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301 lines (212 loc) · 11 KB

File metadata and controls

301 lines (212 loc) · 11 KB


  • Update and lock YandexMapkit version to 4.2.2-full for iOS and Android
  • Set minimum flutter version to 3.0.0
  • Fix incorrect example
  • Fix crashes on cluster styling
  • Fix incorrect Android view initialization


  • Fix not working for flutter versions less than 3.0.0


  • Update and lock YandexMapkit version to 4.2.0-full for iOS and Android
  • Breaking change SearchOptions.searchSnippet has been removed.
  • Breaking change SearchOptions.directPageId has been removed.
  • Breaking change SearchOptions.appleCtx has been removed.
  • Breaking change SearchOptions.advertPageId has been removed.
  • Breaking change YandexMap.indoorEnabled has been removed.
  • Breaking change YandexMap.liteModeEnabled has been removed.
  • Added new options to DrivingOptions


  • Fix clusters not always showing [#255]


  • Fix state updating incorrectly
  • Fix YandexMap.onMapTap not always working


  • Fix early initialization finish on iOS and Android
  • Implement YandexBicycle
  • Fix map initialization for iOS arm64 simulator


  • Update and lock YandexMapkit version to 4.1.0-full for iOS and Android
  • Add functionality to show traffic and listen to traffic changes
  • Add the ability to change current map type
  • Add the ability to select geo objects
  • Geometry object has been fully implemented to map the funcationality of native map geometry.
  • Updated Polyline to include new customization options.
  • Updated CameraUpdate.newBounds and CameraUpdate.newTiltAzimuthBounds to include new options.
  • Breaking change SearchOptions.suggestWords has been removed.
  • Breaking change Polyline.isGeodesic has been removed.
  • Breaking change YandexMap.screenRect has been renamed to YandexMap.focusRect
  • Breaking change. Polygon, Polyline, Circle, Placemark have been renamed to PolygonMapObject, PolylineMapObject, CircleMapObject, PlacemarkMapObject respectively. They now accept a corresponding object(Polygon, Polyline, Circle, Placemark) describing their geometry.


  • Fix iOS crash for YandexMapController.moveCamera
  • Add the ability to follow user
  • Fixed mutable lists in Polygon, Polyline
  • Breaking change. Removed const definition from Polygon, Polyline, Circle, Placemark


  • Fix several crashes for iOS and Android


  • Minor optimizations
  • Fix incorrect displaying of clusters for slow devices
  • Fix Android init on Activity restart in example app
  • Fix incorrect rendering of UserLocationView MapObjects


  • Fix iOS crash for YandexSuggest.getSuggestions
  • Fix incorrect PlacemarkIconStyle constructor signature


  • Fix Android view showing when AndroidYandexMap.useAndroidViewSurface = true and MainActivity is FlutterFragmentActivity


  • Fix Android view showing when AndroidYandexMap.useAndroidViewSurface = true [#180, just-kip]
  • Fix incorrect results for YandexMapController.getVisibleRegion and YandexMapController.getFocusRegion


  • Add Hybrid composition for Android
  • Implement YandexDriving
  • Implement YandexSearch, move suggest functionality to YandexSuggest
  • Added the ability to add composite icon Placemark
  • Added the ability to work with MapObjectCollection
  • Added the ability to control which tap events should be consumed
  • Added placemark clusterization
  • Added visibility toogle for all map objects
  • Added draggablity toggle for Placemark.
  • Allow specifing which gestures should be intercepted by YandexMap
  • Add YandexMapController.getFocusRegion to get visible region with focusRect taken into account
  • Add YandexMapController.getPoint/YandexMapController.getScreenPoint for working with screen/map coordinates
  • Breaking change. Removed MapAnimation.smooth. Replaced with MapAnimation.type.
  • Breaking change. Removed YandexMapController.onMapSizeChanged
  • Breaking change. Remove PlacemarkStyle, CircleStyle, PolygonStyle, PolylineStyle. All styling options can now be directly set on corresponding map objects.
  • Breaking change. Removed rawImageData/iconName options from Placemark. Use PlacemarkIconStyle.image instead.
  • Breaking change. Removed YandexMapController.move, YandexMapController.setBounds, YandexMapController.zoomOut, YandexMapController.zoomIn. Use universal YandexMapController.moveCamera instead.
  • Breaking change. Move and change method signature YandexSearch.getSuggestions to YandexSuggest.getSuggestions
  • Breaking change. Rework working with map objects. Removed YandexMapController.addPlacemark, YandexMapController.removePlacemark, YandexMapController.addPolygon, YandexMapController.removePolygon, YandexMapController.addPolyline, YandexMapController.removePolyline, YandexMapController.addCircle, YandexMapController.removeCircle. Use YandexMap.mapObjects in conjuction with setState to add and remove map objects.
  • Breaking change. YandexMapController.setFocusRect and YandexMapController.clearFocusRect moved to YandexMap.focusRect property.
  • Breaking change. YandexMapController.logoAlignment moved to YandexMap.logoAlignment property.
  • Breaking change. YandexMapController.move method signature has been changed.
  • Breaking change. YandexMapController.setBounds method signature has been changed.
  • Breaking change. YandexMapController.setFocusRect method signature has been changed.
  • Breaking change. YandexMapController.getVisibleRegion method signature has been changed.
  • Breaking change. YandexMapController.setMapStyle method signature has been changed.
  • Breaking change. Removed YandexMapController.getZoom, YandexMapController.getTargetPoint. Use YandexMapController.getCameraPosition to get zoom, target and much more.
  • Breaking change. Removed YandexMapController.getUserTargetPoint Use YandexMapController.getUserCameraPosition to get target and much more.
  • Breaking change. Removed YandexMapController.enableCameraTracking/YandexMapController.disableCameraTracking Use YandexMap.onCameraPositionChanged to receive camera updates
  • Breaking change. Removed YandexMapController.toggleMapRotation. Use YandexMap.rotateGesturesEnabled instead.
  • Breaking change. Removed YandexMapController.toggleTiltGestures and YandexMapController.isTiltGesturesEnabled. Use YandexMap.tiltGesturesEnabled instead.
  • Breaking change. Removed YandexMapController.toggleNightMode. Use YandexMap.nightModeEnabled instead.
  • Breaking change. Removed YandexMapController.toggleZoomGestures and YandexMapController.isZoomGesturesEnabled. Use YandexMap.zoomGesturesEnabled instead.
  • Breaking change. YandexSuggest.getSuggestions method signature has been changed.


  • Fix compiling errors for swift versions lower than 5.4 [#119, cream-cheeze]


  • Add gesture manipulation [#120, cream-cheeze]
  • Add additional zoom features(min/max, disabling/enabling) [#116, cream-cheeze]
  • Add the ability to work with Circle objects [#115, cream-cheeze]


  • Fix memory leak on iOS #107


  • Migrate to null-safety
  • Add the ability to create Polygon with different inner shapes.
  • Add the ability to get users current point
  • Add the ability to set focus rectangle
  • Breaking change. Removed YandexMapController.moveToUser.
  • Breaking change. YandexSearch.getSuggestions method signature has been drastically changed.
  • Breaking change. Placemark.onTap callback signature has been changed. Now also returns Placemark on which this callback has been called.
  • Breaking change. YandexMapController.enableCameraTracking method signature has been changed.


  • Add visible region retrieval for YandexMapController


  • Update and lock YandexMapkit version to 4.0.0-full for iOS and Android
  • Add onMapRendered and onMapSizeChanged callbacks to YandexMap
  • Breaking change. YandexMapController.enableCameraTracking now uses PlacemarkStyle instead of Placemark for styling tracking marker.
  • Breaking change. Placemark, Polyline, Polygon constructors have been changed. Styling now requires an instance of PlacemarkStyle/PolylineStyle/PolygonStyle.


  • Add support for changing yandex logo position [#79, Goolpe]


  • Add Placemark direction and rotationType [#68, ryufitreet]
  • Add Map rotation toggle [#68, ryufitreet]


  • Add support for v2 android embedder
  • Add night mode toggle for YandexMapController
  • Add onMapTap and onMapLongTap callbacks to YandexMap
  • Breaking change. Callback signature for Placemark.onTap has been changed. Instead of returning latitude and longitude, it now returns a Point


  • Fix memory leak on iOS


  • Fix Dart int, bool, double, float data conversion in Swift


  • Update and lock YandexMapkit version to 3.5 for iOS and Android
  • Fix example not working on newer flutter versions


  • Add support for comparing objects added by YandexMapkit[#46, Goolpe]


  • Add Polygon support [#36, umcherrel]
  • Add Placemark options [#36, umcherrel]
  • Add user location options [#36, umcherrel]
  • Implement MapkitSearch [#36, umcherrel]
  • Add camera tracing [#36, umcherrel]


  • Set minimum flutter version to 1.10.0
  • Update iOS and Android dependencies
  • Fix YandexMap not compiling on iOS
  • Fix YandexMap not showing when onMapCreated is not defined [#38, DCrow]
  • Minor fixes


  • Add Polyline support [#33, elisar4]
  • Add support for using binary image as Placemark icons [#30, elisar4]
  • Refactor example app [#31, DCrow]


  • Add getting target point(center point) [#27, Ishokov-Dzhafar]


  • Add linter and fix linter errors[#23, vanyasem]
  • Add location permission request messages to example app[#23, vanyasem]
  • Update and lock YandexMapkit version to 3.4 for iOS and Android[#23, vanyasem]
  • Update .gitignore[#25, DCrow]
  • Fix typos in README[#23, vanyasem]


  • Add styling functionality [#18, vanyasem]


  • Fix YandexMapController.addPlacemark sometimes not working on iOS [#13, Ishokov-Dzhafar]
  • Remove unused code


  • Breaking change. Changed iOS and Android Mapkit key initialization


  • Add zoom functionality [#10, Ishokov-Dzhafar]


  • Breaking change. Migrate from the deprecated original Android Support Library to AndroidX.


  • Fix some of suggestions
  • Fix Xcode 10.1 SWIFT_VERSION error


  • Lock YandexRuntime to 3.2 (Unact#3)


  • Bump YandexMapkit version to 3.2 for ios and android


  • Change ios implementation to use UiKitView
  • Change AnroidView.gestureRecognizers to accept all gestures
  • Change method signature Future<Null> to Future<void>


  • Bugfixes


  • Change android implementation to use AndroidView
  • Change ios implementation to match android


  • Add functionality to show/hide current user location


  • Initial release