How to add custom configuration without messing the local repository
You can add anything you want (secret stuff, for example), to the ~/.localrc
You can just change the default ~/.gitconfig
file, since it includes the
dotfiles managed one.
You can edit the ~/.psqlrc.local
You can edit the ~/.ssh/config.local
If you don't like these terminator settings, run:
$ echo 'KEEP_TERMINATOR=1' >> ~/.localrc
$ rm -rf ~/.config/terminator
Then configure it as you wish.
If you don't like these st3 settings, run:
$ echo 'KEEP_SUBLIME=1' >> ~/.localrc
$ rm -rf "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3" "$HOME/.config/sublime-text-3"
Then configure it as you wish.
Most people I know don't use iTunes, so it is disabled by default. If you don't want that to happen, run:
$ echo 'KEEP_ITUNES=1' >> ~/.localrc
If your iTunes is already broken, you will also want to run:
$ sudo mv /Applications/{-disabled,}
$ launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
For more info, check issue #197.