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Releases: quisquous/cactbot

0.16.7: continued 5.2 support

03 Mar 02:27
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  • raidboss: more timelines (everything in 5.2 but e8n at the moment, huge thanks to @JLGarber)
  • raidboss: fixes for ruby ex liquefaction triggers
  • raidboss: e8s trigger improvements (icelit dragonsong cleanse fix, move! for akh rhai, better banish triggers)
  • raidboss: chinese translations for e5s-e7s
  • plugin: raidboss presets are now the split alerts only / timeline only versions

0.16.6: RubyEx timeline, partial normal mode support

29 Feb 05:16
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  • raidboss:
    • ruby ex timeline
    • e5s orb callout improvements (#1115)
    • e6s knockback trigger fix (#1112)
    • e8s wyrm's lament fix (#1117)
    • e5n triggers and timeline (#1116)
    • e6n triggers and timeline (#1118)
  • fisher: ocean fixing fix for changing places (#1106)

0.16.5: more triggers, more timelines

26 Feb 08:02
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Triggers and timelines are still a work in progress for savage. The timelines are 95% done, and the triggers are about 60% done. There are no triggers or timelines for normal modes yet.

0.16.4: eden savage, continued

25 Feb 08:14
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Triggers and timelines are still a work in progress for savage. There are no triggers or timelines for normal modes yet.

  • e5s initial timeline
  • e6s initial triggers
  • e8s initial triggers

Sorry for two releases in one day, but I figured it might be nice to have at least a few more timelines and triggers for reset tomorrow.

0.16.3: partial savage update, translations

24 Feb 16:09
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Triggers and timelines are still a work in progress for savage. There are no triggers or timelines for normal modes yet.

  • fishing fixes for 5.2
  • initial e5s triggers
  • initial e7s triggers
  • initial ruby ex triggers
  • initial Anamesis Anyder Triggers
  • many translations

Huge thanks to @Jaehyuk-Lee, @panicstevenson, @anubiann00b for triggers. Thanks also for all the very fast translation turnaround too.

0.16.2: initial savage timelines

23 Feb 01:46
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  • e6s timeline (thanks @Legends0)
  • e7s timeline
  • partial e8s timeline
  • fixes for tts replacements (thanks @Jaehyuk-Lee)

Known Issues

  • TEA headmarkers are broken

0.16.1: Emergency Korean/Chinese plugin fix

21 Feb 15:46
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Sorry! During the last plugin update for 5.2, I accidentally broke the Korean and Chinese charmap signatures. Please do not use 0.16.0. Also, because the update check is only once per day, people who have updated to 0.16.0 may not see this 0.16.1 update for a full day and may want to update manually.

  • plugin: fix charmap signatures for Korean and Chinese versions (sorry again! many thanks, @Jaehyuk-Lee)
  • plugin: change version check from once per day to 15 minutes
  • raidboss: improved legibility for Korean timeline css (thanks to @Jaehyuk-Lee)

0.16.0: Initial 5.2 release

21 Feb 02:46
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This is a preliminary release that fixes broken cactbot memory signatures and offsets. Theoretically, this will work when the FFXIV ACT plugin is updated. If you want to know when that plugin is updated, look in the #announcements channel of the ACT_FFXIV discord.


  • raidboss: many many Korean and Chinese translations
  • raidboss: a ton of fixups for timeline translations across all files
  • raidboss: all cactbot triggers must have unique ids and a shared prefix in each file
  • rdmty: blu job icon added
  • plugin: signatures can now differ between versions
  • Python files must be formatted with Black now

Changes for people writing translations

There's now a new script that you can that will list the translations that are missing in timelines, regexes, and javascript files. For example, run util/ -l ko to find missing translations for Korean.

Additionally, timeline replacements now do not have a specific order. However, they must be able to apply in any order and have the same result, or the tests will throw an error. So, if the timeline section partially replaces two different parts of the the same timeline text, that's fine. For example, if you have the text "Mechanic (IN)" and you have one replacement for "Mechanic" and one replacement for "(IN)" then this will be fine. However, if you have a translation for "Mechanic" as well as "Mechanic (IN)", then these will conflict. Feel free to ask questions on pull requests when the tests complain if there's any confusion.

There's also a number of built in translations for common translations. These no longer need to be added manually. See: The sealed message is the most complicated, but it means that you should only need to specify the area name, and not the entire seal message. See other files for examples.

0.15.3: Chinese 5.1 Release

05 Feb 06:19
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  • plugin: updated 5.1 memory locations for chinese release
  • many french and korean translations
  • new cute logo

0.15.2: minor raidboss, radar bugs

20 Jan 22:57
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  • raidboss: fixed issues with e4s/ucob/dun scaith triggers not appearing (#976, #979, #966)
  • radar: fixed issue where option overrides for ranks weren't being applied (#970)
  • config: cactbot wormhole strategy is now an option in the config tool
  • raidboss: triggers that throw exceptions will now print the trigger id and stack trace