns gdac
grid-auto-flow gdaf
grid-auto-rows gdar
grid-column gdc
grid-column-end gdce
grid-column-gap gdcg
grid-column-start gdcs
grid-gap gdg
grid-row gdr
grid-row-end gdre
grid-row-gap gdrg
grid-row-start gdrs
grid-template gdt
grid-template-areas gdta
grid-template-columns gdtc
grid-template-rows gdtr
height h
hyphens hphs
isolation none
justify-content jc
justify-items ji
justify-self js
left l
letter-spacing lts
line-break lb
line-height lh
list-style lis
list-style-image lisi
list-style-position lisp
list-style-type list
margin m
margin-bottom mb
margin-left ml
margin-right mr
margin-top mt
margin-x mx
margin-y my
mask none
mask-type none
max-height mah
max-resolution mar
max-width maw
min-height mih
min-resolution mir
min-width miw
mix-blend-mode mbm
object-fit of
object-position obp
opacity op
order ord
orientation ori
orphans orp
outline ol
outline-color olc
outline-offset olo
outline-style ols
*outline-width thin
overflow ov
overflow-style ovs
overflow-wrap none
overflow-x ovx
overflow-y ovy
padding p
padding-bottom pb
padding-left pl
padding-right pr
padding-top pt
padding-x px
padding-y py
page-break-after pgba
page-break-before pgbb
page-break-inside pgbi
perspective pspc
perspective-origin pspco
pointer-events pe
position pos
quotes none
ratio none
ratio-padding none
resize rsz
right r
row-gap rowg
scroll-behavior none
size-height none
size-width none
tab-size none
table-layout tbl
text-align ta
text-align-last tal
text-combine-upright tcu
text-decoration td
text-decoration-color tdc
text-decoration-line tdl
text-decoration-style tds
text-decoration-thickness tdth
text-emphasis te
text-height th
text-indent ti
text-justify tj
text-orientation tori
text-outline to
text-overflow tov
text-replace tr
text-shadow tsh
text-transform tt
text-underline-position tup
text-wrap tw
top t
transform trf
transform-origin trfo
transform-style trfs
transition trs
transition-delay trsde
transition-duration trsdu
transition-property trsp
transition-timing-function trstf
unicode-bidi ub
user-select us
vertical-align va
visibility v
white-space whs
white-space-collapse whsc
widows wid
width w
word-break wob
word-spacing wos
word-wrap wow
writing-mode wm
z-index z
zoom zom
backdrop-filter none
aspect-ratio none
content-visibility none
clip-path none
will-change none
place-items none
text-size-adjust none
scroll-snap-type none
scroll-snap-align none
contain-intrinsic-size none
mask-composite none
mask-image none
mask-mode none
mask-origin none
mask-position none
mask-repeat none
mask-size none
mask-border none
mask-box-image none
leading-trim none
text-fill-color none