Although this software has been tested, there is a chance that any files handled by the software could be lost. Consequently, do not use garnish on work that has not been commited to your repository. As per the MIT License, I am not responsible for any data loss that may occur as a result of using this tool.
A recent study found that only 15% of github projects have clearly stated license terms. Omitting a license from your open source project limits its usefulness to the community.
This project aims to reduce the "pain" of creating boilerplate LICENSE files for your FOSS projects.
For python devs, installing the latest release of garnish is as simple as
pip install garnish
If you're not a regular python user, you can also install it the standard way
git clone git://
cd garnish
python install
Next nagivate to your project root, and use the following syntax on the command line
garnish <license name> <copyright holder> <your awesome project name>
A few examples of basic usage:
garnish gpl3 "GNU Foundation" "Emacs"
garnish mit "Google Inc" "Angular JS"
To see the full list of available licenses, type garnish -h
Garnish can also add copyright and licensing notices at the beginning of your source files; this is standard practice with some projects and some licenses. Those licenses which recommend the use of headers will prompt you about it. For licenses that recommend this practice, the user will be prompted interactively o.
For those licenses which don't recommend in-file copyright and license notices,
you can still explicitly ask garnish to apply them with the -w
options if you would like. copyright notices.
Garnish is Copyright (c) 2013 Jennifer Hamon ( and released under the MIT license. For details about this license, please see the text of LICENSE.
I am not a lawyer, and this software does not provide legal advice. However, if you've found this software useful, I'd love to hear from you. Reach out on twitter @xorq or email
Please report any issues or problems, please use the github issue tracker available at here.