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Comparison with webpacker (shakapacker)

If you're already using webpacker, you may be wondering how it compares to jsbundling-rails and whether you should migrate or migrate to shakapacker the official fork of webpacker. Note, the shakapacker fork still uses webpacker name within the project, allowing an easy trial. So the below discussion applies to v6+ of webpacker/shakapacker vs jsbundling-rails.

Here are some considerations between the two:

  • jsbundling-rails is a simple integration composed only of installed files and a couple of new rake tasks. webpacker/shakapacker, on the other hand, provides view helpers and a customizable webpack config that include support for the most important advanced features of webpack: code splitting and HMR. You don't need to use the webpacker webpack config. You could choose only to use the view helper portion of webpacker/shakapacker.
  • jsbundling-rails can be used with multiple bundlers (currently esbuild, rollup, and webpack are supported out of the box, but anything that can put a bundle into app/assets/builds could be configured to work with it). webpacker/shakapacker is built specifically to integrate with webpack. That allows webpacker to provide support for HMR and code splitting.
  • jsbundling-rails doesn't tie you to specific versions of the JavaScript packages you use for bundling, transpiling, etc. webpacker/shakapacker releases are also not tied to a specific major version of webpack, babel, etc. as these are handled because webpacker specifies these as peer dependencies.
  • jsbundling-rails uses the standard configuration format for your bundler of choice. webpacker/shakapacker has an optional configuration layer on top of webpack's configuration. You don't have to use it. The only requirement of webpacker is that your webpack configuration must produce a manifest.
  • jsbundling-rails works with the standard actionview asset helpers. webpacker/shakapacker provides view helpers with an almost identical API.
  • webpacker/shakapacker can be used as a complete replacement for sprockets, and in that setup you can stop loading the sprockets/railtie in your application. What you produce in the webpack ecosystem is what is sent to the browser. jsbundling-rails (as well as css-bundling-rails) works in conjunction with sprockets. Because of this, you need to be sure not to double fingerprint your assets in both webpack and sprockets. You might also have issues with source maps due to double fingerprinting of output files.
  • webpacker/shakapacker supports using the webpack-dev-server for hot reloading. HMR enables you to see your changes in the browser almost immediately as you make them, usually without the need to refresh the page or lose your application state. jsbundling-rails hands over static files to sprockets, so hot reloading is not supported. To load any JavaScript changes, you'll need to do a local-state-clearing full page refresh.
  • webpacker/shakapacker delegates asset processing entirely to the external nodejs tooling. jsbundling-rails still relies on sprockets to output the final public assets and create the associated manifest. webpacker's complete control over the resulting webpack output files allow it to integrate additional features like automatic code splitting. Webpack provides advanced optimization to split your statically imported shared dependencies. The webpacker/shakapacker view helpers will automatically specify each entry point's dependent chunks for you in the resulting HTML. With jsbundling-rails, you'll be able to manually split out lazy-loaded chunks by using dynamic import()s. However, the manual approach would be challenging to maintain on a large project. Why is this important? Code splitting allows the browser to download only the JavaScript and CSS needed for a page, improving performance and SEO.