Hexadecimal All 1's All 1's unsigned Turn off bits (leaving remainder untouched) Turn on bits Create a mask with 0's in the rightmost n bits Create a mask with 0's in the leftmost n bits Create a mask with 1's in the rightmost n bits Create a mask with 1's in the leftmost n bits Move a range field to the right end of a word Set a bit Clear a bit Toggle a bit Test a bit Naive left shift with rotate Safe left shift with rotate Drop lowest set bit Clear least significant bit Swap bits i & j Count number of set bits (Hamming Weight for bit strings or popcount/population count) Sign of an int Detect if integers have opposite signs Absolute value of an int Find the minimum Find the maximum Is power of two Absolute value of an int Round up to next power of 2 Properties of XOR Identity -> a number XOR'ed with 0 returns the number Bitwise negation Inverting the identity Associativity Commutativity Swap Bitwise XOR equivalent One's complement Two's complement