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Tres Finocchiaro edited this page Jul 11, 2023 · 5 revisions


  • ✅ 2.2 | ✅ 2.1 | ⛔ 2.0 | ⛔ 1.9 | ...



  • A Certificate (digital-certificate.txt if generated from our portal)

    Note: Step 2 of the signing messages tutorial needs to be completed in order to establish a websocket connection


  1. Whitelist the certificate

    The first step is to whitelist the Certificate your signatures will be authenticating against. You can launch the software prior to this, but you will not be able to make a websocket connection, as there is no GUI for the warning dialogues to display in, causing an immediate disconnect.

    • Open a terminal or cmd prompt and execute the appropriate command for your OS:

      Note: the --whitelist flag can be substituted with --allow or -a

      OS Command
      Windows "%PROGRAMFILES%\QZ Tray\qz-tray-console.exe" --whitelist "path\to\digital-certificate.txt"
      ... and optionally copy "%appdata%\qz\allowed.dat" "%programdata%\qz\allowed.dat" see also #749.
      Linux /opt/qz-tray/qz-tray --whitelist "path/to/digital-certificate.txt"
      macOS "/Applications/QZ Tray" --whitelist "path/to/digital-certificate.txt"
    • Verify the entry Successfully added YOUR COMPANY to allowed list in the log displayed in the command prompt

    • An allowed.dat file is created with the finger print of the Intermediate Certificate (digital-certificate.txt).

      User Scope

      OS Location
      Windows %APPDATA%\qz\allowed.dat
      Linux ~/.qz/allowed.dat
      macOS "~/Library/Application Support/qz/allowed.dat"

      System Wide

      OS Location
      Windows %PROGRAMDATA%\qz\allowed.dat
      Linux /srv/qz/allowed.dat
      macOS "/Library/Application Support/qz/allowed.dat"
  2. Launch QZ Tray in headless mode

    • Run the software from the command line using the --headless or -h flag:

      OS Command
      Windows "%PROGRAMFILES%\QZ Tray\qz-tray-console.exe" --headless
      Linux /opt/qz-tray/qz-tray --headless
      macOS "/Applications/QZ Tray" --headless
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