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Deep learning of thermodynamics-aware reduced-order models from data

Project page Paper CMAME


We present an algorithm to learn the relevant latent variables of a large-scale discretized physical system and predict its time evolution using thermodynamically-consistent deep neural networks. Our method relies on sparse autoencoders, which reduce the dimensionality of the full order model to a set of sparse latent variables with no prior knowledge of the coded space dimensionality. Then, a second neural network is trained to learn the metriplectic structure of those reduced physical variables and predict its time evolution with a so-called structure-preserving neural network. This data-based integrator is guaranteed to conserve the total energy of the system and the entropy inequality, and can be applied to both conservative and dissipative systems. The integrated paths can then be decoded to the original full-dimensional manifold and be compared to the ground truth solution. This method is tested with two examples applied to fluid and solid mechanics.

For more information, please refer to the following:

Setting it up

First, clone the project.

# clone project
git clone
cd DeepLearningMOR

Then, install the needed dependencies. The code is implemented in Pytorch. Note that this has been tested using Python 3.7.

# install dependencies
pip install scipy numpy matplotlib torch

How to run the code

Test pretrained nets

The results of the paper (Viscoelastic Fluid and Hyperelastic Rolling Tire) can be reproduced with the following executables, found in the executables/ folder. The data/ folder includes the database and the pretrained parameters of the networks.

sh executables/
sh executables/

The resulting time evolution of the latent variables (reduced with the SAE) and the thermodynamics-aware integrator (SPNN) are plotted and saved in .png format in a generated outputs/ folder.

Viscoelastic Fluid Rolling Tire

Train a custom net

You can also run your own experiments for the implemented datasets by setting parameters manually. Several training examples can be found in the executables/ folder. Both the SAE and the SPNN can be trained individually, and the trained parameters and output plots are saved in the outputs/ folder.

python --sys_name viscoelastic --train_SAE True --lr_SAE 1e-5 --lambda_r 1e-3 --train_SPNN True --lr_SPNN 1e-5 ...

General Arguments:

Argument Description Options
--sys_name Study case viscoelastic, rolling_tire
--train_SAE Train or test mode for SAE True, False
--train_SPNN Train or test mode for SPNN True, False
--dset_dir Dataset and pretrained nets directory Default: data
--train_percent Train porcentage of the full database Default: 0.8
--output_dir Output data directory Default: output
--save_plots Save plots of latent and state variables True, False

Sparse Autoencoder (SAE) Arguments:

Argument Description Options
--layer_vec_SAE Layer vector (viscoelastic) Default: 400, 160, 160, 10
--layer_vec_q_SAE Layer vector (rolling_tire, position) Default: 12420, 40, 40, 10
--layer_vec_v_SAE Layer vector (rolling_tire, velocity) Default: 12420, 40, 40, 10
--layer_vec_sigma_SAE Layer vector (rolling_tire, stress tensor) Default: 24840, 80, 80, 20
--activation_SAE Activation functions of the hidden layers Default: 2e3
--max_epoch_SAE Maximum number of training epochs Default: 10e3
--lr_SAE Learning rate Default: 1e-4
--lambda_r_SAE Sparse regularizer Default: 1e-3

Structure-Preserving Neural Network (SPNN) Arguments:

Argument Description Options
--hidden_vec_SPNN Hidden layers vector Default: 24, 24, 24, 24
--activation_SPNN Activation functions of the hidden layers linear, sigmoid, relu, tanh
--init_SPNN Net initialization method kaiming_normal, xavier_normal
--max_epoch_SPNN Maximum number of training epochs Default: 1e4
--lr_SPNN Learning rate Default: 1e-3
--lambda_d Data weight Default: 5e2
--miles Learning rate scheduler milestones Default: 9e4
--gamma Learning rate scheduler decay Default: 1e-1


If you found this code useful please cite our work as:

  title={Deep learning of thermodynamics-aware reduced-order models from data},
  author={Hern{\'a}ndez, Quercus and Bad{\'\i}as, Alberto and Gonz{\'a}lez, David and Chinesta, Francisco and Cueto, El{\'\i}as},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.03758},