Wav files in VCTK contains lots of long silences, which affects training char-level seq2seq models. To deal with the problem, we will
- Prepare phoneme alignments for all utterances (code in the directory)
- Cut silences during preprocessing (code in the parent directory)
Code in the directory heavily relies on https://gist.github.com/kastnerkyle/cc0ac48d34860c5bb3f9112f4d9a0300 (which is hard copied in the repo). If you have any issues, please make sure that you can successfully run the script.
- Download VCTK: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jyamagis/page3/page58/page58.html
- Install HTK/speech_tools/festival/merlin and prepare
. If you don't have speech tools, you can install them by https://gist.github.com/kastnerkyle/001a58a58d090658ee5350cb6129f857. For the reference,tts_env.sh
of mine is:
export ESTDIR=/home/ryuichi/Dropbox/sp/speech_tools/
export FESTDIR=/home/ryuichi/Dropbox/sp/festival/
export FESTVOXDIR=/home/ryuichi/Dropbox/sp/festvox/
export VCTKDIR=/home/ryuichi/data/VCTK-Corpus/
export HTKDIR=/usr/local/HTS-2.3/bin/
export SPTKDIR=/usr/local/bin/
export MERLINDIR=/home/ryuichi/Dropbox/sp/merlin_pr/
- Run the script (takes ~24 hours)
python prepare_vctk_labels.py ${your_vctk_dir} ${dst_dir}
This will process all utterances of VCTK and copy HTK-style alignments to ${dst_dir}
It is recommended to copy alignments to the top of VCTK corpus. i.e.,
python prepare_vctk_labels.py ~/data/VCTK-Corpus ~/data/VCTK-Corpus/lab
After the above steps, you will get alignments as follows:
tree ~/data/VCTK-Corpus/lab/ | head /home/ryuichi/data/VCTK-Corpus/lab/
├── p225
│ ├── p225_001.lab
│ ├── p225_002.lab
│ ├── p225_003.lab
│ ├── p225_004.lab
│ ├── p225_005.lab
│ ├── p225_006.lab
│ ├── p225_007.lab
│ ├── p225_008.lab
cat ~/data/VCTK-Corpus/lab/p225/p225_001.lab
0 850000 pau
850000 2850000 pau
2850000 3600000 p
3600000 3900000 l
3900000 6000000 iy
6000000 8450000 z
8450000 8600000 k
8600000 11300000 ao
11300000 11450000 l
11450000 12800000 s
12800000 13099999 t
13099999 15800000 eh
15800000 16050000 l
16050000 17600000 ax
17600000 20400000 pau
do the same things above using Gentle, but turned out it seems not very good. Leaving code for future possibility if we can improve.