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Alusus Changelog

Version 0.6.1 (2020-02-18)


  • Fixed a bug in the code generator resulting in destructors not being called on function arguments.
  • Fixed a bug in the code generator causing a crash when chaining assignment operators (like: x = y = 0).
  • Fixed a bug in function String.trim.

Additions and Changes

  • Added System.exit function to SRL.
  • Made the enlargement of Array buffer exponential rather than linear.

Breaking Changes:

  • Unified all definitions of plain strings to ptr[array[Char]] instead of ptr[Char].

Version 0.6.0 (2020-01-24)

What's New:

  • Added the type ref to simplify dealing with pointers.
  • Initial support for object-oriented programming:
    • Added support to member functions.
    • Enabled customizing type initialization & destruction.
    • Objects with custom initialization are automatically passed by reference.
    • Added the tilde command ~init to enable initializing dynamically allocated objects.
    • Added the tilde command ~terminate to enable destroying dynamically allocated objects.
    • Added the command handler to enable operator overloading.
  • Added support for template types.
  • Additions to the Standard Runtime Library:
    • String type to simplify working with dynamic strings.
    • Array type to simplify working with dynamic arrays.
  • Code in module scope or type scope is now being executed.
  • Support for building executables.
  • Made the grammar more tolerant to missing semicolons.
  • Enabled passing multiple arguments to modifiers.
  • User can now read values passed to modifiers.
  • Improvements to Alusus Package Manager (APM):
    • Enabled installing multiple packages with the same name at the same time if they belong to different authors.
    • Enabled installing multiple versions of the same package at the same time.
    • Added the commands link and unlink to simplify testing packages locally before pushing the changes upstream.
    • Improvements to notifications.
  • Big improvement to tokenizing and parsing performance.

Breaking Changes:

  • Moved regular expressions fucntions to a separate module (Regex).
  • Moved the function dumpLlvmIrForElement to Spp module.
  • Renamed the type Time to DetailedTime in Time module.


  • Fixed an issue when executing code at root scope.
  • Fixed an issue with Regex.match function.
  • Fixed few issues in APM.
  • Fixed a performance issue with templates.
  • Fixed an issue preventing macros from being used at root scope.
  • Fixed an issue with parsing synchronization after syntax errors are encountered.
  • Fixed an issue with parsing "[" and '['.

Internal Changes:

  • Removed state branching from the parser. This feature wasn't being used and was affecting performance.
  • Simplified the code of the parser and the lexer.
  • Renamed MacroProcessor to AstProcessor.

Version 0.5.0 (2019-05-20)

What's New:

  • Enable execution of code in the root scope outside of modules and functions.
  • Enabled use command in the root scope.
  • Enabled assigning values in variable definition statements.
  • Added a simple package manager.
  • Enabled shorter syntax for functions, modules, types, and macros. You can now define functions using the function keyword directly without the need for def. The same applies to modules, types, and macros.
  • Enabled mult-line comments.
  • Enabled \u, \U, \x, and \f escape sequences in strings.
  • Added a library for sendign network requests.
  • Added a library for extracing zip files.
  • Added regular expression functions.
  • Added Process.language global variable to carry the code of the currently selected system language.
  • Enabled the % operator on float numbers.
  • Added line numbers to interactive mode.
  • Raise a build error when return statements are missing.
  • Raise a build error for unreachable code.
  • Limit code generation to only the elements needed for the execution rather than building the entire source code.
  • Improved implicit casting of pointers to pointers.

Backwards Incompatible Changes:

  • Removed the run command which is no longer needed.
  • Replaced the dump_llvm_ir command with a function.


  • Fixed an issue with detecting current system language.
  • Fixed an issue with build script

Internal Changes:

  • Use version 7.0.1 of LLVM instead of the old version 3.3.
  • Migrated build scripts to Python instead of Bash.
  • Use regular inheritance instead of virtual inheritance in Alusus classes.
  • Added RootScopeHandler dynamic class to allow easier overriding the handling of elements added to the root scope.

That's in addition to many other smaller fixes and additions to the standard runtime liraries.

Version 0.4.1 (2019-03-13)

What's New:

  • Added support for passing process arguments to the running start function.
  • If the start function returns a non-zero value the result is used as an exit code for the Core.

Version 0.4.0 (2019-02-25)

What's New:

  • Added support for macros which allow the programmer to put a group of commands into a macro that can then be reused elsewhere. This feature is conceptuatlly similar to C macros, but its implementation is different. While macros in C are executed as a preprocessor working on characters, in Alusus macros are part of the parsing process, which leads to the following differences:
    • In Alusus macros are limited to the scope in which they are defined unlike C macros which can't be scoped. In other words, if you define a macro in Alusus within a certain scope (a module for example) then tried to use it outside of that scope the compiler will error out unless you mention the full path leading to that macro.
    • In Alusus you can define multiple macros with the same name if they are defined in different scopes. In C you can't do that.
    • In Alusus parsing errors inside macros are detected during the parsing of the macro itself, whereas in C parsing errors won't be detected until the macro is used somewhere.
    • In Alusus you can't define macros containing partial commands or partial rules like you can in C.
  • Added the command use which allows the programmer to tell the compiler to search for identifiers within a certain scope by default. For example, instead of having to mention Srl.Console.print multiple times, the user can type use Srl.Console and then elsewhere only type print.
  • Added support for constant definitions, which allow the user to give a name to a certain constant value. For example: def PI: 3.141592.
  • Empty brackets can now be dropped from function definitions if those functions take no args and return nothing.
  • Definining a pointer without specifying its content type now defaults it to a void pointer.
  • Allow the definition of global vars and functions inside the bodies of user types. This is similar to the use of static keyword in C++ class members.
  • Pointer to user types are now implicitly casted to pointers of the type of the first member within that user type. For example, if you have a user type whose first element is an Int, then a pointer to that user type will now implicitly be castable to an Int pointer.
  • Added an experimental GUI library based on GTK. This is still expecimental and it only includes a small subset of GTK, but the user can easily add any missing parts. The included elements are windows, header bars, message dialogs, buttons, toggle buttons, checkboxes, menus, entry fields as well as images. If the user needs anything outside of this it can be added by simply definining the needed functions. The user can refer to Alusus GTK library to know how it's done.


  • Fixed a bug in parsing expression lists.
  • Fixed a bug in function code generation.
  • Defining global variables of type array or user types is now possible.
  • Fixed an issue in detecting the system's display language.
  • Fixed a problem in parsing function args when those args have no names.
  • Few other internal fixes.

Version 0.3.0 (2018-09-26)

What's New:

  • Improved the support for basic data types. The list now includes:
    • 8, 16, 32, and 64 bit integers.
    • 8, 16, 32, and 64 bit words (unsigned ints).
    • 32 and 64 bit floats.
    • boolean.
  • Basic types are now templates that take the size as argument. e.g. Int[16], Float[64]. Default size is considered if no params are provided.
  • Added support for function pointers.
  • Enabled pointer comparisons and casting between pointers and integers.
  • Added support for else clause in if statements.
  • Added support for break command in loops.
  • Added support for continue command in loops.
  • Added support for modifiers.
  • Added proper support for namespacing.
  • Enable merging definitions through the @merge modifier. This will allow adding more definitions into existing modules or types.
  • Signature can be omitted now from function definitions if it has no args and return void.
  • Added a Standard Runtime Library which includes the following sub modules:
    • Console: Functions used in the terminal.
    • System: Misc system functions.
    • Memory: Memory allocation and other related functions.
    • String: Manipulating and accessing strings.
    • File: File access functions.
    • Math: Math functions.
  • Removed the link command and replaced it with a modifier on normal function definitions.
  • Declaring user types is now done with the type keyword instead of struct.
  • Referencing arrays is now done with parenthesis instead of square brackets.
  • Renamed SCG (Standard Code Generator) into SPP (Standard Programming Paradigm).
  • Added dump_ast command to dump the AST tree of a certain element.
  • Renamed the build command, which only dumped the LLVM IR code, to dump_llvm_ir.
  • The run command now takes a reference to the entry point function, which now can be named anything.
  • Supported internationalization in build notices.
  • Improvements to implicit casting.
  • Various small improvements in expressions.
  • Added a simple interactive mode, though this is mostly useful for Alusus compiler or code generator developers rather than end users.


  • Improved build error messages.
  • Fixed issues where build error location was not reported correctly.
  • Fixed an issue in generating functions with non-ascii names.
  • Improved automated test coverage and unified all tests around simpler E2E tests.
  • Many bug fixes.

Internal Changes:

  • Complete re-write of the standard library to streamline it and make it more maintainable.
  • Major refactoring in the Core to simplify the code base.
  • Split target specific code in the standard library (SPP) from the rest of the library, making it easier in the future to target platforms other than LLVM.
  • Added support for template interfaces.
  • Implemented dynamic interfaces.
  • Standard libraries can now be dynamically modified at run time.
  • Removed dependency on Boost and Catch.
  • Switched the build to C++17.
  • Few changes in naming conventions.
  • Disabled RTTI, which is no longer needed.

Version 0.2.1 (2015-11-28)

What's New:

  • Support for casting between different pointer types.
  • Support for casting from pointer to integer.
  • Added ~size operator for obtaining the size of a variable or an expression in memory.
  • Added char data type.
  • Refactored the Core's data framework to make it generic and streamlined. This change is needed by SCG to enable it to use the Core's data framework to store compiled code. This work is a preparation to start implementing namespaces and other object-oriented features.
  • Improved performance of the parser.


  • Fixed the naming convention of the SCG source code.
  • Various cleanup and minor bug fixes.

Version 0.2.0 (2015-04-27)

What's New:

  • Support for automatic type deduction during variable definition. For example this statement will automatically determine the type of i as integer: def i = 5;
  • Support for explicit and implicit casting.
  • Support for unary -, prefix ++, and prefix -- operators.
  • Support for calling functions defined later in the module.
  • Enabled linking to third party shared libraries.
  • Replaced some operators with more familiar operators. The assignment operator is now = instead of :=, and the comparison operator is now == instead of =. The negation operator is now using ! instead of ^.
  • The 'import' command now searches through multiple paths for the requested file rather than only the current directory.
  • Support for UTF8 in the lexer.
  • Added 'alias' definition type. This is useful for localization of the language.
  • Arabic localization. It's now possible to write your source code in Arabic.
  • Improvement to compilation error reporting:
    • Bracketed code blocks are properly skipped now when trying to find the end of the statement after an error.
    • Error location is properly reported now. Error messages include the source file, line, and column at which the error is found.
    • More errors are reported before the compiler quites.
  • Eliminated the need to modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to run the compiler.
  • Internal refactoring:
    • The SCG now uses the Core's exception classes.
    • Streamlined the classes in the Core::Data namespace to improve the design and eliminate unneeded complexity.
    • Streamlined the Core namespace by reducing the number of inner namespaces.
    • Switched the lexer to use the same data classes defined in Core::Data rather than its own separate classes.
    • Improved the design of the data references subsystem of the Core making it more generic and extensible.
    • Removed ParsedDataBrowser and replaced its references with calls to the improved data references subsystem.


  • Expressions with multiple binary operators now work properly.
  • Handling some memory leaks.
  • Various bug fixes.