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TFRT Tutorial

This document shows how to run some simple example code with TFRT's BEFExecutor.

This document assumes you've installed TFRT and its prerequisites as described in the README.

Hello World

Create a file called hello.mlir with the following content:

func @hello() {
  %chain =

  // Create a string containing "hello world" and store it in %hello.
  %hello = "tfrt_test.get_string"() { value = "hello world" } : () -> !tfrt.string

  // Print the string in %hello.
  "tfrt_test.print_string"(%hello, %chain) : (!tfrt.string, !tfrt.chain) -> !tfrt.chain


The @hello function above shows how to create and print a string. The text after each : specifies the types involved:

  • () -> !tfrt.string means that tfrt_test.get_string takes no arguments and returns a !tfrt.string. tfrt is a MLIR dialect prefix (or namespace) for TFRT.
  • (!tfrt.string, !tfrt.chain) -> !tfrt.chain means that tfrt_test.print_string takes two arguments (!tfrt.string and !tfrt.chain) and returns a !tfrt.chain. chain is a TFRT abstraction to manage dependencies. For detailed explanation, see the Explicit Dependency Management in TFRT documentation.

tfrt_test.get_string's value is an attribute, not an argument. Attributes are compile-time constants, while arguments are only available at runtime upon kernel/function invocation. In the above example, the value attribute has the value hello world.

tfrt.return is a special form that specifies the function's return values, similar to a C++ return statement. In the above case, the function @hello does not have a return value. For detailed explanation and more examples, refer to the TFRT Host Runtime Design documentation.

This example code ignores the !tfrt.chain returned by tfrt_test.print_string.

Translate hello.mlir to BEF by running tfrt_translate --mlir_to_bef:

$ bazel-bin/tools/tfrt_translate --mlir-to-bef hello.mlir > hello.bef

You can dump the encoded BEF file, and see that it contains the hello world string attribute:

$ hexdump -C hello.bef

Run hello.bef with bef_executor to see it print hello world:

$ bazel-bin/tools/bef_executor hello.bef
Choosing memory leak check allocator.
Choosing single-threaded work queue.
--- Running 'hello':
string = hello world

The first two Choosing lines are bef_executor explaining which implementations of HostAllocator and ConcurrentWorkQueue it's using. The third --- Running 'hello': line is printed by bef_executor to show which MLIR function is currently executing (@hello in this case). The fourth string = hello world line is printed by tfrt_test.print_string, as requested by hello.mlir.

Hello Integers

bef_executor runs all functions defined in the .mlir file that accept no arguments. We can add another function to hello.mlir by appending the following to hello.mlir:

func @hello_integers() {
  %chain =

  // Create an integer containing 42.
  %forty_two = tfrt.constant.i32 42

  // Print 42.
  tfrt.print.i32 %forty_two, %chain


@hello_integers shows how to create and print integers. This example does not have the verbose type information we saw in @hello because we've defined custom parsers for the tfrt.constant.i32 and tfrt.print.i32 kernels in See MLIR's Operation Definition Specification (ODS) for more information on how this works.

If we run tfrt_translate and bef_executor over hello.mlir again, we see that the executor calls our second function in addition to the first:

$ bazel-bin/tools/tfrt_translate --mlir-to-bef hello.mlir > hello.bef
$ bazel-bin/tools/bef_executor hello.bef
Choosing memory leak check allocator.
Choosing single-threaded work queue.
--- Running 'hello':
string = hello world
--- Running 'hello_integers':
int32 = 42

Defining Kernels

Let's define some custom kernels that manipulate (x, y) coordinate pairs. Create lib/test_kernels/ containing the following:

#include <cstdio>

#include "tfrt/host_context/chain.h"
#include "tfrt/host_context/kernel_registry.h"
#include "tfrt/host_context/kernel_utils.h"

namespace tfrt {
namespace {

struct Coordinate {
  int32_t x = 0;
  int32_t y = 0;

static Coordinate CreateCoordinate(int32_t x, int32_t y) {
  return Coordinate{x, y};

static Chain PrintCoordinate(Coordinate coordinate) {
  printf("(%d, %d)\n", coordinate.x, coordinate.y);
  return Chain();
}  // namespace

void RegisterMyKernels(KernelRegistry* registry) {

}  // namespace tfrt

Edit include/tfrt/test_kernels.h to forward declare RegisterMyKernels:

// Lots of existing forward declarations here...
void RegisterMyKernels(KernelRegistry* registry);  // <-- ADD THIS LINE

Also edit lib/test_kernels/, updating RegisterExampleKernels to call RegisterMyKernels:

static void RegisterExampleKernels(KernelRegistry* registry) {
  // Lots of existing registrations here...
  RegisterMyKernels(registry);  // <-- ADD THIS LINE

Finally, edit the definition of test_kernels in the top level BUILD file, to add lib/test_kernels/ to srcs:

    name = "test_kernels",
    srcs = [
        # Lots of existing srcs here ...
        "lib/test_kernels/",  # <-- ADD THIS LINE

Now we can rebuild bef_executor to compile and link with our new kernels:

$ bazel build -c opt //tools:bef_executor

With that done, we can write a coordinate.mlir program that calls our new kernels:

func @print_coordinate() {
  %chain =

  %two = tfrt.constant.i32 2
  %four = tfrt.constant.i32 4

  %coordinate = "my.create_coordinate"(%two, %four) : (i32, i32) -> !my.coordinate

  "my.print_coordinate"(%coordinate, %chain) : (!my.coordinate, !tfrt.chain) -> !tfrt.chain


MLIR types that begin with ! are user-defined types like !my.coordinate, compared to built-in types like i32. User-defined types do not need to be registered with TFRT, so we do not need to rebuild tfrt_translate: tfrt_translate --mlir_to_bef is a generic compiler transformation.

So now we can compile and run coordinate.mlir:

$ bazel-bin/tools/tfrt_translate --mlir-to-bef coordinate.mlir > coordinate.bef
$ bazel-bin/tools/bef_executor coordinate.bef
Choosing memory leak check allocator.
Choosing single-threaded work queue.
--- Running 'print_coordinate':
(2, 4)

coordinate.mlir shows several TFRT features:

  • Kernels are just C++ functions with a name in MLIR: my.print_coordinate is the MLIR name for the C++ PrintCoordinate function.
  • Kernels may pass arbitrary user-defined types: my.create_coordinate passes a custom Coordinate struct to my.print_coordinate.

Under Construction!

This tutorial is a work in progress. We hope to add more tutorials for topics like:

  • Asynchronous execution
  • Control flow
  • Non-strict execution

What's Next

Note in order to use TFRT, we do not expect TensorFlow end users to hand-write the MLIR programs as shown above. Instead, we are building a graph compiler that will generate such MLIR programs from TensorFlow functions created from TensorFlow model code.

Next, see TFRT Host Runtime Design for detailed explanation on TFRT concepts including AsyncValue, Kernel, and Graph Execution etc. Also, see TFRT Op-by-op Execution Design on how TFRT will support eagerly executing TensorFlow ops.