Fetch and WebSocket implementation for the browser written in Rust that uses the Wisp protocol.
Rust nightly with the wasm32-unknown-unknown
target and rust-std
component is required.
The build script needs some dependencies:
: installable through cargowasm-opt
: get from WebAssembly/binaryenjq
: install from your distro's reposgit
: install from your distro's repos
bash build.sh
The WASM binary and JS bindings will be placed in pkg
Examples are available in demo.js
import init, { EpoxyClient, EpoxyClientOptions, EpoxyHandlers } from "@mercuryworkshop/epoxy-tls/epoxy";
// you can also pass in the wasm after fetching it. see the typescript types for all options
await init({ module_or_path: "path/to/epoxy.wasm" });
// or you can import "@mercuryworkshop/epoxy-tls" or "@mercuryworkshop/epoxy-tls/epoxy-bundled"
// those versions have the wasm bundled into the JS as base64 so you don't need to pass anything to init()
// there is also a minimal version with only HTTP/1 fetch and TLS/TCP/UDP streams if you want a smaller
// bundle size. those can be imported via "@mercuryworkshop/epoxy-tls/minimal" and "minimal-bundled"
const options = new EpoxyClientOptions();
options.user_agent = navigator.userAgent;
options.wisp_v2 = true;
options.udp_extension_required = true;
// use your own selfhosted wisp server, this is the demo one with throttling
const client = new EpoxyClient("wss://wisp.mercurywork.shop", options);
const res = await client.fetch("https://example.com");
console.log(res.headers, res.rawHeaders);
console.log(await res.text());
// not available in the minimal version
let handlers = new EpoxyHandlers(
() => console.log("opened"),
() => console.log("closed"),
err => console.error(err),
msg => console.log(`got "${msg}"`)
let ws = await client.connect_websocket(
{ "x-header": "abc" },
await ws.send("data");