Sleep sort works by starting a separate task for each item to be sorted, where each task sleeps for an interval corresponding to the item's sort key, then emits the item. Items are then collected sequentially in time.
Let’s assume we have a laptop that’s takes 1 seconds to work through each element.
INPUT: 10 8 6
- 1s 10
- 2s: 8
- 3s: 6
- 9s: print(6) (6 wake up so print it)
- 10s: print(8) (8 wake up so print it)
- 11s: print(10) (10 wake up so print it)
OUTPUT : 6 8 10
Creating multiple threads is done internally by the OS using a priority queue (used for scheduling purposes). Hence inserting all the array elements in the priority queue takes O(Nlog N) time.
Also the output is obtained only when all the threads are processed, i.e., when all the elements ‘wakes’ up. Since it takes O(arr[i]) time to wake the ith array element’s thread. So it will take a maximum of O(max_element(array)) for the largest element of the array to wake up.
Thus overall time complexitu is ,O(NlogN + max(input)) ("where, N = number of elements in the input array, and input = input array elements")
- This algorithm won’t work for negative numbers as a thread cannot sleep for a negative amount of time.
import threading
import time
_lk = threading.Lock()
class SleepSortThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def run(self):
global _lk
# Thread is made to sleep in proportion to value
time.sleep(self.val * 0.1)
# Acquire lock
print(self.val, end = " ")
# Release lock
def SleepSort(list):
ts = []
# Intialize a thread corresponding to each element in list
for i in list:
t = SleepSortThread(i)
# Start all Threads
for i in ts:
# Wait for all threads to terminate
for i in ts:
x = [2, 4, 3, 1, 6, 8, 4]
x = SleepSort(x)
# Output
# 1 2 3 4 4 6 8
procedure print(n)
sleep n second
for arg in args
run print(arg) in background
wait for all processes o finish