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File metadata and controls

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Version: 0.1.0 Type: application AppVersion: 2.0.0-950

CORTX is a distributed object storage system designed for great efficiency, massive capacity, and high HDD-utilization.


Source Code


Kubernetes: >=1.22.0-0

Repository Name Version kafka 16.2.7 consul 0.42.0


Downloading the Chart

Download the Chart files:

git clone

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name cortx and a configuration specified by the myvalues.yaml file:

helm install --dependency-update cortx cortx-k8s/charts/cortx -f myvalues.yaml

See the Parameters section for details about all of the options available for configuration.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall the cortx release:

helm uninstall cortx


Key Type Default Description
client.enabled bool false Enable installation of Client instances
client.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Client image pull policy
client.image.registry string "" Client image registry
client.image.repository string "seagate/cortx-data" Client image name
client.image.tag string Chart.AppVersion Client image tag
client.instanceCount int 1 Number of Client instances (containers) per replica
client.replicaCount int 1 Number of Client replicas
client.setupLoggingDetail string "" Configure cortx-setup Init Container logging detail levels. "default" for default (no extra details), "component" for extra component logs, and "all" for all logs. An empty value means use the global value. If all values are empty, behaves as-if "default".
clusterDomain string "cluster.local" Kubernetes Cluster Domain
clusterId string A random UUID (v4) The unique ID of the CORTX cluster.
clusterName string Chart Release fullname The name of the CORTX cluster.
consul.client.containerSecurityContext.client.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false Allow extra privileges in Consul client agent containers
consul.client.resources.limits object {"cpu":"500m","memory":"500Mi"} Client resource limits. Default values are based on a typical VM deployment and should be tuned as needed.
consul.client.resources.requests object {"cpu":"200m","memory":"200Mi"} Client resource requests. Default values are based on a typical VM deployment and should be tuned as needed.
consul.enabled bool true Enable installation of the Consul chart
consul.server.containerSecurityContext.server.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false Allow extra privileges in Consul server agent containers
consul.server.resources.limits object {"cpu":"500m","memory":"500Mi"} Server resource limits. Default values are based on a typical VM deployment and should be tuned as needed.
consul.server.resources.requests object {"cpu":"200m","memory":"200Mi"} Server resource requests. Default values are based on a typical VM deployment and should be tuned as needed.
consul.ui.enabled bool false Enable the Consul UI
control.agent.resources.limits object {"cpu":"500m","memory":"256Mi"} The resource limits for the Control Agent containers and processes
control.agent.resources.requests object {"cpu":"250m","memory":"128Mi"} The resource requests for the Control Agent containers and processes
control.enabled bool true Enable installation of Control instances
control.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Control image pull policy
control.image.registry string "" Control image registry
control.image.repository string "seagate/cortx-control" Control image name
control.image.tag string Chart.AppVersion Control image tag
control.replicaCount int 1 Number of Control replicas
control.service.nodePorts.https string "" Node port for HTTPS for LoadBalancer and NodePort service types
control.service.ports.https int 8081 Control API service HTTPS port
control.service.type string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes service type
control.setupLoggingDetail string "" Configure cortx-setup Init Container logging detail levels. "default" for default (no extra details), "component" for extra component logs, and "all" for all logs. An empty value means use the global value. If all values are empty, behaves as-if "default".
data.blockDevicePersistence.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] Persistent volume access modes
data.blockDevicePersistence.storageClass string "" Persistent Volume storage class
data.blockDevicePersistence.volumeMode string "Block" Persistent volume mode
data.confd.resources.limits object {"cpu":"500m","memory":"512Mi"} The resource limits for the Motr confd containers and processes
data.confd.resources.requests object {"cpu":"250m","memory":"128Mi"} The resource requests for the Motr confd containers and processes
data.extraConfiguration string "" Extra configuration, as a multiline string, to be appended to the Motr configuration. Template expressions are allowed. The result is appended to the end of the computed configuration.
data.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Data image pull policy
data.image.registry string "" Data image registry
data.image.repository string "seagate/cortx-data" Data image name
data.image.tag string Chart.AppVersion Data image tag
data.ios.resources.limits object {"cpu":"1000m","memory":"2Gi"} The resource limits for the Motr IOS containers and processes
data.ios.resources.requests object {"cpu":"250m","memory":"1Gi"} The resource requests for the Motr IOS containers and processes
data.persistence.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] Persistent volume access modes
data.persistence.size string "1Gi" Persistent volume size
data.replicaCount int 1 Number of Data replicas
data.setupLoggingDetail string "" Configure cortx-setup Init Container logging detail levels. "default" for default (no extra details), "component" for extra component logs, and "all" for all logs. An empty value means use the global value. If all values are empty, behaves as-if "default".
existingCertificateSecret string "" The name of an existing Secret that contains the CORTX SSL Certificate secret. The key must be cortx.pem. The value must be in PEM format and contain the Private Key and Certificate. If not specified, a self-signed certificate will be installed.
existingSecret string "" The name of an existing Secret that contains CORTX configuration secrets. Required or the Chart installation will fail.
externalConsul.adminSecretName string "consul_admin_secret"
externalConsul.adminUser string "admin"
externalConsul.endpoints list []
externalKafka.adminSecretName string "kafka_admin_secret"
externalKafka.adminUser string "admin"
externalKafka.endpoints list []
fullnameOverride string "" A name that will fully override cortx.fullname
global.cortx.image.pullPolicy string "" CORTX image pull policy. Overrides CORTX component image.pullPolicy.
global.cortx.image.registry string "" CORTX container image registry. Overrides CORTX component image.registry.
global.cortx.image.tag string "" CORTX image tag. Overrides CORTX component image.tag.
global.cortx.setupLoggingDetail string "" Configure cortx-setup Init Container logging detail levels. Overridden by component settings. "default" for default (no extra details), "component" for extra component logs, and "all" for all logs. An empty value means use the component-specific value. If all values are empty, behaves as-if "default".
global.imageRegistry string "" Global container image registry. Overrides CORTX component image.registry and sub-charts (except Consul).
ha.enabled bool true Enable installation of HA instances
ha.faultTolerance.resources.limits object {"cpu":"500m","memory":"1Gi"} The resource limits for the HA Fault Tolerance containers and processes
ha.faultTolerance.resources.requests object {"cpu":"250m","memory":"128Mi"} The resource requests for the HA Fault Tolerance containers and processes
ha.healthMonitor.resources.limits object {"cpu":"500m","memory":"1Gi"} The resource limits for the HA Health Monitor containers and processes
ha.healthMonitor.resources.requests object {"cpu":"250m","memory":"128Mi"} The resource requests for the HA Health Monitor containers and processes
ha.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" HA image pull policy
ha.image.registry string "" HA image registry
ha.image.repository string "seagate/cortx-control" HA image name
ha.image.tag string Chart.AppVersion HA image tag
ha.k8sMonitor.resources.limits object {"cpu":"500m","memory":"1Gi"} The resource limits for the HA Kubernetes Monitor containers and processes
ha.k8sMonitor.resources.requests object {"cpu":"250m","memory":"128Mi"} The resource requests for the HA Kubernetes Monitor containers and processes
ha.persistence.size string "1Gi" Persistent volume size
ha.setupLoggingDetail string "" Configure cortx-setup Init Container logging detail levels. "default" for default (no extra details), "component" for extra component logs, and "all" for all logs. An empty value means use the global value. If all values are empty, behaves as-if "default".
hare.hax.ports.http.port int 22003 The port number of the Hax HTTP endpoint.
hare.hax.ports.http.protocol string "https" The protocol to configure the Hax HTTP endpoint as. Valid values are http or https.
hare.hax.resources.limits object {"cpu":"1000m","memory":"2Gi"} Configure the resource limits for Hax containers. This applies to all Pods that run Hax containers.
hare.hax.resources.requests object {"cpu":"250m","memory":"128Mi"} Configure the requested resources for all Hax containers. This applies to all Pods that run Hax containers.
kafka.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false Allow extra privileges in Kafka containers
kafka.deleteTopicEnable bool true Enable topic deletion
kafka.enabled bool true Enable installation of the Kafka chart
kafka.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken bool false Allow auto mounting of the service account token
kafka.serviceAccount.create bool true Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount for Kafka pods
kafka.startupProbe.enabled bool true Enable startup probe to allow for slow Zookeeper startup
kafka.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 10 Initial delay for startup probe
kafka.transactionStateLogMinIsr int 2 Overridden min.insync.replicas config for the transaction topic
kafka.zookeeper.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false Allow extra privileges in Zookeeper containers
kafka.zookeeper.enabled bool true Enable installation of the Zookeeper chart
kafka.zookeeper.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken bool false Allow auto mounting of the service account token
kafka.zookeeper.serviceAccount.create bool true Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount for Zookeeper pods
kafka.zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs int 60000 Extend timeout for successful Zookeeper connection
nameOverride string "" A name that will partially override cortx.fullname
rbac.create bool true Enable the creation of RBAC resources, Role and RoleBinding, for the CORTX ServiceAccount.
server.auth.adminAccessKey string "cortx-admin" The admin user's Access Key
server.auth.adminUser string "cortx-user" Name of the admin user that is created when initializing the cluster
server.enabled bool true Enable installation of Server instances
server.extraConfiguration string "" An optional multi-line string that contains extra RGW configuration settings. The string may contain template expressions, and is appended to the end of the computed configuration.
server.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Server image pull policy
server.image.registry string "" Server image registry
server.image.repository string "seagate/cortx-rgw" Server image name
server.image.tag string Chart.AppVersion Server image tag
server.maxStartTimeout int 240
server.persistence.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] Persistent volume access modes
server.persistence.size string "1Gi" Persistent volume size
server.replicaCount int 1 Number of Server replicas
server.rgw.resources.limits object {"cpu":"2000m","memory":"2Gi"} The resource limits for the Server RGW containers and processes
server.rgw.resources.requests object {"cpu":"250m","memory":"128Mi"} The resource requests for the Server RGW containers and processes
server.service.instanceCount int 1 Number of service instances for LoadBalancer service types
server.service.nodePorts.http string "" Node port for S3 HTTP for LoadBalancer and NodePort service types
server.service.nodePorts.https string "" Node port for S3 HTTPS for LoadBalancer and NodePort service types
server.service.ports.http int 80 RGW S3 service HTTP port
server.service.ports.https int 443 RGW S3 service HTTPS port
server.service.type string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes service type
server.setupLoggingDetail string "" Configure cortx-setup Init Container logging detail levels. "default" for default (no extra details), "component" for extra component logs, and "all" for all logs. An empty value means use the global value. If all values are empty, behaves as-if "default".
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Custom annotations for the CORTX ServiceAccount
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken bool false Allow auto mounting of the service account token
serviceAccount.create bool true Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount for CORTX pods string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
storageSets list []