- V10 compatibility added.
- Scene Controls removed.
- Macro Compendium added.
- API updated.
- Fixed issue with players not being shown dice drops.
- Added option to use Tension Pool without Dice So Nice
- Resolved issue with Tension Pool disabling the ability to clear chat.
- Issue with chat pop out resolved
- Fixed issue with settings menu being visible to players
- Fixed issue with Tension Timer sometimes double rolling
- Implemented bug fix causing errors when switching to scene with notes
- Implemented a number of changes from thalissa's fork
- Scene Control Buttons individually removable
- Add die and roll pool button added
- Option to Whisper result to DM added
- Tension Timer added (requires Simple Calendar by vigoren)
- Option to pause the game while the pool is being rolled added.
- removed the ability of players to trigger adddie event
- Protection against overfilling the pool has been added.
- Tension die short code had been changed from dt6 to just dt to fix an issue with compatibility with Dice So Nice
- d100 option added
- Option to Trigger a macro when a complication occurs added
- Minor Visual Improvements
- Clicking the pool will now add a die
- Dice So Nice 4 Support
- Hooks Calls added
- Chat Commands added
- Option to remove die added
- Option to empty the pool without rolling added
- Added permanent pool tracker
- Added option to use normal d6 instead of the tension dice
- Added option to empty the dice pool after a non-full roll
- Added option to "drop" a die when adding it to the pool
- Added option to calculate sum instead of checking for 1s
- First Version