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PHP: Form & Session & Cookies

Set A

Please answer the following 50 multiple-choice questions to test your knowledge in Form & Session & Cookies. You must place your answer file in the submission folder. Within the submission/Q6/set_a folder, create a folder called your github_id.

  1. Which PHP superglobal variable is used to retrieve form data sent with the HTTP GET method?

    • a) $_GET
    • b) $_POST
    • c) $_REQUEST
    • d) $_SERVER
  2. How can you start a new session in PHP?

    • a) session_open()
    • b) session_start()
    • c) start_session()
    • d) open_session()
  3. Which function is used to set a cookie in PHP?

    • a) set_cookie()
    • b) create_cookie()
    • c) setcookie()
    • d) createcookie()
  4. Which PHP superglobal variable is used to access session data?

    • a) $_SESSION
    • b) $_COOKIE
    • c) $_REQUEST
    • d) $_SERVER
  5. How can you destroy a session in PHP?

    • a) session_destroy()
    • b) destroy_session()
    • c) unset_session()
    • d) end_session()
  6. Which function is used to check if a cookie is set in PHP?

    • a) isset_cookie()
    • b) cookie_isset()
    • c) cookie_set()
    • d) isset($_COOKIE['cookie_name'])
  7. How can you retrieve the value of a specific cookie in PHP?

    • a) $_COOKIE['cookie_name']
    • b) $_SESSION['cookie_name']
    • c) $_GET['cookie_name']
    • d) $_POST['cookie_name']
  8. How can you unset a specific session variable in PHP?

    • a) unset($_SESSION['variable_name'])
    • b) unset_session('variable_name')
    • c) session_unset('variable_name')
    • d) session_unset($_SESSION['variable_name'])
  9. How can you set the expiration time for a cookie in PHP?

    • a) By using the set_cookie_expiration() function
    • b) By specifying the expiration time in the setcookie() function
    • c) By setting the $_COOKIE_EXPIRATION constant
    • d) Cookies do not have an expiration time in PHP
  10. How can you check if a session variable is set in PHP?

    • a) isset($_SESSION['variable_name'])
    • b) session_isset('variable_name')
    • c) isset_session('variable_name')
    • d) isset_variable('variable_name')
  11. Which PHP function is used to sanitize user input to prevent security vulnerabilities?

    • a) sanitize_input()
    • b) secure_input()
    • c) filter_input()
    • d) clean_input()
  12. How can you retrieve the number of elements in an array stored in a session variable?

    • a) count($_SESSION['array_variable'])
    • b) sizeof($_SESSION['array_variable'])
    • c) length($_SESSION['array_variable'])
    • d) lengthof($_SESSION['array_variable'])
  13. How can you redirect the user to another page using PHP?

    • a) redirect('new_page.php')
    • b) header('Location: new_page.php')
    • c) go_to('new_page.php')
    • d) change_page('new_page.php')
  14. How can you retrieve the current session ID in PHP?

    • a) $_SESSION_ID
    • b) session_id()
    • c) get_session_id()
    • d) current_session_id()
  15. Which function is used to encode special characters in a string to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks?

    • a) strip_tags()
    • b) htmlspecialchars()
    • c) htmlentities()
    • d) escape_chars()
  16. How can you retrieve the value of a specific query string parameter in PHP?

    • a) $_GET['parameter_name']
    • b) $_REQUEST['parameter_name']
    • c) $_POST['parameter_name']
    • d) $_QUERY['parameter_name']
  17. How can you retrieve the IP address of the client accessing your PHP script?

    • a) $_SERVER['IP_ADDRESS']
    • b) $_CLIENT_IP
    • c) $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
    • d) $_USER_IP
  18. How can you store an array in a session variable in PHP?

    • a) $_SESSION['array_variable'] = array(...)
    • b) $_SESSION['array_variable'][] = ...
    • c) $_SESSION[] = array_variable(...)
    • d) session_array_variable(...) = array(...)
  19. How can you prevent a form from being submitted if certain conditions are not met using JavaScript and PHP?

    • a) By using the preventDefault() function in JavaScript and validating the form on the server-side using PHP
    • b) By using the return false statement in JavaScript and validating the form on the server-side using PHP
    • c) By using the onsubmit attribute in the HTML form tag and validating the form on the server-side using PHP
    • d) By using the stopPropagation() function in JavaScript and validating the form on the server-side using PHP
  20. How can you check if a specific cookie is set in PHP?

    • a) isset($_COOKIE['cookie_name'])
    • b) cookie_isset('cookie_name')
    • c) cookie_set('cookie_name')
    • d) isset_cookie('cookie_name')
  21. How can you display a success message after submitting a form using PHP?

    • a) By echoing a success message in the PHP script that processes the form
    • b) By using the header() function to redirect to a success page with a success message
    • c) By setting a session variable with a success message and displaying it on the redirected page
    • d) By using the print_success_message() function in PHP to display the message
  22. How can you delete a specific cookie in PHP?

    • a) setcookie('cookie_name', '', time() - 3600);
    • b) delete_cookie('cookie_name');
    • c) unset($_COOKIE['cookie_name']);
    • d) cookie_delete('cookie_name');
  23. How can you check if a form input field is empty using PHP?

    • a) if ($_POST['field_name'] === '')
    • b) if ($_POST['field_name'] == '')
    • c) if (empty($_POST['field_name']))
    • d) if (isset($_POST['field_name']))
  24. How can you retrieve the value of a specific session variable in PHP?

    • a) $_SESSION['variable_name']
    • b) get_session_variable('variable_name')
    • c) session_get('variable_name')
    • d) $_SESSION_GET['variable_name']
  25. How can you prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks when displaying user input on a webpage in PHP?

    • a) By using the strip_tags() function to remove HTML tags from the input
    • b) By using the htmlspecialchars() function to encode special characters in the input
    • c) By using the htmlentities() function to encode special characters in the input
    • d) By using the validate_input() function to validate the input against a set of rules
  26. How can you check if a session is active in PHP?

    • a) if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE)
    • b) if (session_active())
    • c) if (isset($_SESSION))
    • d) if (session_active() === true)
  27. How can you set the lifetime of a session in PHP?

    • a) By setting the session_lifetime configuration directive in the php.ini file
    • b) By using the session_set_lifetime() function
    • c) By setting the session.cookie_lifetime configuration directive in the php.ini file
    • d) By using the set_session_lifetime() function
  28. How can you retrieve the value of a specific form input field using PHP?

    • a) $_POST['input_field_name']
    • b) $_REQUEST['input_field_name']
    • c) $_GET['input_field_name']
    • d) $_FORM['input_field_name']
  29. How can you set a session variable in PHP?

    • a) $_SESSION['variable_name'] = value;
    • b) set_session_variable('variable_name', value);
    • c) session_set('variable_name', value);
    • d) $_SET['variable_name'] = value;
  30. How can you display the current session ID in PHP?

    • a) echo session_id();
    • b) echo $_SESSION_ID;
    • c) echo get_session_id();
    • d) echo current_session_id();
  31. How can you prevent a form from being submitted multiple times using PHP?

    • a) By disabling the submit button after the form is submitted
    • b) By using the header() function to redirect after the form is submitted
    • c) By setting a session variable after the form is submitted and checking its value on subsequent submissions
    • d) By using JavaScript to validate and disable the form submission button
  32. How can you retrieve the value of a specific cookie using PHP?

    • a) $_COOKIE['cookie_name']
    • b) get_cookie('cookie_name')
    • c) cookie_get('cookie_name')
    • d) $_COOKIE_GET['cookie_name']
  33. How can you store a value in a cookie that will expire in one hour using PHP?

    • a) setcookie('cookie_name', 'value', time() + 3600);
    • b) create_cookie('cookie_name', 'value', time() + 3600);
    • c) $_COOKIE['cookie_name'] = 'value'; (The expiration time is set automatically)
    • d) set_cookie_expiration('cookie_name', 'value', 3600);
  34. How can you check if a specific session variable is set in PHP?

    • a) isset($_SESSION['variable_name'])
    • b) session_isset('variable_name')
    • c) isset_session('variable_name')
    • d) isset_variable('variable_name')
  35. How can you prevent form injection attacks in PHP?

    • a) By using prepared statements and parameterized queries when interacting with a database
    • b) By validating and sanitizing user input before processing it
    • c) By implementing CAPTCHA to ensure the user is not a bot
    • d) By encrypting sensitive form data before storing it
  36. How can you unset all session variables in PHP?

    • a) session_unset()
    • b) unset_session_variables()
    • c) $_SESSION = array()
    • d) destroy_session()
  37. How can you store an array of values in a cookie using PHP?

    • a) By serializing the array and storing it in a single cookie value
    • b) By creating multiple cookies, each

storing a single value from the array - c) By converting the array to JSON and storing it in a cookie - d) Cookies cannot store arrays in PHP

  1. How can you retrieve the value of a specific form input field using the POST method in PHP?

    • a) $_POST['input_field_name']
    • b) $_REQUEST['input_field_name']
    • c) $_GET['input_field_name']
    • d) $_FORM['input_field_name']
  2. How can you retrieve the value of a specific session variable using PHP?

    • a) $_SESSION['variable_name']
    • b) get_session_variable('variable_name')
    • c) session_get('variable_name')
    • d) $_SESSION_GET['variable_name']
  3. How can you clear all cookies in PHP?

    • a) By setting each cookie to an empty value using the setcookie() function
    • b) By using the clear_cookies() function
    • c) By using the unset($_COOKIE) statement
    • d) Cookies cannot be cleared programmatically
  4. How can you store a value in a session variable using PHP?

    • a) $_SESSION['variable_name'] = value;
    • b) set_session_variable('variable_name', value);
    • c) session_set('variable_name', value);
    • d) $_SET['variable_name'] = value;
  5. How can you check if a specific cookie is set in PHP?

    • a) isset($_COOKIE['cookie_name'])
    • b) cookie_isset('cookie_name')
    • c) cookie_set('cookie_name')
    • d) isset_cookie('cookie_name')
  6. How can you retrieve the value of a specific session variable using the GET method in PHP?

    • a) $_GET['variable_name']
    • b) $_REQUEST['variable_name']
    • c) $_SESSION['variable_name']
    • d) $_SESSION_GET['variable_name']
  7. How can you delete a specific cookie in PHP?

    • a) setcookie('cookie_name', '', time() - 3600);
    • b) delete_cookie('cookie_name');
    • c) unset($_COOKIE['cookie_name']);
    • d) cookie_delete('cookie_name');
  8. How can you check if a form input field is empty using PHP?

    • a) if ($_POST['field_name'] === '')
    • b) if ($_POST['field_name'] == '')
    • c) if (empty($_POST['field_name']))
    • d) if (isset($_POST['field_name']))
  9. How can you retrieve the current session ID in PHP?

    • a) session_id()
    • b) $_SESSION_ID
    • c) get_session_id()
    • d) current_session_id()
  10. How can you set a cookie that is accessible only through HTTP and not JavaScript in PHP?

    • a) setcookie('cookie_name', 'value', time() + 3600, '/', '', false, true);
    • b) setcookie('cookie_name', 'value', time() + 3600, '/', '', true, false);
    • c) setcookie('cookie_name', 'value', time() + 3600, '/', '', true, true);
    • d) setcookie('cookie_name', 'value', time() + 3600, '/', '', false, false);
  11. How can you retrieve the client's browser name and version in PHP?

    • b) $_BROWSER['user_agent']
    • c) $_CLIENT_AGENT
    • d) get_browser()
  12. How can you store user preferences using cookies in PHP?

    • a) By storing the preferences in a JSON-encoded string and setting it as a cookie value
    • b) By creating a separate cookie for each preference
    • c) By storing the preferences in a session variable instead of a cookie
    • d) Cookies cannot be used to store user preferences
  13. How can you retrieve the number of elements in an array stored in a session variable in PHP?

    • a) count($_SESSION['array_variable'])
    • b) sizeof($_SESSION['array_variable'])
    • c) length($_SESSION['array_variable'])
    • d) lengthof($_SESSION['array_variable'])

Set B

Please answer the following 50 multiple-choice questions to test your knowledge in Form & Session & Cookies. You must place your answer file in the submission folder. Within the submission/Q6/set_b folder, create a folder called your github_id.

  1. Which superglobal variable is used to retrieve data from a form submitted using the POST method?

    • a) $_POST
    • b) $_GET
    • c) $_REQUEST
    • d) $_SERVER
  2. How can you check if a form has been submitted in PHP?

    • a) By checking if $_POST or $_GET is not empty
    • b) By checking if $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] is equal to 'POST'
    • c) By checking if $_REQUEST contains form data
    • d) By checking if $_COOKIE is set
  3. Which function is used to start a session in PHP?

    • a) session_start()
    • b) session_open()
    • c) session_init()
    • d) session_begin()
  4. How can you set a session variable in PHP?

    • a) By assigning a value to $_SESSION['variable']
    • b) By using the set_session() function
    • c) By using the session_set() function
    • d) By assigning a value to $_COOKIE['variable']
  5. What is the purpose of the session_destroy() function in PHP?

    • a) To destroy all session data
    • b) To remove a specific session variable
    • c) To close the session and write session data
    • d) To regenerate the session ID
  6. How can you retrieve the value of a session variable in PHP?

    • a) By accessing $_SESSION['variable']
    • b) By using the get_session() function
    • c) By accessing $_COOKIE['variable']
    • d) By using the retrieve_session() function
  7. Which function is used to set a cookie in PHP?

    • a) setcookie()
    • b) create_cookie()
    • c) store_cookie()
    • d) cookie_set()
  8. How can you retrieve the value of a cookie in PHP?

    • a) By accessing $_COOKIE['cookieName']
    • b) By using the get_cookie() function
    • c) By accessing $_SESSION['cookieName']
    • d) By using the retrieve_cookie() function
  9. How can you delete a cookie in PHP?

    • a) By setting the cookie with an empty value and an expired timestamp
    • b) By using the delete_cookie() function
    • c) By accessing $_COOKIE['cookieName'] and assigning it a null value
    • d) By using the unset_cookie() function
  10. What is the purpose of the htmlspecialchars() function in PHP when working with form input?

    • a) To convert special characters to HTML entities
    • b) To validate form input against a specified pattern
    • c) To sanitize form input and prevent SQL injection
    • d) To encode form input in Base64 format
  11. Which PHP function is used to check if a session variable is set?

    • a) isset()
    • b) empty()
    • c) session_isset()
    • d) session_exists()
  12. How can you prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks when displaying user input on a webpage?

    • a) By using htmlspecialchars() to encode the output
    • b) By using strip_tags() to remove HTML tags
    • c) By using preg_match() to validate the input
    • d) By using urlencode() to encode the output
  13. Which PHP function is used to check if a cookie is set?

    • a) isset()
    • b) empty()
    • c) cookie_isset()
    • d) cookie_exists()
  14. How can you restrict the lifetime of a cookie in PHP?

    • a) By setting the cookie with an expiration timestamp in the future
    • b) By setting the cookie with an expiration timestamp in the past
    • c) By using the setcookie_lifetime() function
    • d) By using the cookie_set_lifetime() function
  15. What is the purpose of the session_regenerate_id() function in PHP?

    • a) To regenerate the session ID to prevent session fixation attacks
    • b) To retrieve the current session ID
    • c) To destroy the current session and start a new one
    • d) To update the session data with a new ID
  16. How can you store an array in a session variable in PHP?

    • a) By assigning the array to $_SESSION['variable']
    • b) By using the serialize() function before assigning the array
    • c) By using the json_encode() function before assigning the array
    • d) By converting the array to a string using implode() before assigning it
  17. Which PHP function is used to check if a form input field is empty?

    • a) empty()
    • b) isset()
    • c) is_null()
    • d) is_empty()
  18. How can you retrieve the value of a selected option from a dropdown menu in PHP?

    • a) By accessing $_POST['fieldname']
    • b) By using the get_option() function
    • c) By accessing $_REQUEST['fieldname']
    • d) By using the retrieve_option() function
  19. What is the purpose of the session_write_close() function in PHP?

    • a) To close the session and write session data
    • b) To destroy all session data
    • c) To start a new session
    • d) To regenerate the session ID
  20. How can you prevent session fixation attacks in PHP?

    • a) By regenerating the session ID after successful login
    • b) By using HTTPS for secure session communication
    • c) By validating session data against a predefined pattern
    • d) By encrypting session data using a secret key
  21. Which PHP function is used to retrieve the current session ID?

    • a) session_id()
    • b) session_get_id()
    • c) session_current_id()
    • d) session_retrieve_id()
  22. How can you destroy a specific session variable in PHP?

    • a) By using the unset() function on $_SESSION['variable']
    • b) By using the destroy_session_variable() function
    • c) By setting $_SESSION['variable'] to null
    • d) By using the remove_session_variable() function
  23. What is the purpose of the session_unset() function in PHP?

    • a) To remove all session variables
    • b) To remove a specific session variable
    • c) To close the session and write session data
    • d) To regenerate the session ID
  24. How can you set a cookie with an expiration date in the past to delete it in PHP?

    • a) By setting the cookie with an expiration timestamp in the past
    • b) By using the delete_cookie() function
    • c) By accessing $_COOKIE['cookieName'] and assigning it a null value
    • d) By using the unset_cookie() function
  25. What is the purpose of the session_id() function in PHP?

    • a) To retrieve the current session ID
    • b) To generate a new session ID
    • c) To validate a session ID against a predefined pattern
    • d) To update the session data with a new ID
  26. How can you check if a session variable is empty in PHP?

    • a) By using empty($_SESSION['variable'])
    • b) By using isset($_SESSION['variable'])
    • c) By using is_null($_SESSION['variable'])
    • d) By using $_SESSION['variable'] == ''
  27. Which PHP function is used to set a session timeout?

    • a) session_set_timeout()
    • b) session_timeout()
    • c) set_session_timeout()
    • d) ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime')
  28. How can you check if a cookie is empty in PHP?

    • a) By using empty($_COOKIE['cookieName'])
    • b) By using isset($_COOKIE['cookieName'])
    • c) By using is_null($_COOKIE['cookieName'])
    • d) By using $_COOKIE['cookieName'] == ''
  29. What is the purpose of the urlencode() function in PHP?

    • a) To encode a string for safe use in a URL
    • b) To convert special characters to HTML entities
    • c) To sanitize form input and prevent SQL injection
    • d) To encrypt a string using a secret key
  30. How can you retrieve the number of items in a session array in PHP?

    • a) By using the count() function on $_SESSION['array']
    • b) By using the sizeof() function on $_SESSION['array']
    • c) By accessing $_SESSION['array']['length']
    • d) By using the get_array_length() function
  31. Which PHP function is used to check if a session is active?

    • a) session_is_active()
    • b) session_status()
    • c) session_active()
    • d) session_check()
  32. How can you check if a checkbox is checked in PHP?

    • a) By using isset($_POST['checkboxName'])
    • b) By using empty($_POST['checkboxName'])
    • c) By using $_POST['checkboxName'] == 'checked'
    • d) By using is_null($_POST['checkboxName'])
  33. What is the purpose of the session_commit() function in PHP?

    • a) To close the session and write session data
    • b) To destroy all session data
    • c) To start a new session
    • d) To regenerate the session ID
  34. How can you store multiple values in a single cookie in PHP?

    • a) By serializing an array and assigning it to the cookie value
    • b) By using setcookie() multiple times with different cookie names
    • c) By concatenating the values and assigning them to the cookie value
    • d) By using the set_cookie_array() function
  35. Which PHP function is used to check if a session has been started?

    • a) session_is_started()
    • b) session_status()
    • c) session_started()
    • d) session_check_started()
  36. How can you prevent session hijacking in PHP?

    • a) By using a secure session ID generated with a secret key
    • b) By encrypting session data using a private key
    • c) By validating session data against a predefined pattern
    • d) By using CSRF tokens for form submissions
  37. How can you check if a session is empty in PHP?

    • a) By using empty($_SESSION)
    • b) By using isset($_SESSION)
    • c) By using is_null($_SESSION)
    • d) By using $_SESSION == ''
  38. What is the purpose of the session_abort() function in PHP?

    • a) To discard session changes and close the session
    • b) To destroy all session data
    • c) To regenerate the session ID
    • d) To update the session data with a new ID
  39. How can you restrict the access to a specific page to only logged-in users in PHP?

    • a) By checking if a session variable representing the user's login status is set
    • b) By using the authenticate_user() function
    • c) By validating the user's credentials against a database
    • d) By encrypting the page content with a private key
  40. Which PHP function is used to check if a cookie domain is secure?

    • a) is_cookie_secure()
    • b) cookie_domain_secure()
    • c) cookie_is_secure()
    • d) $_COOKIE['secure']
  41. How can you prevent session data from being accessible by JavaScript in PHP?

    • a) By setting the HttpOnly flag when setting session cookies
    • b) By using JavaScript to encrypt the session data
    • c) By validating session data against a predefined pattern
    • d) By using AJAX to retrieve session data asynchronously
  42. What is the purpose of the session_gc() function in PHP?

    • a) To perform garbage collection on expired session data
    • b) To retrieve the current session ID
    • c) To destroy the current session and start a new one
    • d) To update the session data with a new ID
  43. How can you set a session timeout in PHP?

    • a) By modifying the session.gc_maxlifetime configuration directive
    • b) By using the set_session_timeout() function
    • c) By setting $_SESSION['timeout'] to a specific value
    • d) By using the session_set_timeout() function
  44. Which PHP function is used to retrieve the value of a cookie?

    • a) $_COOKIE['cookieName']
    • b) retrieve_cookie('cookieName')
    • c) get_cookie_value('cookieName')
    • d) cookie_value('cookieName')
  45. How can you restrict the access to a specific page to only users with admin privileges in PHP?

    • a) By checking if a session variable representing the user's admin status is set to true
    • b) By using the validate_admin_user() function
    • c) By validating the user's credentials against an admin database
    • d) By encrypting the page content with an admin key
  46. What is the purpose of the session_destroy() function in PHP?

    • a) To destroy all session data
    • b) To remove a specific session variable
    • c) To close the session and write session data
    • d) To regenerate the session ID
  47. How can you retrieve the value of a specific cookie in PHP?

    • a) By accessing $_COOKIE['cookieName']
    • b) By using the get_cookie_value('cookieName') function
    • c) By using retrieve_cookie('cookieName')
    • d) By using the cookie_value('cookieName') function
  48. Which PHP function is used to set the domain for a cookie?

    • a) set_cookie_domain()
    • b) cookie_set_domain()
    • c) cookie_domain()
    • d) setcookie() function with the domain parameter
  49. How can you prevent session fixation attacks in PHP?

    • a) By regenerating the session ID after successful login
    • b) By using HTTP-only cookies for session management
    • c) By validating session data against a predefined pattern
    • d) By using CSRF tokens for form submissions
  50. What is the purpose of the session_save_path() function in PHP?

    • a) To retrieve the current session save path
    • b) To set the save path for session files
    • c) To destroy the current session and start a new one
    • d) To update the session data with a new ID

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