The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- ISSUE-143 Fix URLs for stream connections when running Kafka-Webview behind a reverse proxy with a URL Prefix.
- ISSUE-142 Ability to search various datatables within the Cluster Explorer section of the application.
- ISSUE-136 Fix URLs when running Kafka-Webview behind a reverse proxy with a URL prefix. You can configure Kafka WebView by setting the following configuration option in your config.yml file:
- Updated Kafka Client library version from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
context-path: /prefix/here
- ISSUE-127 Anonymous users were unable to stream views.
- ISSUE-114 Better out of the box support for Avro decoding / Confluent Schema Registry.
- Upgrade from Spring Boot 2.0.7 to 2.0.8
- Added ability to Copy previously created views.
- Better expose underlying exceptions/errors when things go wrong.
- ISSUE-116 No longer require KeyStore and KeyStore password when configuring a SSL+SASL cluster.
- Add support for SASL authentication to Kafka clusters.
- Add support for LDAP user authentication to application.
- Consumer details can now be viewed on Clusters.
- Explicitly expose user login session timeout configuration value in documentation.
- Topics shown on brokers now include "internal" topics.
- Generated consumer shortened.
- #111 Add ProtocolBuffer support to Jackson via third party module.
- Upgrade from Spring Boot 2.0.5 to 2.0.7
- Updated Kafka Client library version to 2.0.0
- Updated NPM dependencies:
- sockjs-client from 1.1.4 to 1.3.0
- browser-sync from 2.16.0 to 2.26.3
- gulp-sass from 3.1.0 to 3.2.1
- Issue#100 Fix script
- Dependency JARs were accidentally being included twice in release packages.
- Added new Stream consumer management page at /configuration/stream
- Added ability to disable user authentication. This allows for anonymous user access.
- Added ability to create topics via the UI.
- Added ability to modify topic configuration via the UI.
- Various UI usability improvements.
- Updated SpringBoot framework from 1.5.x to 2.0.5.
- Updates Kafka Client from to 1.1.1.
Kafka-WebView's configuration file has changed slightly. Most notably the require-ssl
property has moved and been renamed requiredSsl.
Please review the default config.yml for references to the new configuration options.
- Issue#75 Bugfix Add Jackson serializer that falls back to using toString() when consuming entries from Kafka.
- Issue#72 Bugfix User role input not displayed when creating new user.
- Issue#81 Bugfix Handle NoClassDefFoundError exceptions gracefully.
- Issue#74 Improvement UI Tweak to display large number of partitions in datatable views.
- Issue#71 Improvement Topics sorted in select boxes.
- Issue#83 Improvement Wrap key and message values in tags.
- Update NPM dependencies for CVE-2017-18214.
- Update Kafka-JUnit dependency to Kafka-JUnit4.
- Update SpringBoot dependency from 1.5.10 to 1.5.13.
- Update script to allow setting JVM Heap options.
- Fix 500 error unable to find templates when running under windows.
- Add start.bat script for running under windows.
- Update SpringBoot dependency from 1.5.6 to 1.5.10.
- Update logback-core dependency from 1.1.11 to 1.2.3 details
- Issue#57 Configure consumerId and consumerGroup using a configurable prefix.
- Increase file upload limit from 15MB to 64MB.
- Add Dockerfile / Dockerhub images.
- Issue#49 Fix bug in View create when a Filter has configurable options.
- Initial release!