* delete all labels and formats from a dataset ;
proc datasets nolist;
modify alldat;
attrib _all_ label='';
attrib _all_ format=;
attrib _all_ informat=;
* changing from space-separated macro variable to comma-separated variable ;
%let by2 = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&by.,%str( ),%str(,)));
Arrays in the SAS language are different from arrays in many other languages. A SAS array is simply a convenient way of temporarily identifying a group of variables. It is not a data structure, and the array name is not a variable.
data alldat;
* definition ;
array incomea {*} income08 income09 income10 income11 income12;
* definition + initial values ;
array sizesa {*} petite small medium large extra_large (2, 4, 6, 8, 10);
array citiesa {*} $ ('New York' 'Los Angeles' 'Dallas' 'Chicago');
* definition with custom subscript range ;
array tempa {6:18} temp6 – temp18;
* function application ;
sum_income = sum(of incomea);
mean_income = mean(of incomea);
* looping ;
array wtkga {5} wtkg1-wtkg5;
array heighta {5} htm1-htm5;
array bmia {5} bmi1-bmi5; /*derived*/
do i=1 to dim(bmia);
Sources and more material (click to expand)
+ [More Examples -> SAS Doc](http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/lestmtsref/68024/HTML/default/viewer.htm#p08do6szetrxe2n136ush727sbuo.htm) + [More Array Definitions + Loops over arrays](http://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings10/158-2010.pdf) + [Functions on Arrays](https://support.sas.com/resources/papers/97529_Using_Arrays_in_SAS_Programming.pdf) + [Two dimensional and temporary arrays](http://www.lexjansen.com/nesug/nesug05/pm/pm8.pdf) + [Defining your own subscript range](http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi30/242-30.pdf)*creating a greyscale barcart ;
proc template;
define style mytemplate;
style GraphBar from GraphComponent /
displayopts = "outline fillpattern";
style GraphData1 from GraphData1 / fillpattern = "S";
style GraphData2 from GraphData2 / fillpattern = "R2";
style GraphData3 from GraphData3 / fillpattern = "X2";
style GraphData4 from GraphData4 / fillpattern = "L2";
style GraphData5 from GraphData5 / fillpattern = "E";
*ods listing style=statistical gpath=&folder.;
ods listing style=mytemplate gpath=&folder.;
ods graphics on / reset=all imagename=&filename. height=&height.;
title &title1.;
title2 &title2.;
proc sgplot data=&dataset. pctlevel=group;
vbar year / group=&var. stat=percent;
yaxis grid label=&ylabel.;
ods _all_ close;
Filling up arrays (click to expand)
data alldat;
* duration of medication use, months: missing is coded as 999 *;
array durmeda {*} durmed76 durmed78 durmed80;
* duration of medication use, months (derived): missing will be coded as . *;
* and values will be carried forward from 1980 onwards *;
array durmedua {*} durmedu76 durmedu78 durmedu80 durmedu84 durmedu86 durmedu88;
do i=1 to dim(durmedua);
if i<=3 then do;
if durmeda(i)=999 then
else durmedua(i)=durmeda(3);
A proc freq of durmed
reveals that there are some missing values and some values are still 999.
I thought I have overwritten all 999 values. How is it possible that there are still some 999 values?
Creating categories (click to expand)
data alldat;
*oc = 1=never taken any oral contraceptives, 2=taken oral contraceptives in the past ;
*docu = duration of oral contraceptive use in months ;
if oc=1 or docu=0 then ocstatdur=1;
else if oc=2 then do;
if 0<=docu<=12 then ocstatdur=2;
else if docu<=36 then ocstatdur=3;
else if docu<=72 then ocstatdur=4;
else if docu> 72 then ocstatdur=5;